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送交者: nowhere1[♂☆★★✦娱乐人生✦★★☆♂] 于 2023-03-11 21:26 已读 1831 次  


什么是 gama 挤压? 6park.com

伽马挤压是一种市场现象,当对特定股票的需求激增导致价格由于期权交易者的行为而迅速上涨时发生。 当大量交易者(通常在在线论坛或社交媒体平台上)购买特定股票的看涨期权时,就会发生这种情况。 6park.com

看涨期权赋予交易者在特定到期日之前以预定价格(称为行使价)购买标的股票的权利。 如果股票价格在期权到期前升至行使价以上,则期权变得更有价值,交易者可以通过以高于购买价的价格卖出期权来获利。 6park.com

当大量交易者购买一只股票的看涨期权时,它会形成一个反馈回路,使股票需求增加,从而导致股价上涨。 随着股价上涨,看涨期权变得更有价值,这吸引了更多的买家。 这可能导致股价快速而显着的上涨,称为伽马挤压。 6park.com

做空股票的卖空者可能会加剧 Gamma 挤压。 当股价因伽马挤压而迅速上涨时,卖空者可能被迫回购股票以补仓,进一步推动价格上涨。 6park.com

Gamma 挤压对参与其中的交易者来说可能存在风险,因为对看涨期权和标的股票的需求增加可能会产生泡沫,如果购买狂潮突然消退,泡沫可能会破裂。 此外,期权交易涉及重大风险,包括损失全部或超过初始投资的可能性。

What's the gama squeeze ? 6park.com




A gamma squeeze is a market phenomenon that occurs when a surge in demand for a particular stock causes the price to rise rapidly due to the actions of options traders. It happens when a large number of traders, often in online forums or social media platforms, buy call options on a particular stock.

Call options give traders the right to purchase shares of the underlying stock at a predetermined price, known as the strike price, by a specific expiration date. If the stock price rises above the strike price before the option expires, the option becomes more valuable, and traders can make a profit by selling the option for a higher price than they paid for it.

When a large number of traders buy call options on a stock, it can create a feedback loop where the demand for the stock increases, causing the stock price to rise. As the stock price rises, the call options become more valuable, which attracts even more buyers. This can lead to a rapid and significant increase in the stock price, known as a gamma squeeze.

Gamma squeezes can be exacerbated by short sellers who have bet against the stock. When the stock price rises rapidly due to a gamma squeeze, short sellers may be forced to buy back the stock to cover their positions, further fueling the price increase.

Gamma squeezes can be risky for traders who participate in them, as the increased demand for call options and the underlying stock can create a bubble that may burst if the buying frenzy suddenly subsides. Additionally, options trading involves significant risks, including the potential for losing all or more than the initial investment. 6park.com

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