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我在 22 年出了车祸,我收到了短期伤残津贴,我是否要为此缴税,还是应纳税? 问题
送交者: nowhere1[♂☆★★✦娱乐人生✦★★☆♂] 于 2023-03-18 22:42 已读 16984 次  


我在 2022 年出了车祸,我收到了短期伤残津贴,我是否需要为此缴税,还是应纳税?
短期残疾付款通常作为普通收入征税,除非您用税后美元支付保费。 这意味着,如果您的雇主为该保单支付了保费,或者如果您使用税前美元支付了保费,您收到的伤残福利将需要缴纳联邦所得税。 6park.com

如果您因车祸收到短期伤残补助金,该款项的可征税性将取决于具体情况。 如果这些款项是通过雇主提供的残疾保险政策支付的,他们将需要缴纳联邦所得税,除非保费是用税后美元支付的。 如果您自己购买保单并使用税后美元支付保费,则这些款项通常无需缴纳联邦所得税。 6park.com

请务必注意,州税法也可能适用于短期伤残补助,因此最好咨询您所在州的税务机构或税务专业人士以确定您的纳税义务。 此外,如果您在 2022 年收到残障补助金,您可能会收到付款人的 1099-G 表或 1099-R 表,其中将报告您在这一年中收到的福利金额。

I had an car accident in 2022, i received short term disability pay, do I have to pay tax on it, or its taxable? 6park.com



Short-term disability payments are generally taxable as ordinary income, unless you paid the premiums for the policy with after-tax dollars. This means that if your employer paid the premiums for the policy or if you paid the premiums with pre-tax dollars, the disability benefits you receive would be subject to federal income tax.

If you received short-term disability payments due to a car accident, the taxability of the payments would depend on the specific circumstances. If the payments were made through an employer-provided disability insurance policy, they would be subject to federal income tax unless the premiums were paid with after-tax dollars. If you purchased the policy yourself and paid the premiums with after-tax dollars, the payments would generally not be subject to federal income tax.

It's important to note that state tax laws may also apply to short-term disability payments, so it's a good idea to check with your state tax agency or a tax professional to determine your tax liability. Additionally, if you received disability payments in 2022, you may receive a Form 1099-G or Form 1099-R from the payer that will report the amount of benefits you received during the year. 6park.com

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