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法国重金属乐队Gojira-Born For One Thing
送交者: 学习不是很好[★★声望品衔10★★] 于 2022-06-01 16:15 已读 5874 次 2 赞  




Born For One Thing - Gojira - 6park.com

Mortal, spawn on the altar Caught in the heart of the blaze The primal fear of disappearing Becoming a ghost in the void Death Give a price, put a name None of it real in this matter Wandering, distracting Wishing the life of another self We were born for one thing Tame the greatest fear of all We were born for one thing Born to face the greatest fear of all We're all drawn into ourselves In a collective coma Remember gazing up for answers But now we're staring down Down Down Down All is blur in the maze we put an end to all All is blur in the maze we put an end to all We were born for one thing Tame the greatest fear of all We were born for one thing Born to face the greatest fear of all No one United When we're gone 6park.com

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