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送交者: 学习不是很好[★★声望品衔10★★] 于 2022-10-08 18:12 已读 2103 次 4 赞  


邦妮雷特Bonnie Raitt是美国杰著名蓝调女音乐家和歌手,曾荣获10个格莱美奖、入选摇滚名人堂、名列星光大道和滚石杂志评出的史上最伟大百位吉他手和歌手行列。 6park.com

Louise此曲,是一个被社会伤害鄙视的不良妇女的生命悲歌。邦妮雷特唱歌卓绝,词曲和配乐干净利落而又和谐,我在收音机里听到这个曲子就迷上了。 6park.com

Louise Bonnie Raitt 6park.com

Well they all said Louise was not half bad It was written on the walls and window shades And how she'd act the little girl A deceiver, don't believe her that's her trade Sometimes a bottle of perfume, Flowers and maybe some lace Men brought Louise ten cent trinkets Their intentions were easily traced Yes and everybody knew at times she cried But women like Louise they get by 6park.com

Well everybody thought it kind of sad When they found Louise in her room They'd always put her down below their kind Still some cried when she died this afternoon Louise rode home on the mail train Somewhere to the south I heard it said Too bad it ended so ugly, Too bad she had to go this way Ah but the wind is blowing cold tonight So good night Louise, good night
贴主:学习不是很好于2022_10_08 18:16:42编辑

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