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送交者: 叔涵心语[♂★★声望品衔10★★♂] 于 2022-09-06 12:17 已读 10477 次 43 赞  


陈叔涵 2022年9月6日 6park.com

近日,新华社社长傅华抛出三个一分钟:一分钟都不站在党的队伍之外,一分钟都不偏离习近平总书记指引的方向,一分钟都离不开习近平总书记和党中央的视野。不妨翻译一下,党的队伍就是习近平的队伍,党中央的视野就是习近平的视野。这样,三个一分钟的核心就是:做习近平的狗,忠实的狗。因为任何人,包括傅华自己,都满足不了三个一分钟的要求,只有狗才能满足。每分钟都会跟在习近平的屁股后面:习近平如厕,他蹲在马桶旁边待命;每分钟都不偏离习近平指引的方向:习近平叫他往南跑他就往南跑,叫他朝谁犬吠就朝谁犬吠,叫他咬谁就咬谁;每分钟都不离开习近平的视野:习近平用膳,他张大口在餐桌下接骨头。习近平就寝,他站在龙床边小心侍候……狗不光能满足三个一分钟,连三个一秒钟也能做到! 6park.com

中共国官员拍皇帝的马屁是政治生活的常态,毛时代马屁拍得最夸张者当数林彪。林彪说,毛泽东的指示是最高指示,其实并不过分。因为毛泽东是当时中共国的皇帝,权力最大的人发出的指示不是最高的都不成;毛主席的话一句顶一万句,也算得上是一句大实话,权力最大的人说的话当然最管用啊;伟大的导师、伟大的领袖、伟大的统帅、伟大的舵手,虽然夸张了一些,但在那个时代,并无不妥,算得上是正常人说出的话。试问,伟大一词不先用在皇帝头上还能用在谁头上?但是,到了习近平时代,谄媚皇上的话不光肉麻,而且越来越没有人味,诸如,忠诚不绝对就是绝对不忠诚,这是只有狗才能做到的;没有习近平总书记,中国就完了。这句话用在狗身上最恰当,主人完了,狗自然就成了丧家之犬;新华社社长的三个一分钟,则淋漓尽致地阐明,在中共国皇帝与大臣之间只能是一种关系:主人与狗。只不过,这狗是会说话的! 6park.com

习近平时代的官员为自保而不惜做狗就充分证明了习近平的淫威已经远超毛泽东,因为在毛泽东时代,官员们拍毛的马屁、献媚毛泽东的时候,说出的话只是夸张而已,基本上算得上是人话。然而,习近平登基十年后,中共国的官员人格尽失,个个人面兽心,足显习近平之淫威对于官员的震慑力有多强。只要习近平还在台上,不光是民不聊生,官也不得安宁,至少不能够正大光明地做人,只能卑恭屈膝地当狗!这,就是中国人,不管是官员还是老百姓,必须拿下习近平的充分理由! 6park.com

生命不息,习近平折腾不止。习近平上台十年的事实表明,习近平除了为他自己抓权、固权、极权、终身独裁外,没有干一件有利于国家和人民的事,简而言之,就是瞎折腾。瞎折腾的结果就是,经济倒退,民生凋敝。几百万官员被以腐败之名拿下,抄家获得的金银钞票堆积如山,而老百姓的福利却不见改善。公务员的各项待遇比普通百姓高出百倍,社会矛盾日益激化……习近平一天不下台,就一天不会停止瞎折腾,直至把全国百姓搞得不死不活,任其宰割,任其摆布,任其愚弄。 6park.com

习近平不下台,中国人只能做牲口。中国三千年专制政体证明,只要专制制度存在,老百姓只能做牲口,官员只能做奴狗。牲口与狗虽同为动物,而地位却有天壤之别。牲口勤劳,日夜为主人干活,为主人创造财富,但是,却没少挨鞭子,为何?牲口虽然能干活养活主人,但却永远只得干活没有机会讨主人欢心,有谁见过一头驴子拉完磨后还摇头摆尾取悦主人的?狗却很不相同,狗不用干活,不用像牲口那样辛苦,但狗是有狗粮的。狗只需讨主人欢心就足够,不光有狗粮还能吃香的喝辣的。肯定有不少人不赞成把专制制度之下的老百姓说成是牲口,理由是牲口哪会说话写字呢?那我就修正一下我的说法吧:专制制度之下的老百姓是会说话写字的牲口;专制制度之下的官员是特别会说话、特别会写字的奴狗。习近平是中国三千年来最专制的独裁分子,他比历史上的任何皇帝对百姓下手都狠! 6park.com

