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送交者: 梧桐树UK[★★声望品衔10★★] 于 2023-11-25 1:32 已读 2844 次  


《致命药方》—[美]雷●斯丹博士 著 6park.com

上善若水(327876823) 15:57:20
[英]BBC卫生节目主持人VERNON COEMAN,完成于1996年,畅销欧美乃至全世界经久不衰。 6park.com

◆ 每6名住院患者中就有1人的住院其实是由于医疗的失误造成的。
◆ 一项调查发现:每93名被确认为心脏病的儿童,仅17名是真正的心脏病。
◆ 至少2/3的化验单是不必要的。仅有1/10的X射线检查是必要的。
◆ 仅有15%的医疗手段有确切的科学依据。
◆ 平均每10个服药患者中就有4人发生副作用,程度从轻微不适到伤命。
◆ 90%的疾病可以自行痊愈。 
他给出的另一个数据是,根据美国卫生署统计,在100名尸检证实为心脏病发作死亡的患者中,生前只有53人得到确诊,而在这些得到确诊的患者中,也只有半数得到正确的治疗。 6park.com

Fatal prescription - [the] Dr Ray when Stan
1, all drugs are born in danger, would be fatal.
2, you see the doctor, the more the more you eat the medicine.
3, the more drugs you use, the greater your risk of serious drug side effects.
4, shoulders to protect their health and avoid drug side-effects burden is yourself.
5, do a in medical savvy, in hormone savvy, know a little of hospital system, in taking ABC savvy and know a little about food taboos.
6, blind trust in doctors and medical institutions will put you in danger.
7, first have a healthy lifestyle and medication is a last resort.
On good if water 15:57:20 (327876823)
Don't let the doctor kill you"
[English] BBC presenter of health VERNON COEMAN, completed in 1996, enduring best-selling Europe and the United States and the world.
Pieces one out of every six hospitalized patients in the hospital are due to medical error.
A survey: heart disease was confirmed as per 93 children, only 17 is a true heart.
Pieces of at least two-thirds of the paper is unnecessary. Only 1/10 of the X-ray examination is necessary.
Mixer is only 15% of the medical means accurate scientific basis.
Pieces on average every four in 10 patients with medication side effects occur, range from slight discomfort to hurt life.
Pieces of 90% of the disease can heal itself.

Coleman is not nonsense. In 2006, even with the world's most advanced medical technology in the United States, there are nearly 100000 people died because of misdiagnosis, equivalent to every 3 days two Boeing 747 aircraft carrying 400 people crashed. This number more than HIV/AIDS deaths, and murder, accident, etc, become the eighth largest cause of death in America.
He gave another data, according to the U.S. department of health statistics, in 100 an autopsy confirmed to a heart attack death in patients, diagnosed only 53 people, and in these patients diagnosed, also only half get the right treatment.
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2013-3-28 20:34 6park.com

有病不用药。困了不睡觉。胡闹。。 6park.com

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