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送交者: 蓝矢车菊[☆★★声望品衔11★★☆] 于 2018-09-30 13:35 已读 74 次 1 赞  


Allianz World Wealth Report 2018 6park.com


More participation thanks to globalization 6park.com

The last two decades of rapid globalization have given rise to a new global 6park.com

wealth middle class, which included almost 1.1 billion people at the end of 2017. 6park.com

Fewer than half a billion people 
belonged to this group at the turn of the millennium, 6park.com

with just under half of 
them coming from Western Europe, North America or Japan. 6park.com

Today, these 
countries account for only a quarter of the global wealth middle class. 6park.com

In contrast, 
China‘s share has soared from just under 30% to over 50% in this period. 6park.com

The figures accompanying this successstory are impressive: around 500 million 6park.com

Chinese people have moved up to join the ranks of the global wealth middle 6park.com

class since 2000, and over 100 million more can now even consider themselves 6park.com

part of the global wealth upperclass. 6park.com

安联世界财富报告2018 6park.com


全球化带来更多参与 6park.com

过去二十年的快速全球化带来了新的全球中产阶级, 6park.com

在2017年底其中包括近11亿人。在千禧年之交, 6park.com

这个群体中只包括不到5亿人,其中不到一半来自西欧, 6park.com

北美或日本。如今,这些国家仅占全球中产阶级的四分之一。 6park.com

相比之下,在此期间,中国的份额从不到30%飙升至超过50%。 6park.com

这个成功的事例伴随的数字令人印象深刻:自从2000年以来, 6park.com

约5亿中国人已经加入了全球中产阶级的行列。 6park.com

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