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送交者: lookingout[♂☆★★孤独的守望者★★☆♂] 于 2022-05-27 10:35 已读 5281 次 3 赞  


26日王毅同法国新任外长科隆纳女士通了一番电话。 6park.com

双方都发布了通话的内容,  6park.com

1. 中方的官方内容在 http://cn.chinadiplomacy.org.cn/2022-05/26/content_78238212.shtml 6park.com

2. 法方的readouts,在这里:https://www.diplomatie.gouv.fr/en/country-files/china/news/article/china-conversation-between-the-minister-for-europe-and-foreign-affairs-and-her 6park.com

从中方发布的消息看,中方的着力点是支持支持法方发挥欧盟轮值主席国作用,推动欧洲增强战略自主。这一点同中国在东南亚事务中支持东盟出头是一致的,也是明智的。王毅对中法关系总体有期待。 6park.com

法方的回应是热烈的:法方说双方誓言在各方面都坚定地进行高质量的合作关系。 6park.com

Building on the French President’s recent discussions with President Xi, the two ministers emphasized the importance of the bilateral relationship. The Minister stressed her determination to implement the Franco-Chinese partnership by means of a high-quality, close and demanding dialogue on all issues. 6park.com

中方对乌克兰问题都模糊处理: 6park.com

王毅说,两国元首多次通话,就尽快停火止战、积极促进和谈、减少外溢效应、警惕阵营对抗等达成重要共识,为双方加强协调合作指明了重要方向。俄乌局势已走到新的十字路口。一方面,冲突朝着长期化、复杂化方向演进。另一方面,和平的呼声在增强,劝和促谈的努力在积聚。当务之急是各方要形成合力,多做有利于劝和促谈而不是火上浇油的事情。中方乐见法方积极斡旋,中方也将继续通过自己的方式发挥建设性作用。科隆纳阐述了法方原则立场,表示法国致力于实现持久和平,赞同当前形势下各方应发挥建设性作用。 6park.com

法方说:“The two ministers agreed it was urgent for Russia to return to compliance with international law and to a negotiated solution to the conflict. They reaffirmed their commitment to respect for Ukraine’s sovereignty and territorial integrity. They expressed their support for the international community’s efforts in terms of humanitarian aid to Ukraine and of addressing the consequences of the Russian aggression at every level.” 法方说双方同意俄罗斯要遵守国际法,要谈判,注意没说要撤军。 6park.com

最近看网上有一条有趣的消息, 发布时间是2月18号: 6park.com

https://www.business-standard.com/article/international/in-a-first-france-joins-china-to-build-1-7-billion-global-infra-projects-122021801228_1.html 6park.com

In a first, France joins China to build $1.7 billion global infra projects 6park.com

France has become the first country to join China to jointly build seven infrastructure projects worth over USD 1.7 billion in Africa, South East Asia and Eastern Europe, in a boost for Beijing in the face of its growing hostility with the US. 6park.com

Following up on the recent virtual meeting between French President Emmanuel Macron and his Chinese counterpart Xi Jinping, the two countries signed the Fourth Round China-France Third-Party Market Cooperation Pilot Project List.  6park.com

The list includes seven projects in areas like infrastructure, environmental protection and new energy with a total value of over USD 1.7 billion, Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesman Wang Wenbin told a media briefing here on Friday. 6park.com

The implementation of key projects in Africa, Southeast Asia, Central and Eastern Europe are demonstrative of the cooperation between Beijing and Paris, China's top planning body National Development and Reform Commission (NDRC) said in a press release. 6park.com

主要意思是在中国搞基建时拉着法国一起发财。 有一段时间,中国人太狼性,说什么“走自己的路,让别人无路可走”,国内的智库批评说“有饭大家吃”,还特意提到了法国。由于历史的关系,法国在非洲的影响力是第一位的,第二位才是中国,所以,拉着法国一起发财,是对双方都有利的。

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