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送交者: icemessenger[♂☆★★★SuperMod★★★☆♂] 于 2021-01-19 0:12 已读 751 次 3 赞  



New Year’s Eve is a time when we keep one eye looking back at the previous year with the other looking forward. The year 2020 is a little different. With 2020 playing out as it did, many are relieved to be moving on with a fresh start – with both eyes on 2021 this time. Celebrations played out differently on Dec 31, too, with many choosing to bring in the new year from home. 6park.com

跨年夜是我们回首过去,展望未来的时刻。2020是有些不寻常的一年。随着2020年落下帷幕,许多人都松了口气,打算重新开始 —— 这次只展望来年。12月31日的新年庆祝也不同以往,许多人选择在家中迎接新年。 6park.com

Home has everything one would need for a memorable celebration. Families engaged in movie nights or game nights while ordering their favorite takeout or cooking up something special. Small get-togethers with family or friends are a common way to celebrate New Year’s Eve, too. The same was true this year, whether there’s a pandemic going on or not. 6park.com

家能提供一场难忘的庆祝活动所需的一切。家人们一起欢度电影之夜或游戏之夜,下单购买喜爱的外卖或做些特别的菜肴。跨年夜与亲朋好友小聚也很常见。无论疫情是否还在肆虐,今年也是如此。 6park.com

Others also celebrated virtually. The Times Square New Year’s Eve ball drop happened as usual, with many New Yorkers watching from behind their screens instead of on the streets. And in the skies around the world, there were virtual fireworks displays from Sydney in the Australia, and Dubai in the UAE, to San Antonio in the US, and London in the UK. Others tuned in to watch the composer Jean-Michel Jarre perform virtually from Notre-Dame in Paris. 6park.com

一些人也在网上庆祝新年。时代广场的落球仪式如期而至,不同的是,许多纽约人不是在街上,而是通过屏幕观看。线上烟花表演亮相世界各地夜空,从澳大利亚悉尼、阿联酋迪拜,到美国圣安东尼奥、英国伦敦。还有人收看了作曲家让·米歇尔·雅尔在巴黎圣母院的线上表演。 6park.com

Although the pandemic is still a very real threat, others chose to go out and celebrate at bars or restaurants. Kicking off the new year with good drinks, food and company is a standard way to celebrate, although it looked a bit different this year. Patrons still practiced social distancing and wore masks when not eating or drinking to keep relatively safe. 6park.com

尽管疫情仍是真实存在的威胁,一些人依旧选择外出,在酒吧或餐馆庆祝新年。即便今年看起来有点不同,美酒美食、亲友陪伴仍是迎接新年的标准方式。顾客们仍然保持社交距离,除了吃饭饮水外都戴好口罩,确保相对安全。 6park.com

To others, New Year’s Eve isn’t a big deal – not even worth staying up until midnight for. To each their own. 6park.com

对于一些人来说,跨年夜没什么大不了—— 甚至不值得为此熬到午夜。大家各有所好。 6park.com

Ultimately, New Year’s Eve is about starting anew. It makes us feel that there’s another chance to do the things we couldn’t, to start over, to transform into someone better. It’s a way to start the foreseeable future with a note of optimism and good cheer. It’s a way to pronounce that we made it. We’re here. What will we do next? 6park.com


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