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送交者: yejushi[★★★★强图奋发★★★★] 于 2021-02-05 10:54 已读 11479 次 8 赞  


一六暴动的最大祸首是川普多年的谎言和相信谎言的QAnon分子。这几天最热门的是这个叫Marjorie Taylor Greene的议员(名字和QAnon一样奇怪)。 6park.com



这些QAnon分子声言加州山火是犹太人银行家族用激光点燃的,但没有说出那个银行家是谁。 6park.com

QAnon说9/11是假的,却无法回答亲眼目睹者的反驳。 6park.com

QAnon说崇拜恶魔、性侵儿童、吃婴儿、喝人血的精英企图控制美国政治媒体,军方将军派川普竞选总统来收拾这些恶魔精英,川普的风暴行动会对这些精英斩草除根。第一次预言风暴发生在2017年11月3日,那天什么也没有发生。又一次预言是今年1月20日,那天拜登顺利进入白宫。 6park.com

一个QAnon今天的最新预测:        历史的时刻!2月5日,一切都会开始 (无内容) - CHECKpp58 (0 bytes) 02/05/21 6park.com

QAnon还说: 校园枪杀是一些人导演的。 6park.com

小肯尼迪是被希拉里杀死的。 6park.com

奥巴马不是美国人。 6park.com

..................... 6park.com

留园还有人认为选举人票可以多于538,共和党要多少,有多少,不够就成立额外的选举人团。          选举人投票川普316:306,说明一下免得白粉们瞎开心 - 凌飞电脑 (3484 bytes) 2020/12/15 6park.com

他们最新的阴谋论就是认为拜登偷了选票,尽管他们根本没有任何靠得住的证据。1月6日一些川粉在国会大喊选票被偷,可他们一些人根本就没有投票。 6park.com

爱国是流氓的护身符,在这些人也被充分体现出来了。参加暴动的川匪扛着美国国旗,高喊着爱国口号,却去冲击合法、民主选举产生的国会,声言要绞死副总统,计划绑架刺杀民选的议员。根据事后的报道,川匪们差一点就达到他们的目标。然后自然是川普变成独裁的国王,惩治所以他不喜欢的、或者不喜欢他的人。 6park.com

这些人最典型的特征是不相信明摆着事实,他们宁愿相信各种毫无根据的谣言、阴谋论,不明白主流媒体之所以是主流并不是自封的。这些人多是教育程度低下,以为相信阴谋论可以提高一点B格。买一个意大利香肠披萨,即使一片香喷喷的香肠摆在披萨上面,他们宁可相信香肠是土做的、是投影、或是任何其它东西,也不愿意相信香肠就是香肠。他们对阴谋论如此钟情,即便是理发店地上的头发,他们也宁可相信是阴毛。 6park.com

川普下台后,特别是一六暴动、拜登正式成为总统之后,不少QAon信徒发现被骗,终于迷途知返了。 6park.com


不过留园一些人似乎还在迷糊,至今还在相信川普过几天就会回到白宫。他们流连忘返在白宫之外,灯灭了,旗没飘,行人稀少,军警戒严都给他们带来无穷的幻想和欢乐。 6park.com

人生有限,请这些人多看看主流媒体、干点正事吧。相信白宫里的拜登不是假人,相信Covid是真的病毒,否则死了都不知道是怎么死的。 6park.com

顺便打听一下,军纵言而无信、被打脸最多的人是谁? 6park.com

参考: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/QAnon#False_predictions,_claims_and_beliefs 6park.com

Failed predictions


HRC extradition already in motion effective yesterday with several countries in case of cross border run. Passport approved to be flagged effective 10/30 @ 12:01am. Expect massive riots organized in defiance and others fleeing the US to occur. US M's will conduct the operation while NG activated. Proof check: Locate a NG member and ask if activated for duty 10/30 across most major cities. 6park.com

—QAnon's first post on the /pol/ message board of 4chan, on October 28, 2017[99] 6park.com

QAnon's first prediction was that Hillary Clinton was about to be arrested and would attempt to flee the country. This prediction failed. Other failed predictions include:[100] 6park.com

The "Storm" would take place on November 3, 2017. There were no notable events in US politics on that day.The "Storm" would take place on January 20, 2021, the day of Biden's inauguration. No coup took place and Biden was peacefully inaugurated.[101]A major event involving the Department of Defense would take place on February 1, 2018.People targeted by the president would commit suicide en masse on February 10, 2018. No prominent people committed suicide that day.There would be a car bombing in London around February 16, 2018. There was no bombing.The Trump military parade would "never be forgotten". The parade was canceled.The Five Eyes "won't be around much longer." It has not been terminated.Something major would happen in Chongqing on April 10, 2018. Nothing notable happened in Chongqing that day.There would be a "bombshell" revelation about North Korea in May 2018. There were no notable developments.A "smoking gun" video of Hillary Clinton would emerge in March 2018. No video appeared.Multiple failed predictions that John McCain would resign from the US Senate. McCain remained in the Senate until his death in August 2018.Multiple failed predictions that Mark Zuckerberg would leave Facebook and flee the United States. Zuckerberg remains CEO of Facebook as of January 2021.Multiple failed predictions that Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey would be forced to resign. Dorsey remains CEO of Twitter as of January 2021.Multiple failed predictions that Pope Francis would be arrested on felony charges. Francis has not been arrested.Multiple failed predictions that "something big" would happen or the truth would emerge "next week."Multiple failed predictions that Donald Trump would be re-inaugurated on January 20, 2021 despite losing the election. Joe Biden was inaugurated as planned on January 20.[102]

False claims

As well as the failed predictions, Q has posted numerous false, baseless, and unsubstantiated claims, such as: 6park.com

That the CIA installed North Korean leader Kim Jong-un as a puppet ruler.[103]A February 16, 2018, false claim that U.S. representative and former Democratic National Committee chairwoman Debbie Wasserman Schultz hired Salvadoran gang MS-13 to murder DNC staffer Seth Rich.[75][104]A March 1, 2018, apparent suggestion that German chancellor Angela Merkel is Adolf Hitler's granddaughter.[105]A July 7, 2018, Daily Beast article noted that Q falsely claimed that "each mass shooting is a false-flag attack organized by the cabal".[9]That Obama, Hillary Clinton, George Soros, and others are planning a coup against Trump and are involved in an international child sex-trafficking ring.[106][107]That the Mueller investigation is actually a counter-coup led by Trump, who pretended to conspire with Russia in order to hire Mueller to secretly investigate the Democrats.[11]That the Rothschild family leads a satanic cult.[10] Similar political allegations and rumors have circulated since the 1970s. Typically the allegations revolved around investigators using existing Satanic cults to lure and blackmail left-wing activists, or in the case of the Franklin child prostitution ring allegations, Satanic sexual abuse perpetrated by elite Republicans. A significant difference between the older narratives and the QAnon of today is that now elite Democrats are considered the villains instead of Republicans.[108]That the District of Columbia Organic Act of 1871 made the United States into a corporation (a theory developed by the Sovereign citizen movement).[109] On March 4, 2021, Donald Trump will be inaugurated as 19th President of the United States and the United States will cease to be a corporation and once again become the country started by the Founding Fathers.[110][111]


贴主:yejushi于2021_02_05 10:55:54编辑 6park.com

贴主:yejushi于2021_02_05 10:58:49编辑 6park.com

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贴主:yejushi于2021_02_05 11:23:31编辑

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