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送交者: 瑶柱丝[布衣] 于 2017-06-23 16:59 已读 368 次  


回答: 大家给出个主意,今天被警察开了个罚单,气死了duio 由 高山流水XL 于 2017-06-15 0:18









I respectfully submit this written declaration to the Court pursuant to CVC 40902. I plead Not Guilty to the charge of violating CVC 21453(a).

I believe that my citation should be dismissed based on two facts:

1. The photograph on my automated citation is grainy and obscure. I compared it to my DMV driver’s license photo, and was unable to positively match the two images. I have no recollection of passing through a redlight camera intersection on red on the date in question. 

I was never stopped by a law enforcement officer or otherwise positively identified as the suspect in this case. No positive correlation between this photograph and myself has been made. No such correlation is possible in this trial by declaration without a positive identification of myself as the alleged driver. No such identification has been made.

The only circumstantial connection between this alleged offense and myself is that I am the registered owner of the pictured car. The automated enforcement contractor has arbitrarily assumed that I must be the driver. Such an assumption is unsupportable without any witness to this alleged offense.

2. The statement presented by the Declarant should be dismissed on the ground of hearsay. As the Declarant Gary Fratus states, the violation was not committed in his presence, and the statement was declared based on information and belief based on photographic evidence presented by "Photonotice.com", therefore the statement itself constitutes a hearsay and should not be admitted.

Based on the above arguments, please dismiss my citation in the interest of justice.
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