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Women Aren’t Getting the Big Jobs at Goldman Sachs, and They’re Heading for the Exits


苏德巍(David Solomon)担任高盛集团(Goldman Sachs)首席执行官已有五年出头,他当初上任时列出的一个优先事项是把女性提拔到该公司的高级职位上。下周一,苏德巍将在自己的曼哈顿寓所设晚宴招待多位女性合伙人,届时他将面对关于此事为何进展不佳的质疑。 6park.com

When David Solomon became CEO of Goldman Sachs just over five years ago, he made promoting women to senior levels of the firm a priority. On Monday, he’ll host several women partners for dinner at his Manhattan apartment where he’ll face questions on why that hasn’t worked out. 6park.com


《华尔街日报》(The Wall Street Journal)的一项分析发现,在截至2018年底担任合伙人的女性中,约有三分之二已经离开该公司或不再拥有合伙人头衔。在同样的时间框架内,出现上述情况的男性合伙人略低于半数。 6park.com

Roughly two-thirds of the women who were partners at the end of 2018 have left the firm or no longer have the title, a Wall Street Journal analysis found. The same can be said of just under half of male partners at the time. 6park.com

目前没有哪位女性掌管主要部门,也没有哪位女性在内部被视为将来接替苏德巍的可靠人选。在高盛的八位高管中,有两位是女性,分管法律和会计这两项不产生收入的业务。 6park.com

No woman currently runs a major division or is seen internally as a credible candidate to one day succeed Solomon. Two of the eight executive officers at Goldman are women—in legal and accounting, nonrevenue generating positions. 6park.com

在高盛的核心部门投行和市场部,一些女性明星合伙人在发现自己基本无望或者根本不可能晋升后纷纷离职,或者不再担任合伙人。很多离开该公司的女性在别处找到了更好的机会。 6park.com

In Goldman’s core division of investment banking and markets, a number of star women partners have left or are no longer partners after they saw little or no path to moving up the ranks. Many women who left the firm found better opportunities elsewhere. 6park.com

“在让女性晋升到公司的最高级别岗位方面,我们尚未实现目标,”苏德巍在给《华尔街日报》的一份书面声明中说。“我们更长远的成功在很大程度上依赖于培养担任高级职位的女性合伙人。” 6park.com

“Advancing women into our most senior ranks is an area where we have not accomplished our goals,” Solomon said in a written statement to the Journal. “Our longer term success depends significantly on developing female partners in senior roles.” 6park.com


Stephanie Cohen曾是一位成功的投行家,她大约在2020年底调任消费者和财富管理业务联席负责人,成为高盛历史上为数不多的掌管公司重要部门的女性之一。但是,消费者业务本就存在深层次问题,一直受到公司内部一些高职级人士的批评,而且不断被贬低。在去年的一次合伙人会议上,该业务的战略被斥为“鬼扯”。在蒙受数以十亿美元计的损失后,高盛正回撤该业务。Cohen去年6月因个人原因休假,据一些合伙人称,现在她应该不会再回来了。 6park.com

Stephanie Cohen was a successful investment banker who was moved to co-head the consumer and wealth management business around the end of 2020, making her one of the few women in Goldman’s history to run a major division at the firm. But the consumer business already had deep flaws and high-level critics within the company, and it continued to be disparaged—in one gathering of the partners last year, its strategy was called “bullshit.” After billions in losses, Goldman is pulling back from the business. Cohen went on leave last June for personal reasons, and now she isn’t expected to return, according to some partners.

2018年,Stephanie Cohen在纽约的一场活动上发言。

20年来表现卓越的交易员Beth Hammack在与首席财务官职位失之交臂后,被调任投资银行部全球融资联席主管。高盛上个月宣布,Hammack将退休并担任高级董事,高盛称其为顾问角色。她离开的原因是,她认为她感兴趣的两个职位近期都不会有空缺,其中一个职位是首席财务官。Hammack说,她在高盛获得了“难以置信的机会”。 6park.com

Beth Hammack, a top-performing trader for two decades, was moved to co-head global financing in the investment banking division after losing out on the CFO position. Goldman announced last month Hammack would retire and become a senior director, which Goldman described as an advisory role. She is leaving because she doesn’t see either of the positions she is interested in, one of which is the CFO job, opening up anytime soon. Hammack said she has had “incredible opportunities” at Goldman. 6park.com

