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送交者: qiaoxing9[♂☆品衔R3☆♂] 于 2022-01-14 23:35 已读 20308 次  


6468988082 6park.com

Facebook: Facebook.com/qiaoxingl 6park.com

wechat: qiaoxingliu 6park.com

twitter.com: twitter.com/qiaoxing 6park.com

linktedin.com/qiaoxing 6park.com

www.wsnay.com www.wsnastv.com 6park.com

2022年,我们正在筹划的大型活动如下: 6park.com

2022年2月6日,我们将主办 2022迎新春虎年联欢会暨支持韩丹白宁竞选美国国会议员招待会; 6park.com

2022年2月20日, 我们将主办2022联合国区块链技术和数字货币全球高峰论坛会的新闻发布会; 6park.com

2022年3月26日, 我们将主办华新杯虎年模特大赛; 6park.com

2022年7月26日-7月30日,我们将主办2022支持联合国亚裔小姐选美大赛天使组大赛; 6park.com

2022年8月21日,我们将承办2022联合国大学生和平大使选拔赛 ; 6park.com

2022年10月18日,我们将承办2022联合国区块链技术和数字货币全球高峰论坛会; 6park.com

2022年12月5日-12月9日, 我们将承办 2022支持联合国亚裔小姐选美大赛女神组大赛 6park.com



2022迎新春虎年联欢会文艺演出节目单正在制定中,欢迎大家献才献艺,共度新春! 6park.com

时间: 2022年2月6日下午2:30 -5:30 6park.com

地点:纽约华埠金泰海鲜大酒楼 at  39 East Broadway, New York, NY 10002 6park.com

主办单位: 华尔街卫星电视台 6park.com

 联合主办单位:韩丹白宁美国国会议员竞选委员会 6park.com

承办单位:华新社 6park.com

协办单位: 6park.com

川瑞房地产公司 6park.com

川瑞律师楼 6park.com

旅美安徽同乡会 6park.com

大会组委会正在制作演出节目单:请大家踊跃报名,参加演出, 共渡虎年新春佳节! 6park.com

2022迎新春虎年联欢会组委会  6park.com

2022年1月10日  6park.com

 附华新社新闻报道:  6park.com

2022迎新春虎年联欢会美国国会竞选委员会白宁女士邀请您参加新年茶饮招待会支持韩丹白宁代表纽约第10区竞选美国国会议员 6park.com



时间: 2022年2月6日下午2:30 -5:30 6park.com

地点:纽约华埠金泰海鲜大酒楼 at  39 East Broadway, New York, NY 10002 6park.com

主办单位:韩丹白宁美国国会议员竞选委员会 6park.com

承办单位:华尔街卫星电视台 6park.com

协办单位:华新社 6park.com

川瑞房地产公司 6park.com

川瑞律师楼 6park.com

旅美安徽同乡会 6park.com

入场券:每人$100 6park.com

铜牌赞助(Rino Sponsor): $500 6park.com

银牌赞助(Titan Sponsor): $1,000 6park.com

金牌赞助(Herculean Sponsor): $2,500 6park.com


网上捐款或了解更多韩丹白宁的竞选信息, 请登陆网站:www.beninehamdan.com  6park.com



 Spring Festival Celebration, Benine for Congress Committee cordially invites you to attend a reception in support of  Congressional Candidate in NY District 10, Benine Hamdan 6park.com

Spring Festival Celebration 6park.com

Benine for Congress Committee cordially invites you to attend a reception in support of  6park.com

                Congressional Candidate in NY District 10, Benine Hamdan 6park.com

Date: Feb 6, 2022 at 2 PM from 5:30 - 8 pm  6park.com

Location: 39 East Broadway, New York, NY 10002 6park.com

Sponsor: Wall Street Satellite Television  6park.com

Organizer: Wall Street News Agency 6park.com

                  Troy Estate LLC 6park.com

                  Law office of Troy Nader, Esq.  6park.com

                 American Anhui Provincials Association  6park.com

 $100 per person  6park.com

Rino Sponsor- $500 6park.com

Titan Sponsor- $1,000 6park.com

Herculean Sponsor- $2,500 6park.com

Please R.S.V.P by February 4,  2022 6park.com

To donate and learn more about our campaign, visit www.beninehamdan.com  6park.com




