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送交者: 药监[☆品街R10+☆] 于 2015-05-13 9:01 已读 3000 次 1 赞  




During the Ignite conference in Chicago, Il, Microsoft made a definitive statement to the future of the Windows operating system; Windows 10 is the last version.

Developer Jerry Nixon, stated "Right now we’re releasing Windows 10, and because Windows 10 is the last version of Windows, we’re all still working on Windows 10," during his presentation at the conference. According to The Verge article, Nixon was explaining how Microsoft was launching Windows 8.1 last year, but in the background it was developing Windows 10. Now, Microsoft employees can talk freely about future updates to Windows 10 because there's no secret update in the works coming next. It's all just Windows 10. While it immediately sounds like Microsoft is killing off Windows and not doing future versions, the reality is a little more complex. The future is "Windows as a service." Explaining how it would work, Nixon gave the example of how OS components, such as the Start Menu and the built-in apps, will be bifurcated and updated independently. Alongside, Microsoft revealed that Patch Tuesdays will be abolished, and the update cycle will be moved to a 24x7 one. Users could either opt-in for slow rollout, meaning receiving updates in bundles, or a fast rollout, where they would receive updates as soon as they are released. Nixon’s statement above might start alarm bells ringing, but the truth is that Windows will simply change with Windows 10. All previous versions have come in a single, large-format that you can go into a store and buy.

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