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送交者: 蠹蛹[☆品衔R4☆] 于 2020-05-06 2:01 已读 1367 次  


搞垮前蘇聯的戰術在中國實施了。  這只豺狼已經來了香港。 6park.com

上星期六,在渣打銀行看到: 6park.com

美元 *活期存款* 利息:3.68% 6park.com

人民幣 *定期存款* 利息:1.39% 6park.com

原來真正答案是這個陰謀。整爛中銀只是第一步。 6park.com

兇惡的豺狼來了,真的來了,己經踏入了我們祖國的土地。 6park.com

現在美國的花旗銀行,己經在我們國家的大中城市,開設了中小額貸款,高息存款,現在就出來了這樣一個項目,你推荐一個人存款10萬元,然後花旗銀行,就給 你直推獎勵5萬元,你推薦的越多,你的直推獎就越高,現在很多不明真相的百姓,己經在藉錢存款。 這件事簡直太可怕了 6park.com

大家都知道,在俄羅斯解體前,也是美國的花旗銀行,第一個來到蘇聯,高息存儲,高額借貸,花招用盡。 當時蘇聯人民不懂,只知道來了高利息存款的好事,民眾紛紛把銀行存款全部取出,紛紛存入了美國的花旗銀行,一夜之間,蘇聯銀行全部被掏空,蘇聯沒有了經濟基礎, 這時,美國花旗銀行,翻臉不認帳,拒不付給蘇聯百姓高額利息,並卷錢撤離,等民眾反應過來了的時候,為時已晚,蘇聯己被解體! 強大的蘇聯,己被分割成若干個小國。 蘇聯人民血的教訓,不能在中國重演! 當下,美國正在與我們中國,打著沒有硝煙的經濟戰爭,美國佬還想用著對付蘇聯人民的辦法,來施用在我們中國百姓的身上,想利用中國百姓崇洋媚外的心裡,耍花招,施詭計 欺騙百姓,高額利息誘惑,致使百姓上當,蘇聯人民慘痛的教訓,我們銘記心裡! 決不能讓蘇聯的歷史,在中國重演! 希望有血性的中國人民,一定不要佔小便宜,吃大虧! 千萬不可能的接受! 中國人民齊心協力,一起抵制,堅決不要存錢到花旗銀行以及外國銀行! 不當亡國奴,建設強大的中國! 實現中國夢! 全國人民一條心,打贏這場沒有硝煙的經濟戰爭! 6park.com

希望看到的朋友都轉發一下,讓更多的朋友了解這個歷史的教訓! (清華大學孫桂蘭老師). 6park.com

America starts 6park.com

Fighting the financial war, 6park.com

The tactics of overthrowing the former Soviet Union were implemented in China.  This jackal has come to Hong Kong. 6park.com

Last Saturday, I saw at Standard Chartered Bank: 6park.com

USD * Deposit deposit * Interest: 3.68% 6park.com

RMB * Term deposit * Interest: 6park.com

1.39% 6park.com

It turned out that the real answer was this conspiracy. Bankruptcy is only the first step. 6park.com

The ferocious jackals are here, they really are, they have stepped into the land of our motherland. 6park.com

Now Citibank in the United States has opened small and medium-sized loans and high-interest deposits in large and medium-sized cities in our country. Now there is such a project. You recommend a person to deposit 100,000 yuan. Then Citibank will give Your direct push reward is 50,000 yuan. The more you recommend, the higher your direct push reward. Now many people who do not know the truth are already borrowing money to deposit. This thing is terrible 6park.com

Everyone knows that before the disintegration of Russia, it was also the US Citibank, the first to come to the Soviet Union, with high interest storage, high borrowing, and exhaustion. At that time, the people of the Soviet Union did not understand it. They only knew that there was a good thing about high-interest deposits. The people took out all the bank deposits and deposited them into Citibank in the United States. All Soviet banks were emptied overnight, and the Soviet Union had no economic foundation. At this time, Citibank of the United States turned its face and refused to recognise the account, refused to pay high interest to the Soviet people, and evacuated the money. When the people reacted, it was too late and the Soviet Union was disintegrated! The powerful Soviet Union has been divided into several small countries. The lessons of the blood of the Soviet people cannot be repeated in China! At the moment, the United States is fighting an economic war with no smoke in China, and the Yankees also want to use it against the Soviet people to apply it to our Chinese people. They want to use the hearts and minds of the Chinese people to play tricks and tricks. Deceptive people, high interest temptation, causing the people to be fooled, the painful lessons of the Soviet people, we remember in our hearts! The history of the Soviet Union must not be repeated in China! I hope that the bloody Chinese people must not take advantage of the small ones and suffer big losses! Never accept it! The Chinese people work together to boycott, and do not save money to Citibank and foreign banks! Improper national slaves and build a powerful China! Realize the Chinese dream! The people of the whole country will win this economic war without smoke! 6park.com

I hope that all the friends I see will forward them to let more friends know the lessons of this history!
(Teacher Sun Guilan from Tsinghua University)
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