 附华新社新闻报道 :  6park.com

填写新的报名表格并仔细阅读报名须知,参赛2022支持联合国亚裔小姐选美大赛天使组或女神组 6park.com

汉语表格和参赛须知:  6park.com

李静雨,华尔街卫星电视台副台长, 2022支持联合国亚裔小姐选美大赛主席,欢迎大家报名参加! 6park.com




Tiffany Chan, 华尔街卫视新闻联播中心主播, 2022支持联合国亚裔小姐选美大赛形象大使, 欢迎大家报名参赛 6park.com









《2022支持联合国亚裔小姐选美大赛》参赛须知 6park.com

天使组和女神组 6park.com

1.天使组:参赛选手的年龄:15岁-29岁, 未婚女性,身心健康,身材比例匀称;有才艺,舞台大赛经历、自我打造妆容者,优先; 无犯罪记录; 遵守大赛的规章制度,比赛期间,不受任何其它合约的限制; 6park.com

2.女神组:30岁以上,上不封顶,女性,身心健康,身材比例匀称;有才艺,舞台大赛经历、自我打造妆容者,优先; 无犯罪记录; 遵守大赛的规章制度,比赛期间,不受任何其它合约的限制; 6park.com

3.参赛选手要熟知联合国17个可持续发展项目; 有智慧、有爱心、有责任、有美貌,有责任心; 6park.com

4.填写《报名登记表格》, 1分钟个人介绍包括为什么参选小视频,2分钟才艺小视频。 附上护照复印件, 个人简介, 提供素颜照一张,全身生活照3-5帐; 6park.com

5.大会组委会和华新社华尔街卫视等媒体单位,使用参赛选手提供的照片和视频包含参赛活动期间的照片和视频等, 均是经过本人同意和授权的, 不构成对于个人肖像权的侵犯; 6park.com

6.天使组的参赛选手报名费用:$200; 可进入华新社和华尔街卫星电视台新闻媒体单位,免费宣传一年; 获得网投的资格;获得半决赛和总决赛的参赛资格证书之后, 需缴纳费用:$1500 美金或人民币¥9,900元, 含5天4夜的食宿费用; 6park.com

7.女神组的参赛选手报名费用:$300; 可进入华新社和华尔街卫星电视台新闻媒体单位,免费宣传一年; 获得网投的资格;获得半决赛和总决赛的参赛资格证书之后, 需缴纳费用:$2,000 美金或人民币¥13,200元, 含5天4夜的食宿费用; 6park.com

8.参赛选手获得下列权益: 名字,和个人简介, 出现在所有的大会组委会的宣传册。刊登在华新社华尔街卫星电视台专题节目报刊杂志; 6park.com

9.所有参赛选手, 可以进入华新社《华尔街卫视》栏目, 和华尔街卫视,获得鼓励奖,进步奖等,颁发奖状或奖金若干, 奖品等。推送有关电影和电视剧拍摄单位,成为明星; 6park.com

10.所有参赛选手,优先加入华新社,成为特约记者, 所写的新闻稿和文章,优先刊登发表并将获得稿酬; 6park.com

11.有机会进入联合国参加总决赛,获得大会的冠军、亚军和季军等大赛名额; 6park.com

12.冠军获得皇冠一顶,披风、 手杖、奖状、证书和奖品等: 6park.com

13.亚军得主,桂冠、奖状,证书和奖品等: 6park.com

14.季军得主,桂冠、奖状, 证书和奖品等; 6park.com

15.获得进入半决赛的资格; 有机会获得总决赛合格证书,进入联合国总部,参加总决赛,并有机会获得冠军、亚军和季军的机会; 同时有机会获得17位佳丽选手做为联合国17个可持续发展项目的年度爱心大使。 6park.com

16, 天使组和女神组报名和大赛初赛时间安排:   6park.com

1)天使组报名截止日期:2022年5月31日;半决赛和总决赛时间:2022年7月26、27、28、29和30号, 6park.com

2)女神组报名截至日期: 2022年10月31日,半决赛和总决赛时间:2022年12月5、6、7、8和9号, 6park.com

特别提示: 网络上进行初赛之后, 另行通知选手进入复赛时间及比赛细节;大赛半决赛和总决赛细节. 地址:纽约联合国总部大厦、附近区域或其他适合的场所。 另行通知进入半决赛和总决赛选手比赛章程、比赛环节、比赛项目、日程安排、费用等等相关细节。 6park.com

