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送交者: dipperq[☆品衔R3☆] 于 2015-02-13 10:37 已读 57 次  


回答: 楼下说的都对,有人生伤害了就走律师。没看过美国连续剧嘛? 由 dipperq 于 2015-02-13 10:32


When You Need a Personal Injury Attorney

As you seek reimbursement, remember that it’s extremely common to get pushback on these expenses. Insruance companies try to avoid paying more than they need to and will check to make sure all the expenses are valid. Keep all of your documentation and receipts. If you continue to have trouble getting your medical bills paid, seek the counsel of a personal injury attorney.

Attorneys have experience working with insurance providers to get the highest possible settlement amounts for clients.

They also have experience getting compensation for general damages that are difficult to determine, such as:

    Pain and suffering.
    Mental anguish.

For example, if you’ve lost your vision due to an accident resulting from another driver’s negligence, a personal injury lawyer can help you get general damages in addition to the actual costs of your medical bills.
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