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送交者: jerrys94086[☆★声望品衔7★☆] 于 2021-07-30 13:41 已读 886 次  



The two sides reviewed the long-standing serious disputes between China and the United States. The Chinese reaffirmed its position: The Taiwan question is the crucial question obstructing the normalization of relations between China and the United States; the Government of the People's Republic of China is the sole legal government of China; Taiwan is a province of China which has long been returned to the motherland; the liberation of Taiwan is China's internal affair in which no other country has the right to interfere; and all U.S. forces and military installations must be withdrawn from Taiwan. The Chinese Government firmly opposes any activities which aim at the creation of "one China, one Taiwan," "one China, two governments," "two Chinas," and "independent Taiwan" or advocate that "the status of Taiwan remains to be determined." 6park.com


  The U.S. side declared: The United States acknowledges that all Chinese on either side of the Taiwan Strait maintain there is but one China and that Taiwan is a part of China. The United States Government does not challenge that position. It reaffirms its interest in a peaceful settlement of the Taiwan question by the Chinese them-selves. With this prospect in mind, it affirms the ultimate objective of the withdrawal of all U.S. forces and military installations from Taiwan. In the meantime, it will progressively reduce its forces and military installations on Taiwan as the tension in the area diminishes. 6park.com


双方回顾了中美之间长期存在的严重争端。 中方重申立场:台湾问题是阻碍中美关系正常化的关键问题; 中华人民共和国政府是中国的唯一合法政府; 台湾是中国的一个省份,早已回归祖国; 解放台湾是中国的内政,其他国家无权干涉; 所有美国军队和军事设施必须从台湾撤出。 中国政府坚决反对任何旨在制造“一中一台”、“一中两政府”、“两个中国”、“台湾独立”或主张“台湾地位未定”的活动。 6park.com


美国承认,台湾海峡两岸的所有中国人都坚持只有一个中国,台湾是中国的一部分。 美国政府不挑战这一立场。 它重申对中国人自己和平解决台湾问题的关切。 考虑到这一前景,美国肯定了从台湾撤出所有美国军队和军事设施的最终目标。 与此同时,随着该地区紧张局势的缓和,它将逐步减少在台湾的部队和军事设施。 6park.com

------------------------- 6park.com

以下是个人看法, 6park.com

1. 美国承认两岸中国人都坚持一个中国,但并没有说台湾人坚持的中国与大陆人坚持的中国是否是同一个中国。 6park.com

2. 台湾是中国的一部分,并未说明是哪个中国的一部分。
3. 关键的一点,美国并未承认"中华人民共和国政府是中国的唯一合法政府"。想来这也是美国为什么后来会推出台湾关系法
4. 中国在声明中说"中国政府坚决反对'一中两政府'(One China Two Goverment)"这里'一中两政府'是否可以理解为'一国两制'?而且大陆一直讲,如果台湾回归,可以保留自己的政府,军队等等更多的自主权。这好象和建交公报冲突。
5. 美国从台湾撤出军队和军事设施是以大陆和台湾问题和平解决为前提的。

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