Susie Scher于2006年被任命为合伙人,2021年被任命为全球融资部主席时,她知道自己向投行部门最高职位的上升之路止步于此。人们普遍认为,这个不那么令人羡慕的职位相当于切断了她竞争部门主管的通路。Scher去年夏天告诉苏德巍,她不想再做合伙人了。她现在是高盛的高级顾问。 6park.com

Susie Scher, who was named partner in 2006, knew her rise to the top of investment banking was over when she was named chair of global financing in 2021—a less coveted position widely understood to put her out of the running to become a division head. Scher, who is now a senior adviser at Goldman, told Solomon in the summer she no longer wanted to be a partner. 6park.com

高盛庞大的市场部门是该公司的一棵摇钱树,该部门几乎所有任期较长的女性合伙人都离开了。据一些合伙人称,最后剩下的女性合伙人之一Anne Marie Darling计划很快离开该公司。 6park.com

Goldman’s sprawling markets division, a moneymaking center of the company, has lost nearly all of its longer-tenured women partners. One of the last ones remaining, Anne Marie Darling, is planning to leave the firm soon, according to some partners. 6park.com

近年来离职的其他高层人士包括Katie Koch,她在高盛资产管理部门工作了20年,现在管理资金管理公司TCW Group。高盛主权业务全球主管兼管理委员会成员Dina Powell McCormick离开后,去了商业银行BDT & MSD Partners担任副董事长。高盛大中华区股票业务主管Christina Ma现在是汇丰控股(HSBC)亚太区全球银行业务主管。在高盛工作了约19年,曾担任投资者关系全球主管等高层职位的Heather Miner,现任Advent International首席运营官。同样在高盛工作了约19年的Margaret Anadu现在是私募投资公司Vistria Group的高级合伙人。 6park.com

Other high-level departures in recent years include Katie Koch, who was in Goldman’s asset-management division for 20 years and now runs money manager TCW Group. Dina Powell McCormick, global head of Goldman’s sovereign business and a member of its management committee, left to become vice chairman at merchant bank BDT & MSD Partners. Christina Ma, Goldman’s head of Greater China equities, is now HSBC’s head of global banking for Asia Pacific. Heather Miner, who during a roughly 19-year career at Goldman held senior posts including global head of investor relations, is now chief operating officer at Advent International. And Margaret Anadu, also with the firm for roughly 19 years, is now a senior partner at private-investment firm Vistria Group.

2016年,Susie Scher在彭博电视上接受访问。

高盛发言人表示,该公司合伙人的离职属于历史正常范围。 6park.com

Goldman’s spokesman said that partner departures at the firm are within historical norms. 6park.com

为撰写本文,《华尔街日报》采访了近20位现任高盛合伙人,有男性也有女性。其中包括投行、市场、资产和财富管理部门任职很长时间的合伙人和新近任命的合伙人。 6park.com

The Journal spoke with close to 20 current Goldman partners, both male and female, for this article. The sources include long-tenured and more recently appointed partners who are in investment banking, markets and asset and wealth management. 6park.com

在华尔街,很少有公司能够成功地将女性提升到最高职位,但高盛的一些同行似乎取得了更大的进步。在摩根大通(JPMorgan Chase),有望接替首席执行官杰米·戴蒙(Jamie Dimon)的两位主要竞争者都是女性。花旗集团(Citigroup)的首席执行官和摩根士丹利(Morgan Stanley)的首席财务官都是女性。 6park.com

Few firms on Wall Street have mastered moving women up to their highest ranks, but some Goldman peers appear to have made more progress. At JPMorgan Chase, two leading contenders to replace CEO Jamie Dimon are women. Citigroup’s CEO and Morgan Stanley’s CFO are women. 6park.com

近年来,因为高盛集团的整体动荡而离职的既有男性,也有女性。但高盛的管理决策和做法对本来就为数更少的女性合伙人影响更大。例如,有个部门,重组的结果是在一些女性之上增加了男性高管,拉大了她们与最高决策者之间的距离。还有一个部门对晋升提出了新的经验要求,而这些经验基本都来自较少有女性从事的工作领域。一些女性被调到了她们专业领域之外的部门,合伙人说这阻碍了她们的成功。 6park.com

Turmoil in general at Goldman in recent years has led to both men and women leaving. But management decisions and practices have had a bigger impact on the smaller pool of women partners. In one division, restructuring had the effect of adding male executives above some women, putting more distance between them and a top decision maker. In another division, new experience requirements were added for advancement that by their nature came from working in areas where there were fewer women. Some women were moved to divisions outside their areas of expertise, which partners say hobbled their success.