习近平在位,官员将人人自危。习近平在位十年的事实表明:习近平治国无方,弄权有术。他所做的一切皆以巩固、强化他的权力为核心,老百姓的福祉他只放在口上,从不落到实处。他宁可对外大撒币,也不会丝毫考虑改善本国老百姓的福利。习近平不光喜欢玩弄权术也擅长权谋,事实是,几百万官员都被习近平玩于鼓掌之中。被习近平拿下的官员极少被送到最高法院受审的,一般都在地方中级法院就结案了。不是这些官员不想上诉,而是因为他们深知上诉纯属徒劳。因为习近平就是法律,最高法院也听命于习近平。因此,在中共国,习近平想抓谁就抓谁,想放谁就放谁,说杀谁就杀谁,说谁有罪谁就有罪!最可怕的是,习近平有整人之癖,他以弄权整人为乐事。换言之,习近平为整人而整人。他不光整他的政敌,整那些不听他使唤的官员,他同时也整自己整营的人,整那些帮他打垮政敌的有功之人,整那些公开对他表忠心的高官……这样,官员们不知道习近平下一个要整的是谁,人人自危,每个官员都如临深渊,如履薄冰,唯一的应对策略就是谨言慎行,唯习近平马首是瞻。这样,所有的官员都不再有自己的想法,因为他们不能独立思考,否则会把自己陷入万劫不复之境。这正是习近平要达到的效果:官员们个个像狗一样围着习近平转并挖空心思取悦习近平。习近平说往东就往东,说往西就往西,让自己成为名符其实的独夫! 6park.com

专制体制是几千年来中国问题的总根源,只不过到了中共时代这个问题特别突出罢了,因为中共把专制制度开发到了极致。我说拿下习近平中国才安宁,那是因为习近平是专制极权的化身,中国人真正要拿下的不光是习近平这个独夫而是要毁灭极端反人类反人性的专制制度。唯有毁灭了专制制度而走向民主宪政,中国人才有资格说自己是人而不是会说话的牲口或奴狗! 6park.com

Only by taking down Xi Jinping will China be at peace!


Chen Shuhan September 6, 2022


Recently, Xinhua News Agency President Fu Hua threw out his three one-minutes: not a minute to stand outside the Party ranks, not a minute to deviate from the direction guided by General Secretary Xi Jinping, and not a minute to leave the vision of General Secretary Xi Jinping and the Party Central Committee. Let’s paraphrase it here, the Party's team is Xi Jinping's team, and the vision of the Party Central Committee is Xi Jinping's vision. In this way, the core of the three one-minutes is: to be Xi Jinping's dog, the faithful dog. Because no one, including Fu Hua himself, can fulfill the three-minute requirements; only a dog can.  When Xi Jinping went to the toilet, he squatted next to the toilet and stood by; every minute he didn't deviate from the direction Xi Jinping was guiding him: he ran south when Xi Jinping told him to, barked at whoever he was told to bark at, and bit whoever he was told to bite; and every minute he didn't leave Xi Jinping's vision: when Xi Jinping had his meal, and he opened his mouth wide to catch a bone under the dining table. When Xi Jinping went to bed, he stood by the dragon bed and carefully waited on him...... The dog can not only fulfill the requirements for three one-minutes but even the one for three one-seconds!


It is the norm in political life for the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) state officials to flatter the emperor and the most exaggerated person who flattered the emperor in the Mao era is Lin Biao. Lin Biao's claim that Mao's instructions were the highest was actually not excessive. Because Mao Zedong was the emperor of the CCP state at that time, the instructions issued by the most powerful person must be the highest; one sentence from Chairman Mao was workable more than 10,000 sentences from others, which was a big truth indeed, the words from the most powerful person of course, were the most useful ah; the great mentor, the great leader, the great commander-in-chief, the great helmsman, although exaggerated a little bit, but in those days, there was no problem, these words can be counted as normal from a human being. Who else is worthy of being used the word great to describe if not for the emperor first? However, in Xi Jinping's era, the words adopted to fawn over the emperor become not only nauseating but also increasingly lack a human touch, such as, in case his loyalty is not absolute, he is absolutely disloyal, which only a dog can do; without General Secretary Xi Jinping, China will be finished. This sentence is most appropriate in the dog, the master is finished, the dog will naturally become a bereaved dog; the three one-minutes brought up by the Xinhua News Agency president is dripping with elucidation, between the emperor and the ministers in the CCP state there can just be one relationship: master and dog. Only, the dog can talk!


The fact that officials in Xi Jinping's era are willing to be dogs to protect themselves is ample proof that Xi Jinping's despotic power has far surpassed that of Mao Zedong, because, in Mao's era when officials kissed Mao's ass and pandered to Mao, the words they uttered were merely exaggerations and basically counted as words of a human being. However, ten years after Xi Jinping's ascension to the throne, the officials of the CCP state have all lost their personalities, and all of them are beasts in mind and human beings in appearance, which shows how strong Xi Jinping's power of influence is in deterring the officials. As long as Xi Jinping is still on the stage, not only the common people will not be able to live in peace, but also the officials will not be able to live in peace, or at least they will not be able to act as human beings, but only to be dogs on their knees! This is a good reason why the Chinese people, both officials and ordinary people, must take down Xi Jinping!


