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: Lives Matter or Law Matter ?
送交者: abc94536[♂☆★★陈和春★★☆♂] 于 2020-08-28 6:39 已读 505 次 4 赞  


Black Lives Matter than Law 6park.com

So Black Lives Matter,Matter than Law Today ! 6park.com

而且,现在经过很多年的实践,美国人普遍知道和看到,Black Lives Matter than Law 6park.com

所以, 越来越多的美国白人也利用这一点道理。与他们一起为非作歹,违法乱纪。 只要利用黑命贵的旗号,就可以无法无天。 白人也一样可以无法无天,为非作歹,为所欲为。 这种违法乱纪的现象 愈演愈烈。而且正在被社会主义者,无政府主义者,共产主义者,穆斯林,印地安人,年轻学生,监狱罪犯利用,为释放自己的欲望,打砸抢偷烧,而狂欢!打砸抢偷烧杀人放火 而且这种现象愈演愈烈,有正在失去控制的迹象。 6park.com

这也是为什么 黑命贵正在成为一种全民的口号(虽然起源于黑人社区)。 6park.com


Since The Obama administration in 2014, this group doesn't give a shit about American law and justice! See a photo, a video, a scene, as long as the victim color is black, street political movement, beating, smashing, looting, burning, stealing, killing and arson began. beating l it, beating! Smash it! Smash ! Rob it, rob! Burn it, burn ! Steal it, steal! . Who CARES about laws in America? 6park.com

In Black culture,Law like a piece of shit! 6park.com

When everyone see Law like a piece of shit! 6park.com

The United States of America become  shit hole like Baltimore, Detroit, Chicago black area, South Africa, 6park.com

In,Baltimore, Detroit, Chicago black area, South Africa, Zimbabwe, Somalia,Haiti, 6park.com

there everyone see Law like a piece of shit!  6park.com

 My question is: Lives Matter or Law Matter ?

Lives Matter or Law Matter ?

Powers  Matter or Law Matter ?

My answer is:  Law most matter, under Law lives matter, powers matter too

If under Law your lives get glory, your powers get glory!

If over Law lives become shame (a piece of shit) powers become shame  (a piece of shit)!

understand!? Are you agree?

如果一切凌驾于法律之上,你的生命变成了耻辱(一坨屎,虽然你仍然活着,但是不贵),想命贵, 就遵纪守法!那么你的权力就变成了耻辱(一坨屎, 虽然你有权, 但大家不尊重你,鄙视你)!


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