现任合伙人还描述了女性合伙人的工作在业绩评估之外受到诋毁的情况。一些女性合伙人担心,高盛最有权势的高管之一、现任资产与财富管理全球主管Marc Nachmann一直在破坏她们的职业生涯,他对其他高管说,她们没有领导能力、不知道如何开展工作、“轻浮”或缺乏内涵。 6park.com

Current partners also described cases in which, separate from performance reviews, the work of female partners was denigrated. Some female partners have been concerned that one of the most powerful executives at Goldman, Marc Nachmann, now global head of asset and wealth management, has been undermining their careers by saying to other executives that they can’t lead, don’t know how to do their jobs, are “light” or lack substance. 6park.com

一位女性合伙人说:“他无视这样一个事实:因为我是女性,所以做我的工作更加困难。” 6park.com

While some said Nachmann is equally critical of men, “He is blind to the fact that it is harder to do what I do because I am a woman here,” said one female partner. 6park.com

“与我共事的女性都是我们行业中最优秀的领导者,”Nachmann在一份声明中说,“我将继续致力于亲身投入她们的成长和晋升,帮助她们进入我的团队和整个公司的最高层。” 6park.com

“The women I’ve worked with here are the best leaders in our industry,” Nachmann said in a statement. “I continue to be committed to personally investing in their growth and advancement to the most senior levels on my team and across the firm.” 6park.com

高盛人力资本管理全球主管Jacqueline Arthur在一份声明中说,在公司最高级专业人员的发展过程中,高层领导需要能够坦诚地讨论他们的优势和发展领域。 6park.com

Jacqueline Arthur, Goldman’s global head of human capital management, said in a statement that in the development process for the firm’s most senior professionals, senior leaders need to be able to have candid discussions about both strengths and areas of development. 6park.com

周一在苏德巍公寓举行的晚宴将讨论推动女性进入高层的整体问题。女性合伙人表示,以前曾就这一问题举行过聚会,但收效甚微。一些受邀参加晚宴的女性表示,她们计划向苏德巍施压,正如其中一位女性所说的,要问问苏德巍“在高盛的实际管理圈层里”,女性到底被接纳了多少。据说,一些没有被邀请的任期较长的女性合伙人也表示了不满。 6park.com

The overall problem of bringing women into the top levels will be discussed at the Monday dinner at Solomon’s apartment. Women partners said gatherings on the issue have occurred previously and that they’ve seen little results. Some women who are invited to the coming dinner said they plan to press Solomon on just how much women are being included, as one said, “in the real workings of the firm.” Some of the longer-tenured women partners who weren’t invited are said to be displeased.


高盛表示,在目前的约400名合伙人中,女性所占比例为该公司成立以来最高。根据美国证券交易委员会(SEC)的文件和其他可公开获得的信息,以及对高盛现任和前任员工的采访,《华尔街日报》发现,高盛目前约19%的合伙人是女性,高于2018年的16%。 6park.com

Goldman said the percentage of the roughly 400 current partners who are women is the highest in the firm’s history. The Journal found that about 19% of partners are now women, up from 16% in 2018, based on a Securities and Exchange Commission filing and other publicly available information, as well as interviews with current and former employees. 6park.com


但目前的名单里女性合伙人的分布比例不协调,很多都来自于最近几年。在高盛上一次公布新合伙人名单时,约有三分之一的女性合伙人来自2022届,而2022届男性合伙人的占比约为17%。 6park.com

But the current roster is disproportionately made up of women from recent partner classes. About a third of current women partners are from the 2022 class, the last time Goldman announced its new partner group, compared with roughly 17% for men. 6park.com

目前女性合伙人任期的中位数约为三年,男性合伙人任期的中位数约为七年。任期较长的合伙人往往更有权势,代表着更大的决策权,也更有可能管理主要部门。 6park.com

The median current partner tenure is roughly three years for women and seven for men. Partners with longer tenure tend to be more powerful, represent greater decision-making authority and are more likely to run major divisions.

