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如果我退休后要搬到华盛顿州以外的地方,这些年我是否要为长期护理缴税? 问题
送交者: nowhere1[♂☆★★✦娱乐人生✦★★☆♂] 于 2023-03-19 21:53 已读 18099 次  


如果我退休后要搬到华盛顿州以外的地方,这些年我是否要为长期护理缴税? 6park.com

如果您在退休后搬出华盛顿州,如果您符合某些标准,您可能仍然有资格根据长期服务和支持 (LTSS) 信托计划(也称为西澳关爱基金)获得福利。 但是,该计划的规则和资格要求可能很复杂,因此最好咨询合格的税务专业人士或参考您所在国家/地区的官方税务指南以获取具体指导。 6park.com

关于工资税,如果您在华盛顿州工作期间通过工资税向 WA Cares Fund 缴款,即使您搬出该州,您仍然可能有资格领取福利。 但是,资格的具体规则和要求可能会有所不同,具体取决于您的情况和您为该计划支付的时间长度。 6park.com

如果您对 WA Cares Fund 或您的福利资格有任何问题或疑虑,您可能希望联系华盛顿州社会和健康服务部或咨询合格的税务专业人士以获得指导。 6park.com


在我有资格在退休时领取福利之前,我必须为长期护理基金支付多少年的工资税? 6park.com

要获得华盛顿州长期服务和支持 (LTSS) 信托计划(也称为 WA Cares 基金)的福利资格,个人必须已支付该计划至少 10 年,其中至少有 5 年 年是连续的。 这意味着您需要为长期护理的工资缴纳工资税至少 10 年,然后您才有资格在退休时领取福利。 6park.com

请务必注意,LTSS 信托计划的规则和要求可能很复杂,福利资格可能取决于多种因素,包括您的收入、年龄和对长期护理服务的需求水平。 此外,该计划仍然相对较新,未来的规则和要求可能会发生变化。 6park.com

如果您对 LTSS 信托计划下的福利资格或支付长期护理工资工资税的义务有具体疑问,最好咨询合格的税务专业人士或参考官方税务指南 你的国家。 6park.com

这是否意味着,如果我在 2021 年之后工作不到 5 年,我将无法获得这项福利? 这对我来说是浪费吗? 6park.com

如果您在 2021 年之后在华盛顿州连续工作少于 5 年,您将不符合长期服务和支持 (LTSS) 信托计划(也称为 WA Cares 基金)的资格要求。 这意味着您退休后将无法从该计划中获得福利,即使您在华盛顿州工作期间支付了该计划的费用。 6park.com

虽然为您可能没有资格受益的计划付费似乎是一种浪费,但请务必记住,LTSS 信托计划旨在为有需要的合格个人提供长期护理服务。 通过为该计划付费,您正在帮助确保确实需要长期护理服务的人能够获得这些服务。 6park.com

此外,如果您担心自己是否有资格获得 LTSS 信托计划下的福利或工资税对您财务的影响,您可能希望咨询合格的税务专业人士或财务顾问。 他们可以帮助您了解您的选择并就您的退休计划做出明智的决定。 6park.com

if I will move to out of washington state after I retire, is this tax paid on long term care waste for me to pay all these years? 6park.com

If you move out of Washington State after you retire, you may still be eligible for benefits under the Long-Term Services and Supports (LTSS) Trust Program (also known as the WA Cares Fund) if you meet certain criteria. However, the rules and eligibility requirements for the program can be complex, so it's a good idea to consult with a qualified tax professional or refer to official tax guidelines for your country for specific guidance. 6park.com

Regarding the payroll tax, if you have paid into the WA Cares Fund through payroll taxes while working in Washington State, you may still be eligible for benefits even if you move out of state. However, the specific rules and requirements for eligibility may vary depending on your situation and the length of time you have paid into the program. 6park.com

If you have questions or concerns about the WA Cares Fund or your eligibility for benefits, you may wish to contact the Washington State Department of Social and Health Services or consult with a qualified tax professional for guidance. 6park.com

how many years do i have to pay this tax on wages for long term care fund before i qualify for receiving benefits when i retire? 6park.com

To be eligible for benefits under the Long-Term Services and Supports (LTSS) Trust Program (also known as the WA Cares Fund) in Washington State, individuals must have paid into the program for at least 10 years, with at least 5 of those years being consecutive. This means that you would need to pay the payroll tax on wages for long-term care for at least 10 years before you would be eligible for benefits when you retire. 6park.com

It's important to note that the rules and requirements for the LTSS Trust Program can be complex, and eligibility for benefits may depend on various factors, including your income, age, and level of need for long-term care services. Additionally, the program is still relatively new, and the rules and requirements may be subject to change in the future. 6park.com

If you have specific questions about your eligibility for benefits under the LTSS Trust Program or your obligations to pay the payroll tax on wages for long-term care, it's always a good idea to consult with a qualified tax professional or refer to official tax guidelines for your country. 6park.com

does that means, if i just worked less than 5 years after 2021, i will not get this benefit anyway? is it a waste for me? 6park.com

If you work less than 5 consecutive years in Washington State after 2021, you would not meet the eligibility requirements for the Long-Term Services and Supports (LTSS) Trust Program (also known as the WA Cares Fund). This means that you would not be able to receive benefits from the program when you retire, even if you paid into it during the years that you worked in Washington State. 6park.com

While it may seem like a waste to pay into a program that you may not be eligible to benefit from, it's important to remember that the LTSS Trust Program is intended to provide long-term care services for eligible individuals who need them. By paying into the program, you are helping to ensure that those who do need long-term care services can access them. 6park.com

Additionally, if you are concerned about your eligibility for benefits under the LTSS Trust Program or the impact of the payroll tax on your finances, you may wish to consult with a qualified tax professional or financial advisor. They can help you understand your options and make informed decisions about your retirement planning.
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