Life goes on, Xi Jinping keeps messing around. The fact that Xi Jinping has been in power for ten years shows Xi Jinping has not done a single thing for the benefit of the country and the people, except for grasping power for himself, consolidating his power, realizing totalitarianism, and struggling for lifelong dictatorship; in short, he has been tossing and turning blindly. In short, he is just tossing and turning. As a result, the economy has regressed and people's livelihoods have withered. Millions of officials have been taken down in the name of corruption, and the gold, silver, and banknotes obtained from raids on their homes have piled up, while the welfare of the people has not seen any improvement. The various benefits of civil servants are a hundred times higher than those of ordinary people, and social conflicts are increasingly intensified. ...... As long as Xi Jinping doesn't step down, he won't stop blindly tossing and turning until the people of the whole country are driven into a state of half alive and half dead, and are left to be slaughtered, manipulated, and made fools of.


If Xi Jinping does not step down, the Chinese people can only be livestock. China's 3,000 years of authoritarianism have proved that as long as the authoritarian system exists, the people can only be animals and the officials can only be slaves and dogs. Although livestock and dogs are both animals, their status is vastly different. Livestock works hard day and night for the master, and create wealth for the master, but always are beaten by the whip, why? Although livestock can work to feed their masters, they always have to work without the opportunity to please their masters, who has ever seen a donkey please the master with a wagging tail after finishing pulling the mill? Dogs are very different. Dogs don't have to work, they don't have to work as hard as livestock, but they do have food to eat. It is enough for a dog just to please its master, and not only does it have food, but it can also enjoy good food and good drink. There must be quite several people who disapprove of describing the common people under an authoritarian system as livestock, on the ground that how can livestock speak and write? Then let me amend my statement: the people under the authoritarian system are livestock that can talk and write; the officials under the authoritarian system are slaves and dogs that are especially good at talking and writing. Xi Jinping is the top authoritarian dictator in China in 3,000 years, and he strikes the people harder than any emperor in history!


With Xi Jinping in power, every official will feel himself in danger. The facts of Xi Jinping's ten-year reign show that Xi Jinping is incapable of governing the country, but has a knack for manipulating power. Everything he does is centered on consolidating and strengthening his power, and he only pays lip service to the well-being of the people, never putting it into practice. He would rather throw money around the world than think about improving the welfare of his people. Xi Jinping is not only fond of power play but also good at power plotting. The fact is that millions of officials are being played by Xi Jinping. Very few of the officials taken down by Xi Jinping are sent to the Supreme Court for trial, and the cases are usually settled at the local intermediate courts. It's not that these officials don't want to appeal, but because they know that appealing is futile. Because Xi Jinping is the law, and the Supreme Court takes orders from Xi Jinping. Therefore, in the Chinese communist state, Xi Jinping can arrest whoever he wants to, release whoever he likes to, kill whoever he desires to, and convict whoever he thinks is guilty! The most terrible thing is that Xi Jinping has a fetish for bullying people, and he enjoys wielding power and bullying people. In other words, Xi Jinping is a man who bullies people for the sake of bullying people. He doesn't just screw his political opponents and officials who don't listen to him, he also screws the people in his own camp, the people who deserve credit for helping him take down his political opponents, and the high-ranking officials who have openly expressed their loyalty to him. ...... In this way, the officials don't know who Xi Jinping is going to screw next, and they are all at risk, and they are all in danger, and the only strategy is to be careful with what they say and do. The only strategy to cope with this situation is to be careful with what they say and act according to Xi Jinping's wishes. In this way, all officials will no longer have their own ideas, because they cannot think independently, or they will put themselves in a situation where they will never be able to recover. This is exactly what Xi Jinping is trying to achieve: the officials will all run around him like dogs and dig in their heels to please him. Xi tells them to go eastwards and they listen to him, when Xi wants them to go westwards, they go westwards accordingly, thus making himself a veritable dictator!


The authoritarian system has been the root cause of China's problems for thousands of years, but it is only in the era of the CCP that this problem has become particularly acute because the CCP has exploited the authoritarian system to its fullest extent. When I say that China will be peaceful only if Xi Jinping is taken down, it is because Xi Jinping is the embodiment of authoritarianism and totalitarianism, and what the Chinese people really want to take down is not just Xi Jinping, the dictator, but the destruction of the authoritarian system, which is extremely anti-human and anti-humanitarian. Only by destroying the authoritarian system and moving towards a democratic constitutional government will the Chinese be qualified to say they are human beings and not talking animals or slave dogs!

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