Beth Hammack在2016年的一场慈善活动中。

高盛表示,已经增加了从大学招聘的女性人数,以及晋升为副总裁、董事总经理和合伙人的女性人数。苏德巍在给《华尔街日报》的声明中表示:“我们很幸运能拥有非凡的女性合伙人。”他说,“我们对取得进展的领域感到鼓舞,对没有取得进展的领域则给予非常的重视。” 6park.com

Goldman said it has increased the number of women it recruits out of college and those it promotes to vice president, managing director and partner. “We are very fortunate to have extraordinary female partners,” Solomon said in his statement to the Journal. “We are encouraged where we’ve made progress and very focused on where we have not.” 6park.com


高盛去年同意支付2.15亿美元来和解一项集体诉讼,该诉讼涉及一大批现任和前任女性员工,她们指控高盛某些部门的助理和副总裁职位对女性存在系统性歧视。员工通常会通过这样的低级职位逐步晋升到合伙人。 6park.com

Last year, Goldman agreed to pay $215 million to settle a class-action lawsuit covering a large group of current and former female employees that alleged the bank systematically discriminated against women in associate and vice president positions in some divisions. Employees typically rise through lower level roles such as these to reach partner. 6park.com

已经在该公司工作约30年的Hammack在2010年被任命为合伙人,2018年成为全球财务主管。在2021年底财务总监职位交接时,她进入了最后的候选名单。最终她输给了现任首席财务官Denis Coleman,后者于2008年被任命为合伙人,是全球融资集团的联席主管。Hammack从Coleman手中接过了全球融资集团联席主管的头衔。 6park.com

Hammack, who has been at the firm for roughly 30 years, was named partner in 2010 and had become global treasurer in 2018. She was on a shortlist of candidates to become finance chief when the job turned over around the end of 2021. She lost out to current CFO Denis Coleman, who had been named partner in 2008 and was a co-head of the global financing group. Hammack instead took over the global financing role from Coleman. 6park.com

Hammack是该公司25人管理委员会中有创收职责的两名女性之一。另一位是Cohen,就是那名看来可能不会回来的正在休假的合伙人。Cohen一直负责平台解决方案,其中包括高盛即将关闭的消费者贷款业务。 6park.com

Hammack, who has been at the firm for roughly 30 years, was named partner in 2010 and had become global treasurer in 2018. She was on a shortlist of candidates to become finance chief when the job turned over around the end of 2021. She lost out to current CFO Denis Coleman, who had been named partner in 2008 and was a co-head of the global financing group. Hammack instead took over the global financing role from Coleman.

Katie Koch在6月的一场投资活动上发言。

Scher是第一名在全球融资集团担任联席主管的女性,并有望最终成为投资银行业务的联席主管,在很多人看来,这是投行业最有权势的职位之一。 6park.com

Scher was the first woman to co-head the global financing group and was in the running to eventually become a co-head of investment banking—viewed by many as one of the most powerful jobs in the investment banking industry. 6park.com

当她在2021年被任命为全球融资集团的主席——该职位在高盛内部几乎没有晋升空间——时,Scher向包括苏德巍在内的高层表达了她的失望。她被告知需要为其他人留出晋升空间。她之前在全球融资集团的职位由一位男性合伙人填补。 6park.com

When she instead was made chair of the global financing group in 2021, the job that has little potential for advancement within the company, Scher expressed her disappointment to higher-ups including Solomon. She was told room needed to be made for others to move up. Her previous position on the global financing group was filled by a male partner. 6park.com

听取意见的会议2020年到2022年期间,高盛庞大的市场部门(包括销售和交易在内)有很多女性合伙人去了其他部门,或者去了其他公司,当时市场部门的负责人是Nachmann和Ashok Varadhan。现任资产与财富管理部门主管的Nachmann和现任高盛两大部门(全球银行与市场部门)联席主管的Varadhan都被视为潜在的总裁及首席执行官候选人。 6park.com

Goldman’s sprawling markets division, which includes sales and trading, lost many of its women partners to other divisions or to other companies between 2020 and 2022, when Nachmann and Ashok Varadhan were in charge. Nachmann, now the asset and wealth management head, and Varadhan, now co-head of global banking and markets, Goldman’s two major divisions, are both seen as potential president and CEO candidates. 6park.com

在市场业务方面,高盛高管决定,为了管理好市场部的团队,尤其是美国市场,主管候选人需要有市场业务经验,包括风险和流动性方面的经验。当时,许多女性合伙人从事的是销售、而不是交易业务,因此不符合其中的一些要求。虽然该政策对男性员工也有影响,但实际上女性员工受到的影响更大,这也成为一些女性员工离职的原因。 6park.com

At markets, the executives decided that in order to run groups in the division, especially in the U.S., candidates would need to have experience across the markets business, including on risk and liquidity. Many women partners at the time were in sales rather than trading and as a result didn’t meet some of those requirements. While men were also affected, the policy in practice had a bigger impact on women and became a reason for some of the departures. 6park.com

