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学而时习- Clobber Ware
送交者: 无才补天忘了密码[♂☆★★声望品衔11★★☆♂] 于 2021-05-17 2:42 已读 5973 次 6 赞  


前一段发过一个好玩的瓶子。是偶然 在eBay地摊上看到了,当时还有几分钟就结拍,粗看是个方瓶,画功还挺细,奇怪的是个青花加红绿彩,北京话说“红配绿,赛狗屁。”没见过这种钒红和淡绿的搭配。看釉特征是清中期,胎能看到清早,这类妖怪瓷个人向来觉得可要可不要。就准备看看有人抢没有,几百刀拿着玩也行。结果结拍前1分钟,被人抢到快两千刀了,弄的我都好奇了。隐约记得耿老在哪本书提过一种闯王时期的瓷器是这种矾红地青花的搭配,难道这就是?加上asian week 刚拍掉两件东西,手头宽裕,就决定先拿回来研究下。结果还好几个人抢,过3才拿到。拍到后发了几张图,大家都没说出个所以然,发哥和爱叔也不看好。心说别是走眼了吧。



拿到之后,胎巨重,比康熙瓷还压手,瓶壁还有轻微的变形。后加的绿彩是一种流淌性很强的浅色绿釉,淌的到处都是。没见过这种颜色和质地的彩。翻了翻书。才知道这是一种特殊的瓷器 clobbered China,或者clobber ware,实质上就是欧洲国家后加彩的中国出口瓷。“A traditionally derogative name referring to Chinese export porcelain that has got its original underglaze blue and white decoration added onto in Europe with a later colored enamel decoration. The secondary decoration were sometimes limited to only a new or additional borders, sometimes rough foliage, figures, animals, birds or full landscapes or sceneries, sometimes adding to the old decoration, sometimes randomly filling all available space and sometimes just disregarding the old underglaze blue and white decoration as if it wasn't there.

Pieces with the least merits seem to have been produced in London during the second quarter of the nineteenth century when apparently a great deal of indifferent and un-sellable Chinese blue and white 18th century left over stock were embellished with anything that was colorful.

The practice seems to have originated in Holland but spread over Europe with the availability of items to decorate. This kind of work was extensively done both in Holland and in England during the 18th and early 19th century. The English establishments that offered this service were known as China burners and the enameling was referred to as that the colors was "burnt in and impossible to remove". Some of these "China burners" also seemed to have offered porcelain repairs where broken pieces was ceramically mended in a re-glazing process.”  --Jan-Erik Nilson 6park.com

网上还有不少这种瓷器,有一批藏家专门玩这个,完整琢器的价格都相当高。方瓶本身的确是18世纪的清代出口瓷。但是个人不喜欢这种乱搭风,还是贴点钱退给卖家吧。发哥和爱叔的确是玩明清瓷器的行家,估计早看出来了。 6park.com

个人这几年开始收藏明清瓷器,是边摸索边学习。最初觉得明清瓷是传统文物收藏比较容易的门类,越来越觉得想融会贯通,还是需要补充很多新知识的。珍宝版能始终保持一个学习交流的风气,实在是我们这些喜爱收藏的海外游子的幸事。 6park.com


贴主:无才补天忘了密码于2021_05_17 2:43:39编辑

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