我已经阅读并理解了上述条款, 我保证所提供的信息完全属实。 6park.com

参赛选手签字: 6park.com

日期:     6park.com



填写英语表格和参赛须知:  6park.com

Entry Instructions for Angel Group and Goddess Group 6park.com

1.2022 Miss Asian Pageant is divided into two groups : Angel Group and Goddess Group; 6park.com

2.Angel Group:   The age of the contestants: 15-29 years old, unmarried women, healthy body and mind, and well-proportioned figure; talented, stage competition experience, and self-made makeup are preferred; no criminal record; abide by the rules and regulations of the competition, and will not be restricted by any other contract during the competition; 6park.com

3.Goddess Group: over 30 years old, uncapped, female, healthy body and mind, well-proportioned figure; talented, stage competition experience, self-made makeup, priority; no criminal record; abide by the rules and regulations of the competition, and will not be restricted by any other contract during the competition; 6park.com

4.Contestants must be familiar with the 17 sustainable development projects of the United Nations; they must be wise, caring, responsible, beautiful, and responsible.; 6park.com

5.Fill in the "Registration Form", 1 minute of personal introduction, including a small video of why you are running for election, and 2 minutes of talent video. Attach a copy of your passport, personal profile, provide a plain face photo, and 3-5 full-body life photos; 6park.com

The organizing Committee of the conference and media organizations such as Wall Street News Agency, Wall Street Satellite Tv, etc., use the photos and videos provided by the contestants, including photos and videos during the participating events, with their consent and authorization, and do not constitute a violation of personal portrait rights.;

7.Registration fee for contestants in the Angel Group:$200; can enter         Wall Street News Agency and Wall Street Satellite TV news media units, free publicity for one year; qualify for online voting; after obtaining the qualification certificate for the semi-finals and finals, you need to pay a fee:$1500 US dollars or RMB ¥9,900, including room and board for 5 days and 4 nights; 6park.com

8.Registration fee for contestants in the Goddess category:$300; can enter Wall Street News Agency and Wall Street Satellite TV news media units, free publicity for one year; qualify for online voting; after obtaining the qualification certificate for the semi-finals and finals, you need to pay a fee:$2,000 US dollars or RMB ¥13,200, including room and board for 5 days and 4 nights; 6park.com

9.The contestants receive the following rights and interests: their names, and personal profiles, appear in the brochures of all the organizing committees of the conference. Featured on Wall Street News Agency and Wall Street Satellite TV Special programs, newspapers and magazines; 6park.com

10.All contestants can enter the "Wall Street Satellite Tv" section of Wall Street News Agency, and Wall Street Satellite TV, receive encouragement awards, progress awards, etc., and award certificates or bonuses, prizes, etc. Push relevant movie and TV series shooting units and become a star; 6park.com

11.All contestants have the opportunity to enter the United Nations Headquarters to participate in the finals and win the championship, second runner-up and third runner-up places in the conference.; 6park.com

12.The champion receives a crown, cloak, cane, certificate, certificate and prize, etc.: 6park.com

13.Runner-up winners, crowns, certificates, certificates and prizes, etc.: 6park.com

14.Second runner-up winner, crown, certificate, certificate and prize, etc.; 6park.com

15.Qualify for the semi-finals; have the opportunity to obtain a certificate of qualification for the finals, enter the United Nations Headquarters, participate in the finals, and have the opportunity to win the champion, runner-up and third runner-up; at the same time, have the opportunity to get 17 beautiful contestants as the annual caring ambassadors of the 17 sustainable development projects of the United Nations. 6park.com

16.Registration for the angel group and the goddess group and the schedule of the preliminary round of the competition: 1) Angel group registration deadline: May 31, 2022; semi-finals and finals time: July 26, 27, 28, 29 and 30, 2022, 2) Deadline for registration of Goddess group: October 31, 2022, semi-finals and finals time: December 5, 6, 7, 8 and 9, 2022, 6park.com

Special reminder: After the preliminary round is held on the Internet, the players will be notified of the time and competition details for entering the rematch; the details of the semi-finals and finals of the competition. Address: The United Nations Headquarters Building in New York, nearby areas or other suitable places. The rules of the competition, competition links, competition items, schedules, fees and other related details for players entering the semi-finals and finals will be notified separately. 6park.com

  I have read and understood the above terms, and I guarantee that the information provided is completely true. 6park.com

  Signature of the contestants: 6park.com

  date: 6park.com





6468988082 6park.com

Facebook: Facebook.com/qiaoxingl 6park.com

wechat: qiaoxingliu 6park.com

twitter.com: twitter.com/qiaoxing 6park.com

linktedin.com/qiaoxing 6park.com

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