前述高盛发言人表示,在这些离职的女性合伙人中,有许多人在高盛获得了重要的转型机会,比如参与业务管理。 6park.com

The Goldman spokesman said many of the women partners who left transitioned into significant opportunities at the firm, including running businesses. 6park.com

在资产管理业务方面,苏德巍和高盛总裁兼首席运营官温泽恩(John Waldron)在2022年初的架构改革中设立了几个新的领导职位。男性员工被选中担任这些职务,在某些晋升案例中,在该部门供职时间更长、经验更丰富或与男性资历相当的女性员工被忽略了。这种新配置和其他一些调整拉大了一些高管与最高决策者之间的距离,这也是他们离开高盛的原因之一。 6park.com

In asset management, changes in early 2022 overseen by Solomon and President and COO John Waldron created several new leadership jobs. Men were chosen to fill the positions, in some cases passing over women with more or equal tenure and experience in the division. The new setup and other changes resulted in a bigger distance between some executives and their ultimate boss and contributed to departures from the company.


上述发言人表示,这些调整涉及合并多个之前拥有独立领导结构的业务,“从2022年到2023年,高盛经营企业所需的合伙人数量减少了29人,其中24人为男性”。 6park.com

The spokesman said the changes involved consolidating multiple businesses that had their own leadership structures, allowing Goldman “to reduce the number of partners necessary to run that business by 29 across 2022 and 2023, 24 of whom were men.” 6park.com

近年来苏德巍曾安排过几次会议,让女性合伙人表达她们的担忧。在经历上一波离职潮之后,高盛于2022年底举行了一次会议,女性合伙人在那次会议上提出了几个问题。与会女性员工当时表示,Nachmann没有女性下属(相比之下,目前他有一位女性下属),而且创收岗位和管理委员会中女性太少。在高盛,如果不从事创收岗位的工作,成为部门主管的机会就很小,最有权力的高管往往是高盛管理委员会的成员。 6park.com

Solomon has arranged several meetings in recent years for women partners to express their concerns. One that occurred toward the end of 2022, following a previous wave of departures, raised several issues. Women present said that Nachmann had no women reporting to him at the time—one does currently—and that there were too few women in revenue-producing positions and on the management committee. At Goldman, the chances of becoming a division head if you don’t have a revenue-producing job are low, and the most powerful executives tend to be on the management committee. 6park.com

不太可能重返高盛工作的Platform Solutions主管Cohen在职业生涯早期就被视为一颗冉冉升起的新星。2017年,她晋升为首席战略官,后来又被任命为消费者和财富管理部门的联席主管。2022年秋,她被任命为一个新部门的负责人,该部门将包括高盛的信用卡合作业务和其他消费贷款业务。不到十年前,高盛进军大众市场之举被外界普遍看好,认为该领域将是一个炙手可热的新增长点。而最近,高盛发现很大一部分消费业务与该公司的传统投行和交易业务并不匹配,一些有权势的高管对该业务造成亏损的举措感到不满。 6park.com

Cohen, the Platform Solutions head who is not likely to return, was regarded as a rising star from early in her career. In 2017, she was promoted to chief strategy officer and was later tapped to co-head consumer and wealth management. In the fall of 2022, she was named head of the new unit that would include Goldman’s credit-card partnerships and other consumer lending. Less than a decade earlier, Goldman’s move into Main Street was seen as a hot new avenue for growth. More recently, the company was finding that much of the consumer business didn’t gel with its traditional investment banking and trading focuses, and powerful executives were unhappy with its money-losing endeavors. 6park.com

据《华尔街日报》此前报道,在高盛一个管理委员会2022年秋天召开的一次会议上,Nachmann在讨论消费者业务时告诉Cohen,她说得没有道理。之后,根据听到Nachmann发言的合伙人说,在高盛信用卡合作业务去年的一次会议上,他又说消费者业务的策略是“鬼扯”。 6park.com

During a discussion about the consumer business at a management-committee meeting in the fall of 2022, Nachmann told Cohen she wasn’t making sense, the Journal previously reported. Then at a meeting of the partnership last year, he said the consumer business had a “bullshit” strategy, according to partners who heard him. 6park.com

Nachmann还批评过其他女性合伙人的工作。去年,Meena Flynn得知Nachmann在与其他高级管理人员的谈话中发表了对她的负面言论。Flynn开始担心Nachmann在损害她的信誉;Flynn是高盛最高级别的女性创收者之一,已在公司工作已超过23年。她与苏德巍和温泽恩进行了交谈,两人告诉她,他们和公司都支持并重视她。 6park.com

Nachmann has criticized other female partners’ work. Last year, Meena Flynn learned that he was speaking negatively of her in conversations with other senior executives. Flynn, who is one of Goldman’s most senior women in a revenue-producing role and has been with the firm for more than 23 years, became concerned that he was undermining her credibility. She spoke with Solomon and Waldron, and the two men told her that they and the firm support and value her.

