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送交者: 叔涵心语[♂★★声望品衔10★★♂] 于 2022-10-20 10:44 已读 4301 次 10 赞  


陈叔涵 2022年10月20日 6park.com

中共二十大如期开幕,习近平如愿以偿。他成功复辟帝制,办成了袁世凯没办圆满的事,足见其权斗功夫已达炉火纯青之境。诚然,从十年前初登大位到如今实现终身执掌大权,权谋在习近平的从政生涯中始终扮演着举足轻重的角色。纵观习近平执政的十年,他的头脑中只有一件事:为权抓狂!他把所有的心思都花在攫取权力上,他所做的一切都是以谋取权力为宗旨,只要对维护和巩固他的权力有利,一切后果都可以忽略不计,即便老百姓跳楼、投河、上吊,习近平也丝毫不当一回事,因为这些都无关他的权力。习近平能实现他的中国梦,也就是终身掌权的帝王梦,阴谋诡计功不可没。当然,庆丰帝能成功复辟帝制,除了他善于权谋之外,他的两大法宝也格外给力,不然,他何以这么轻易地吃定中国? 6park.com

第一法宝,脸厚。习近平深知,要成大事必须无耻,只有无耻方可无敌。要脸永远做不了皇帝,华国锋、胡耀邦、赵紫阳等中共领导人就是因为要脸最后落得惨淡收场。习近平今天美梦成真,得益于他脸比城墙还厚。习近平把中国折腾得一踏糊涂还嫌不够,他还要构建人类命运共同体,为人类的发展指引方向;习近平高喊对腐败零容忍,但他的家族和属下官员带头腐败,他却不闻不问,听之任之;习近平高呼反对特权、特殊化,他自己就带头搞特权、特殊化。他修改宪法就只为自己终身掌权铺路,试问,这不是特权、特殊化又是什么?以上总总事实都足以证明,习近平乃中国脸皮最厚之人,否则,他也混不到九五之尊! 6park.com

第二法宝,心黑。习近平之心比煤炭还黑,他上台十年借反腐之名残酷整肃他的政敌以及那些不服从他领导的官员。全国党政军各级官员总共也就七百多万,而被查处的就达五百万。这些官员几乎都被抄家,所得的资产都是天文数字,具体多少,老百姓一无所知。可以肯定的是,这些资产一分也没有进国库,都被习近平的亲信和党羽侵吞、瓜分;没完没了的核酸检测以及摧枯拉朽的动态清零搞得几亿底层人民生活朝不保夕,乃至有民众不堪其扰而跳楼自尽,而习近平对此却置若罔闻,依然坚持动态清零不动摇;全国人民受新冠疫情噬虐二年多,工作机会锐减,千家万户入不敷出。正当亿万人民生活无着、饱受煎熬之时,习近平不但不予分毫救助,反而对外大撒币,一下子免除非洲国家好几百亿美元债务,诸如此类的荒唐之举比比皆是。由此可见,习近平宁愿让自己的人民饿肚子,即便看着他们饿死、跳楼,也不会有任何怜悯之行,其心肠之黑,十四亿人的大国,无人能出其右! 6park.com

习近平之所以能吃定中国,除了他脸厚、心黑以及深谙权谋之道这三个充分因素之外,还有二个必要因素,也是关键性的因素,甚至可以说是决定性的因素:中国人好管,饿死也不造反;中国的各级官员,从村镇到中央,个个都是巨贪,均被习近平捏住了睾丸而不敢动弹。就好比劫匪抢银行,遇到银行职员和保安殊死搏斗,那么,劫匪即便有枪,成功的几率一定是无限接近零;同样的,一个暴徒想强奸一个良家女子,若该女子以死相拼,即便暴徒手上有刀,恐怕也难以得逞。现在的情形是,习近平抢劫中国,草民们不但不起来搏斗反而欢呼雀跃,因为中国本就不属于他们的;习近平要强奸中国,官民们不但不反抗,反而高度配合,因为他们深知不配合的后果。这也就难怪习近平能如此笃定吃定中国! 6park.com

