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CD 利率会在 2023 年继续上涨吗?
送交者: nowhere1[♂☆★★✦娱乐人生✦★★☆♂] 于 2023-04-20 17:34 已读 1335 次  


CD 利率会在 2023 年继续上涨吗?Wola Odeniran,CEPF®太平洋夏令时间 2023 年 4 月 20 日星期四上午 11:23SmartAsset:CD 利率会在 2023 年上涨吗?SmartAsset:CD 利率会在 2023 年上涨吗?美联储在 2022 年七次加息以抗击通货膨胀,事实证明这是一场艰巨的斗争。 美联储在 2023 年延续其鹰派立场,在今年的前两次联邦公开市场委员会 (FOMC) 会议上加息。 然而,美联储是否会在今年余下时间缓和加息,一直存在疑问。 这也让人质疑存款证 (CD) 利率是否会在全年继续上升。
要在确定 CD 在您的整体投资计划中的位置以及您可能期望的回报方面获得帮助,请考虑与财务顾问合作。
CD 利率会在 2023 年继续上涨吗?
当美联储提高利率时,银行也倾向于提高存款利率。 但目前尚不清楚美联储将继续加息多久。
今年2月,美联储加息25个基点至调整后的4.5%至4.75%。 而在 3 月份,美联储再次将利率提高 25 个基点至调整后的 4.75% 至 5%。 迹象表明 2023 年将有更多加息。但专家们正在争论加息的次数。
在 3 月份的联邦公开市场委员会会议上,经济预测摘要 (SEP) 表明今年只需要再加息一次,美联储主席杰罗姆鲍威尔表示他将在必要时继续加息,但预计会出现“信贷紧缩”,即银行业务的缩减 贷款本身可以帮助抑制通货膨胀并避免多次加息。
无论 2023 年是否会再次加息,鲍威尔确实表明,基于经济增长相对缓慢以及劳动力市场供需逐步重新平衡,美联储今年的降息计划不在其中 .
CD 利率可能会增加到 2023 年下半年
SmartAsset:CD 利率会在 2023 年上涨吗?SmartAsset:CD 利率会在 2023 年上涨吗?随着美联储在 2 月加息至 4.75%,然后在 3 月加息至 5%,再加上鲍威尔在 3 月 FOMC 会议上的评论,迹象表明美联储今年至少会再次加息。 随着我们接近 2023 年的中点,CD 率也在增加。 在撰写本文时,一些银行提供 5% 或更高的短期 CD 利率。
CD 利率是否会在今年剩余时间内保持如此高水平还有待观察。 但目前,对于那些想在短期内存入一些现金并获得高收益率的 CD 利率的人来说,这可能是一个诱人的选择。
确定最适合您的 CD 费率和条款
如果您对将现金放在哪里感到困惑并且需要更清楚地了解您的选择,那么与财务顾问交谈可以帮助您做出明智的选择。 顾问可以帮助您确定储蓄目标和风险状况。 这位专业人士还可以帮助您了解 CD 投资的利弊。
CD 费率可以提供从六个月到 10 年不等的期限。 根据您的储蓄策略,顾问可以帮助您遵守纪律,不要碰您的钱,从而帮助您避免提款罚款。
SmartAsset:CD 利率会在 2023 年上涨吗?SmartAsset:CD 利率会在 2023 年上涨吗?许多迹象表明美联储将在 2023 年加息。除此之外,鲍威尔不相信在不久的将来会降息。 对于那些想利用目前高 CD 率的人来说,这可能是个好消息。 然而,市场总是会发生变化,并导致美联储改变路线。 财务顾问可以帮助您驾驭您的投资组合,以实现 2023 年及以后的储蓄目标。 6park.com

https://finance.yahoo.com/news/cd-rates-continue-2023-182327819.html 6park.com

Will CD Rates Continue to Go Up in 2023?



Wola Odeniran, CEPF® 6park.com

Thu, April 20, 2023 at 11:23 AM PDT 6park.com



SmartAsset: Will cd rates go up in 2023?

The Federal Reserve hiked interest rates seven times in 2022 in an attempt to combat inflation, a fight that has proved daunting. Continuing its hawkish stance in 2023, the Fed raised rates at the first two Federal Open Market Committee (FOMC) meetings of the year. However, there have been questions on whether the Fed will ease off the rate hikes for the remainder of the year. This also calls into question whether certificates of deposit (CD) rates will continue to rise throughout the year.

To get help with determining where CDs fit into your overall investment plans and what you might expect in terms of returns, consider working with a financial advisor. 

Will CD Rates Continue to Rise in 2023?

When the Fed raises interest rates, banks tend to increase CD rates as well. But it is unclear for how long exactly the Fed will continue to raise rates. 6park.com

In February this year, the Fed raised rates by 25 basis points to an adjusted 4.5% to 4.75%. And in March, the Fed raised rates again by another 25 basis points to an adjusted 4.75% to 5%. Indications point to more rate hikes in 2023. But experts are debating just how many.

During the March FOMC meeting amid Summary Economic Projections (SEP) suggesting the need for just one more rate hike this year, Fed Chair Jerome Powell suggested he will continue to raise rates if necessary but foresees "credit tightening," a cut-back in bank lending that itself could help tame inflation and obviate the need for many more rate hikes.

Whether or not several more rate hikes happen in 2023, Powell did indicate that a rate cut is not in the Fed's current plans for this year based on relatively slow growth in the economy, along with a gradual rebalancing of supply and demand in the labor market.

CD Rates Will Likely Increase Into the Second Half of 2023


SmartAsset: Will cd rates go up in 2023?

With the Fed rate hike reaching 4.75% in February and then 5% in March, combined with Powell's comments during March's FOMC meeting, signs point to the Fed raising rates at least once more this year. And as we get near the midway point of 2023, CD rates are increasing as well. Some banks, as of this writing, are offering yields of 5% or higher on short-term CD rates.

Whether CD rates stay that high for the remainder of the year remains to be seen. But in the present, it may be an enticing option for those who want to deposit some cash in the short term and land a CD rate that has a high yield.

Deciding Which CD Rates and Terms Are Best For You

If you feel stuck as to where to put your cash and need to get a clearer picture of your options, speaking with a financial advisor can help you make a sound choice. An advisor can help you identify your savings goals and your risk profile. This professional can also help you go over the pros and cons of what comes with CD investing.

CD rates can offer terms ranging from six months to 10 years. Depending on your savings strategy, an advisor can help you remain disciplined not to touch your money in order to help you avoid withdrawal penalties.

Bottom Line


SmartAsset: Will cd rates go up in 2023?

Many signs point to the Fed raising interest rates in 2023. On top of that, Powell doesn't believe in cutting rates in the near future. That likely spells good news for those who want to take advantage of high CD rates in the present. However, the market can always change and cause the Fed to alter its course. A financial advisor can help you navigate your portfolio to reach your savings goals throughout 2023 and beyond. 6park.com

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