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雪山飞狐亮歌喉, 甚是有趣
送交者: 小琴爸[★★官小本事大★★] 于 2021-04-02 14:59 已读 715 次 1 赞  


Mikaela Shiffrin, 高山滑雪
两次冬奥会冠军 世界杯总成绩冠军

Old Fitzroy

I walked in here off the dirty mile
Swaggered in with a prison style.
Aching bones and dirty feet;
Needing a bed and something to eat.
I played for you and I played it right,
I sang in tune and I danced all night.
I cooked at you as the only one;
I diddn't know it could come undone.
I hit the road when I was fifteen,
When my mother died and my dad got mean.
I've been locked up since twenty-one,
I was my mother's only son.
Forgotten most from early days,
But I remember what she used to say,
Little boy you're my pride and joy,
The only good thing about old Fitzroy
I feel the walls are falling down around;
It makes me loathe that town somehow.
I've been drinking all the wrong
Things all night,
I've been thinking about what
I've got to do to survive this life. 6park.com


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