当今时代的中国人绝大多数都没了血性,失了脊梁,这是中共建政之后对中国人残忍杀戮造成的,中共杀起中国人来比十九世纪西方列强入侵中国时要凶悍千百倍。20世纪日本侵华时在南京的大屠杀,导致三十多万人丧生,举世震惊,而中共随便来一场政治运动,如土改,就有二三百万人头落地,其杀人规模是南京大屠杀的十倍,就更不用说中共杀人规模超过南京大屠杀几十倍甚至上百倍的其它政治运动了!杀戮和洗脑双管齐下,几十年下来,中国民众的血性早就被中共消磨殆尽,脊梁也随之被折断,结果就是,中国人对政治淡漠,好死不如赖活的观念已经深植中国人的内心,这,就正中习近平之下怀。十四亿人中只有彭载舟一人血性未泯、脊梁未折,然而,单个人的力量实在太微弱,习近平毫不在意。这样,习近平就很轻松地吃定了十多亿普通民众。至于官员们,个个都是精于算计的市侩,他们才不会冒巨大的风险去反习近平。他们是很懂得权衡利弊得失的势利小人,很简单,他们反习近平,其成功的几率比公猪下崽还要低,而一旦失败,不光他本人会丢官被杀头、家产被没收,更重要的是,他的家族和亲戚均不会有好下场;他们支持习近平则可继续高官厚禄,吃香喝辣。由于官员们没有一个是干净的,都有把柄捏在习近平手里,不要说反习近平,就是唯习近平马首是瞻都有被投进大牢的可能,如前司法部长傅政华。官员们为了自身以及家族的切身利益,对习近平表忠心都来不及呢,哪还有胆去反习近平啊?这样,习近平不费吹灰之力就吃定了中国的官员! 6park.com

十四亿人口的中国,大致就是由官和民组成。习近平对官员和民众的软肋了然于心,只是稍加利用,就轻而易举地吃定了他们,这中共国的皇帝自然就非习近平莫属! 6park.com

Why Xi Jinping can get China?


 Chen Shuhan October 20, 2022


The 20th National Congress of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) closed on schedule, Xi Jinping got what he wanted, and the oligarchy that has existed since the founding of the CCP was eventually formed. The fact that he has succeeded in restoring the imperial system and accomplishing what Yuan Shikai failed to achieve shows that his skills in power struggle reached a high level of perfection. Power indeed plays a pivotal role in Xi Jinping's political career, from his first appearance on the throne a decade ago to his lifelong reign of power today. Throughout Xi's ten years in power, there is only one thing on his mind: grasping for power! He spends all his thoughts on grabbing power, and everything he does is aimed at seeking power. As long as it is beneficial to the maintenance and consolidation of his power, all the consequences can be ignored, and even if people jump off buildings, throw themselves into rivers, hang themselves, or lie down on railroad tracks, Xi Jinping doesn't take it seriously in the least, because none of this has anything to do with his power. Xi Jinping can turn his Chinese dream into reality, that is, to be an emperor in power for life, in which conspiracy and trickery have contributed a great deal to this goal. Of course, in addition to Xi Jinping’s skills in power plotting, his two major magic weapons are also attributed to the success of Emperor Qingfeng in restoring the imperial system, or else how could he have so easily pinpointed China?


The first magic weapon is a thick face. Xi Jinping knows that to achieve great things, you must be shameless, and only shameless can be invincible. The CCP leaders such as Hua Guofeng, Hu Yaobang, and Zhao Ziyang ended up in a miserable situation, just because of their saving face. Xi Jinping's dream has come true today just because his face is thicker than a city wall. Xi Jinping doesn’t feel enough to make a mess of China only, he wants to build a community of human destiny to guide the development of mankind; Xi Jinping shouts zero tolerance for corruption, while his family and subordinate officials take the lead in corruption, but he does not care about it and lets it happen; Xi Jinping shouts against privileges and specialization, but he takes the lead in engaging in privileges and specialization himself. He has amended the constitution to pave the way for his own lifelong power. If Xi Jinping's term of office is not limited, why should he limit the terms of others? What is this if not privilege and specialization? All the above facts are enough to prove that Xi Jinping is the most thick-skinned person in China; otherwise, he would not be able to become emperor of the CCP regime!


