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Coronavirus associated
送交者: 母民[☆品衔R3☆] 于 2020-03-24 14:02 已读 287 次  


It is not easy for us human beings to have developed so far. Since Christopher Columbus received fund and explored the American continent, his successors delimited mostly the aboriginal Asian with pandemic war and replaced those people. On that land, armed with capitalism, they built up another civilization - a civilization transformed from the west Europe. While that group of Asian, the so-called American Indian, out of their limited awareness, of whom we know that they are not Indian but Asian Yellow River remained residents of the Shang Dynasty. They travelled across the Bering Strait and migrated to the American continent. This group of ancient Chinese duplicated the ancient Shang civilization, with even the similar features of characters - the oracle, divination, and sacrifice ritual, mirrored the traces of the origin of Asian continent civilization. Providing a DNA test, there should not be a problem. After they separated from the Asian continent, the social development of this group of migrants had staggered. The main reason is out of its singularity of race, despite of its inner variety of ethnicity, lacking the drive of competition, which is not comparable with that of the broad Asian continental counterpart Chinese, experiencing excited ethnic convictions constantly. Therefore, in terms of social formation, they have not surpassed the barbaric slave social stage. When the European just arrived the American, they were deemed as divinely superiors and treated with high ranked worship. However, this kind of worship in the eyes of the new migrants was petty and low. The huge civilization difference brought to the European migrants the sense of superiority accordingly. As the new migrants, their goal was clear: the land and the sunshine. Driven by the conquering desire, the old Asian migrants turned to be the object of their conquest. Nevertheless, there was a process, negotiation inclusive. But due to the hardship that as hard as climbing up the Alpine, the situation turned to be confrontation. The old migrants did not win the battle despite of their braveness. They were defeated badly and eventually was driven to the reservation. This, the battle between the old and new migrants was ended, full stop. From then onwards, majestic and magnificent symphony of the new migrants was performed on the American continent. To resolve the problem of cheap labour, African slaves were smuggled into the new land. The high speed of development agaped the European migrants’ hometown counterparts. The following rising stars started from the early stage of thirteen colonies, developed into a gigantic United States of America. What a difference comparing to the previous Asian migrants civilization! Time changes everything. Attracted by the Brain Drain Policy, Asian constantly come to American continent. Fairly part of them are academic elites from mainland China. They overcome the huge language barrier, survive and develop on the new land. However, it is not possible for them to get rid of the identity of ever growing up in the Chinese mainland. Life is the carrier of life. Without life there will be no time at all. How is possible to castrate that from one’s life?! But the political belongs requires them to make an either or black or white choice. This dilemma make them entrenched. It is quite often for the migrants to encounter the dilemma. Upgrade it to metaphysical level, it is the confrontation between the East and the West. What a absurd thing it is to apply this abstraction against people. The earth is round. When the early old and new migrants stepped on their way leaving their home land to come to a new land, absolutely they would not think about later on political and cultural belongings. Surpass time and space, every migrant, has got only one goal: I want to live a better life! When in Rome, do as Romans do is common sense, but some hidden subcultures are not for sharing. For an instance of recent masks for corona virus, most of Asian choose to wear. I am an Asian migrant, although i did not migrate to America. I am in Australia. I choose not to wear. It is simply individual diversity not related to politics. For an advanced civilization, if it very much exclusive, it only tells that this civilization is done. Chinese civilization has experienced loads of tremendous changes and walked through times of national amalgamation to build up the ‘Empty Sea and Tolerating’ value system. Acting as a highlight of the East Culture, with a bit of inclined to onesie and fanatic, when cross sword with European American calmed and wild and barbarism not inclusive, from the perspective of human beings, shouldn’t we review of ourselves, with empathy, rethink to resolve civilization conflict ensuring continue peaceful development of society? Thank you everyone for your time.
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