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拜登总统: 新冠溯源在获得答案前没完
送交者: 紅塵[★★声望品衔9★★] 于 2021-08-28 7:26 已读 1490 次  


紅塵_8/28/2021_拜总: 新冠病毒溯源在获得答案前没完 ("Nothing less is acceptable") 6park.com

(美方观点, 大意译文, 机器) 6park.com

拜登本周早些时候收到一份机密报告,总结了他下令进行的调查,他指责中国故意阻止获取信息。 6park.com

拜登在一份声明中说:“关于这种流行病起源的关键信息存在于中华人民共和国,但从一开始,中国政府官员就一直在努力阻止国际调查人员和全球公共卫生界的成员接触它。”  6park.com

他补充说:“直到今天,中国继续拒绝透明化的呼吁并隐瞒信息,即使这种流行病造成的死亡人数继续上升。” “我们必须对这场全球悲剧进行全面和透明的说明。没有什么是可以接受的,”他说。 6park.com

美国情报界周五发布了备受期待的报告, 但未能给出明确的结论。报告称,动物与人之间的传播和实验室事件都是“合理的假设”。然而,情报机构对 COVID-19 最可能的起源“仍然存在分歧”。 6park.com

根据该报告,在第一次爆发之前,中国当局对这种病毒一无所知。它还排除了该病毒是作为“生物武器”开发的。 6park.com

(中方观点, 大意译文, 机器)
“替罪羊”:北京谴责美国关于新冠病毒起源的报告。中国驻华盛顿大使馆在一份声明中说:“美国情报界的报告表明,美国执意要走政治操纵的错误道路。” “情报界的报告是基于中国方面的有罪推定,只是为了替中国做替罪羊。” 6park.com

美国情报部门表示,大多数机构“信心不足”地评估它不是基因工程。但是社区在病原体的起源上仍然存在分歧,四个机构和国家情报委员会认为可能的解释是自然接触动物作为可能的解释,而一个机构则支持实验室泄漏理论。 6park.com

三个机构的分析师无法得出结论。“分析观点的差异主要源于机构如何衡量情报报告和科学出版物以及情报和科学差距的差异,”摘要说。 6park.com

(源文, 美方观点) 6park.com

Biden, who received a classified report earlier this week summarizing the investigation he had ordered, accused China of deliberately preventing access to information.  6park.com

"Critical information about the origins of this pandemic exists in the People's Republic of China, yet from the beginning, government officials in China have worked to prevent international investigators and members of the global public health community from accessing it," Biden said in a statement.  6park.com

"To this day, the PRC continues to reject calls for transparency and withhold information, even as the toll of this pandemic continues to rise," he added. “We must have a full and transparent accounting of this global tragedy. Nothing less is acceptable,” he said. 6park.com

What did the US intelligence report reveal? 6park.com

The US intelligence community released the highly anticipated report on Friday. It failed to present a clear conclusion.  6park.com

The report said both animal-to-human transmission and a laboratory incident were "plausible hypotheses." However, the intelligence agencies "remained divided" on the most likely origin of COVID-19.  6park.com

According to the report, Chinese authorities had no knowledge of the virus before the first outbreak. It also ruled out that the virus was developed as a "biological weapon."  6park.com

(源文, 方观点) 6park.com

‘Scapegoating China’: Beijing denounces US report on COVID origin. “The report by the US intelligence community shows that the US is bent on going down the wrong path of political manipulation,” China’s embassy in Washington said in a statement. “The report by the intelligence community is based on the presumption of guilt on the part of China, and it is only for scapegoating China.” 6park.com

US intelligence said most agencies assess with “low confidence” it was not genetically engineered. But the community remains divided on the pathogen’s origins, with four agencies and the National Intelligence Council judging in favour of natural exposure to an animal as the likely explanation, and one agency favouring the lab leak theory. 6park.com

Analysts at three agencies were unable to reach a conclusion.“Variations in analytic views largely stem from differences in how agencies weigh intelligence reporting and scientific publications, and intelligence and scientific gaps,” the summary said.

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