Marc Nachmann在2013年高盛投资者日的活动上发言。

今年2月,高盛宣布Flynn将成为OneGS的联席主管,同时她将保留私人财富管理全球联席主管的职位。此举扩大了Flynn的职责范围。OneGS是高盛的一项业务计划,主要是向一个部门的客户销售另一个部门的服务。 6park.com

In February, Goldman announced that Flynn was becoming co-head of OneGS, an initiative at the firm that focuses on selling clients in one division services from another, while keeping her position as global co-head of private wealth management. The move is an expansion of her responsibilities. 6park.com

高盛总裁温泽恩在一份声明中说,Flynn“是公司一位才华出众、极具价值且经验丰富的高级领导者”。温泽恩表示,苏德巍、Marc和他自己都很高兴Flynn能继续为公司的客户提供私人财富管理服务,同时担任共同领导OneGS的重要职务。 6park.com

Flynn “is an exceptionally talented, valued and experienced senior leader in the firm,” Waldron, Goldman’s president, said in a statement. “David, Marc, and I are thrilled for her to continue to deliver for our clients in private wealth management while also taking on this critical role co-leading OneGS.” 6park.com

最近的事态发展让女性合伙人感到挫败。 6park.com

Recent developments have stoked frustrations with women partners. 6park.com

全球银行和市场部三位联席主管之一的Jim Esposito最近宣布离职时,该公司表示没有找人接替他的计划,这让一些人感到失望,认为这是又一次错失了让女性担任高层职务的机会。 6park.com

When Jim Esposito, one of three co-heads of global banking and markets, recently announced his departure, the firm said it had no plans to replace him, upsetting some who see it as another missed opportunity to put a woman in a senior role. 6park.com

高盛最近成立了投行、市场和私人财富委员会,负责战略计划,其成员的定位是可能成为该公司未来领导的人。每个委员会都有大约十几名成员。Hammack被邀请加入投行委员会,但在她离开后,到目前为止的情况是,该委员会将只有一名女性成员。市场委员会也只有一名女性。相比之下,私人财富委员会的11名成员中有六名女性。 6park.com

Goldman recently created committees for investment banking, markets and private wealth to work on strategic initiatives, whose members are being positioned as likely future leaders of the firm. Each has about a dozen members. Hammack was asked to join the investment-banking committee, but following her departure, it will, as of now, include only one woman. The markets committee also has just one woman. Private wealth, by contrast, has six women among its 11 members. 6park.com

据在场人士透露,去年资产管理部门的高级管理人员开会讨论聘用更多女性和少数族裔时,资产与财富部门的首席风险官Milton Millman问,如果没有女性符合他们想要填补岗位的要求怎么办?这让现场的几名人士觉得不妥。去年秋天左右,高盛从公司外部聘请了四位女性投资者担任董事总经理。 6park.com

When senior asset-management executives met last year to discuss hiring more women and minorities, the asset and wealth unit’s chief risk officer, Milton Millman, asked what if there were no qualified women for the positions they were looking to fill, which didn’t sit well with several people who were present, according to people there. Goldman hired four women investors from outside the company as managing directors around the fall of last year. 6park.com

2021年的首席财务官职位变动是另一个引爆点。高盛前任首席财务官Stephen Scherr决定离职时,有两名女性参与了接班人竞争,但都没有获得这一职位。除Hammack外,高盛首席会计官兼合规把关人(controller) Sheara Fredman也参与了竞争。 6park.com

The 2021 change in the CFO position has been another flashpoint. When Goldman’s previous finance chief, Stephen Scherr, decided to leave, two women were in the running to replace him, but neither got the job. In addition to Hammack, Sheara Fredman, chief accounting officer and controller at Goldman, was a contender. 6park.com

Fredman在2012年被任命为合伙人,她曾问苏德巍为什么不选她,得到的回答是她需要更多的经验。她仍然有意成为下一任首席财务官。 6park.com

Fredman, who was named partner in 2012, asked Solomon why she wasn’t chosen and was told she needed more experience. She is still interested in becoming the next CFO.

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