The second magic weapon is a black heart. Xi Jinping's heart is darker than coal. At the closing ceremony of the 20th CCP Assembly that just concluded, Xi Jinping asked his man to forcibly remove Hu Jintao from his seat, however, Hu Jintao is Xi’s benefactor who supported Xi in ascending the throne ten years ago, still, Hu Jintao is quite a senior in age, even for this old man, Xi Jinping can be as cruel as a snake. Imagine, he humiliated his own benefactor to the maximum, and we can see his heart is so black that no human being is comparable with him. Coming to power ten years ago, Xi Jinping started to purge his political opponents and the incompliant officials brutally at a large scale in the name of anti-corruption, about five million officials were investigated, and the officials at all levels of the country totaled seven million or so in the party, government, and military forces. Almost all homes of these officials were ransacked, and the assets seized were astronomical, but the people knew nothing about how much. What is certain is that not a single cent of these assets went into the state treasury, but were misappropriated by Xi's cronies and henchmen; the endless testing of nucleic acids and the devastating dynamic zeroing have made the lives of hundreds of millions of people at the bottom of the ladder so precarious as to the extent that some people have jumped to their deaths, because they were overwhelmed by the situation, but Xi has turned a deaf ear to it and continued to insist on the dynamic zeroing; the whole country has been suffering from the Covid-19 epidemic for more than two years, with job opportunities plummeting and thousands of families unable to make ends meet. At a time when hundreds of millions of people are suffering from a lack of livelihood, Xi Jinping has not only refused to provide the slightest relief, but has instead spread a large amount of money to the outside world, wiping out tens of billions of dollars of debt to African countries in one go, and other such ridiculous acts abound. This shows that Xi Jinping would rather let his own people starve, even if he sees them starve to death or jump off a building, he will not show any compassion, and his heart is so black that no one in a big country of 1.4 billion people can beat him!


The reason why Xi Jinping can eat China up, in addition to his thick face, black heart, and deep understanding of the way of power and strategy, are three sufficient factors only, and there are another two necessary factors, which are also key factors or even can be said to be the decisive factors. First, the Chinese people are easy to control and will not rebel even if they starve to death; second, Chinese officials at all levels, from villages and townships to the central government, are all corrupt;, their testicles have been pinched by Xi Jinping and do not dare to stand up. It is easier for a person to commit evil without resistance, and that is why Xi Jinping can dominate China. This is why Xi Jinping is so dominant in China. It's like a robber who robs a bank and is encountered by bank employees and security guards who fight to the death, so even if the robber has a gun, his chances of success are infinitely close to zero; similarly, a thug who tries to rape a woman from a good family will have no chance of succeeding if the woman fights to death, even the thug has a knife in his hand. The current situation is that Xi Jinping is robbing China, and the grassroots not only don't get up to fight, but instead cheer for him because China doesn't belong to them; Xi Jinping wants to rape China, and the officials not only don't fight back but instead are highly cooperative because they are well aware of the consequences of being uncooperative. With such obedient people and such servile and corrupt officials, it is no wonder that Xi Jinping is so determined to dominate China!


The vast majority of Chinese people in this day and age is bloodless and has lost their spine. This is the result of the brutal killing of Chinese people by the CCP since its founding, which has killed more Chinese people than any other foreign enemy, and the CCP is a thousand times more vicious than the Western powers did when they invaded China in the 19th century. The scale of killing committed by the CCP is ten times that of the Nanjing Massacre, not to mention other political movements in which the scale of killing by the CCP exceeds that of the Nanjing Massacre by tens or even hundreds of times! After more than seventy years of killing and brainwashing, the Chinese people's bloodlust has been worn out by the CCP, and their spine has been broken. As a result, the Chinese people are apathetic to politics, and the concept has long been deeply rooted in the hearts of Chinese people: one had better live like a timid dog than die like a brave lion, which is exactly what Xi Jinping has in mind. Of the 1.4 billion people, only a few, like Peng Zaizhou, their blood is not lost and their spines are not broken, but the power of a single person is too weak for Xi to care. In this way, Xi Jinping easily eats up more than one billion ordinary people. As for the officials, they are all calculating mercenaries who will not take huge risks to resist Xi Jinping. They are snobs who know how to weigh the pros and cons. Simply put, if they oppose Xi Jinping, their chances of success are even lower than that of a boar giving birth to a cub, and if they fail, not only will they be killed, and their family assets confiscated, but worse, their families and relatives will not have a good ending; if they support Xi Jinping, they will continue to be highly paid and well-fed, and will continue to be well-liked and well-featured. Since none of the officials are clean and all of them are in the hands of Xi Jinping, these officials, for the sake of their own interests as well as those of their families, will flatter Xi Jinping in no time, don’t mention resisting Xi Jinping! In this way, Xi Jinping can dominate China's officials without much effort!


China, with a population of 1.4 billion, is roughly composed of officials and ordinary people. The officials are unwilling to let go of their vested interests, and the ordinary people just want to live on, this is the actual mindset of Chinese officials and people. Xi Jinping knows the weaknesses of the officials and the people very well, and by just utilizing them a little bit, he can easily get hold of them, thus the emperor of the CCP regime belongs to no man but Xi Jinping. It is not at all unusual for Xi to fulfill his dream of becoming a lifelong emperor in just 10 years!


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