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送交者: icemessenger[♂☆★★★SuperMod★★★☆♂] 于 2024-03-15 18:57 已读 3899 次 1 赞  




1. 长时间浸泡蔬菜 6park.com

菜买来后,很多人会顺手先把蔬菜浸泡到水中然后去忙别的事,忙着忙着就导致蔬菜浸泡的时间太长。 6park.com

其实,长时间浸泡会使蔬菜细胞壁发软,从而使农药和其他污染物更容易渗透进去。另外,部分水溶性的维生素也会溶解在水中,导致营养损失。 6park.com

Soaking vegetables for a long time can soften the cell walls, making it easier for pesticides and other contaminants to penetrate. Additionally, some water-soluble vitamins may dissolve in the water, leading to nutrient loss.

2. 使用过多的洗涤剂 6park.com

虽然现在市面上有很多针对蔬菜的洗涤剂,但如果清洗不彻底,也会导致洗涤剂残留在表面,带来二次污染。也有一些实验表明,洗涤剂清洗蔬菜,效果可能不如直接用清水。 6park.com

While there are many vegetable detergents available on the market, if not thoroughly washed, they can leave detergent residue on the surface, causing secondary pollution. Some studies also suggest that using detergent may not be as effective as using plain water.

3. 先切后洗 6park.com

还有些人习惯切完再洗,这种方式会增加营养的流失,蔬菜中的许多营养成分,如维生素C、叶酸等都是水溶性的。如果先切后洗,这些营养成分容易从切口处流失,溶于水中。其次,这样做也会产生一些食品安全的风险,增加细菌接触食物的几率。 6park.com

Some people prefer to cut vegetables before washing, which can lead to nutrient loss. Many nutrients in vegetables, such as vitamin C and folate, are water-soluble. Cutting before washing can cause these nutrients to leach out into the water. 6park.com

Additionally, this practice may pose some food safety risks, increasing the chances of bacterial contamination.

4. 洗菜机 6park.com

随着经济发展,不少家庭都用上了洗菜机。一些商家号称可以利用超声清洗或者臭氧分解。更有不少宣传称洗菜机能高效去除农残污染。不过,有研究结果就表明,用超声方式洗蔬菜,农残去除率只有53%,数据并不如大部分宣传的那样好。 6park.com

Research results show that washing vegetables with ultrasound only achieves a pesticide removal rate of 53 percent, which is not as good as most advertisements claim.


1. 洗菜洗的是什么? 6park.com


2. 哪些菜农残多? 6park.com



3. 不同蔬菜该怎么洗呢? 6park.com

对于菠菜、油菜、油麦菜等绿叶菜来说,由于不能去皮且叶面积大,农药残留风险较高。研究发现,流水冲洗是清洗叶菜最有效的方式,可去除农药残留率达77.0±18.0%,而洗涤剂效果最差,仅为43.7±14.5%。 6park.com

因此,清洗绿叶菜时最好使用自来水,不需添加醋、柠檬汁或清洁剂。同时,不要长时间浸泡,以免细菌传播。清洗前,去除发黄和枯萎的叶子,用流水彻底冲洗。如果根部难以清洗,可先切除根部后再用流水冲洗。 6park.com

Since they cannot be peeled and have a large leaf surface, leafy vegetables have a higher risk of pesticide residue. Studies have shown that rinsing with running water is the most effective way to clean leafy vegetables, with a pesticide removal rate of 77.0±18.0%. In contrast, using detergent is less effective, with a removal rate of only 43.7±14.5%.

卷叶蔬菜如生菜和卷心菜,它们的特点是外层叶子将内部包裹起来。由于外层容易受虫害和农药残留,也容易沾污和灰尘,因此在处理时,应该去掉最外层松散的叶子。如果叶片有损伤,需要多去几片。 6park.com

接下来,可以摘下整颗蔬菜最外层的2到4片叶子,检查是否有虫子或虫卵,尤其是在缝隙和褶皱处。如果没有发现虫子,剩下的叶片可以直接清洗;如果只有1到2只虫子,需要将下一层叶子再次检查,确保没有虫子后再清洗;如果发现3只以上的虫子,需要逐片检查清洗。 6park.com

For curly leaf vegetables like lettuce and cabbage, they have outer leaves that wrap around the inner core. Due to the outer layers being susceptible to pests and pesticide residue, as well as being prone to dirt and dust, any loose outer leaves should be removed. If there is any damage, more leaves should be removed.

表皮粗糙的瓜茄类和根茎类蔬菜如南瓜、黄瓜、胡萝卜和土豆,它们表面不光滑,可能附着泥土,难以彻底清洗。 6park.com

根据香港食品安全中心的建议,应该用流水冲洗这些蔬菜,如有需要,可使用蔬菜清洁刷子清洗表面坚硬的部分,去除表面和缝隙中的污垢、农药和污染物。 6park.com

如发现蔬菜有受损部分,应该将其切除后再清洗。如果担心清洗不干净,可考虑去皮。需要注意的是,直接削皮而不清洗可能会将皮上的污垢和农药带入到蔬菜表面,增加污染风险。 6park.com

Vegetables with rough surfaces are difficult to clean due to their uneven surfaces and may be covered in soil. According to the Hong Kong Food Safety Centre, these vegetables should be washed with running water. If necessary, a vegetable cleaning brush can be used to clean the hard surfaces, removing dirt and other substances from the surface and crevices.

接下来是农残多且硬度大的蔬菜,比如豇豆和芹菜。这些蔬菜经常出现在农药残留的“黑名单”上。 6park.com

在清洗这类蔬菜之前,可以简单地浸泡一下。浸泡可以去除部分水溶性农药,但浸泡时间应控制在5~10分钟,时间过长可能会导致反渗透。 6park.com

浸泡后,用清水冲洗30秒,并轻轻搓动。最后,采用快速焯水的方式处理,因为加热可以帮助分解有机磷农药。对于高农药残留的蔬菜来说,这种处理方式可以清洗掉80%~90%的残留农药。 6park.com

For vegetables known to have high levels of pesticide residue, such as beans and celery, soaking them briefly before washing can help remove some of the water-soluble pesticides.  6park.com

However, the soaking time should be controlled at 5-10 minutes to prevent excessive penetration of pesticides and nutrient loss. After soaking, rinse with clean water for 30 seconds while gently rubbing. Finally, blanching can help remove 80%-90% of the residual pesticides.

最后是结构复杂、难以清洗的花菜类蔬菜,比如西兰花和菜花。这些蔬菜由许多小花组成,每朵花表面有很多小颗粒,凹凸不平,且有很多小缝隙,容易藏有虫子、虫卵和农药残留。 6park.com

清洗这类蔬菜时,最好采取浸泡、清洗、焯水的步骤。首先,仔细检查蔬菜外部,将所有小花取下并垂直切成两半。然后,将半朵小花放入盛有温水的盆中浸泡20分钟。由于花朵排列紧密,很难检查每个小花是否有虫。 6park.com

For complex vegetables like broccoli and cauliflower, which consist of many small florets with numerous crevices that can harbor insects, insect eggs, and pesticide residues, it is recommended to soak, wash, and blanch them. Begin by inspecting the vegetables, removing all florets, and cutting them in half vertically. Then, soak the half florets in a basin of warm water for 20 minutes.


除了掌握正确的洗菜方法,这些小细节如果不注意,可能也会让效果事倍功半。 6park.com

When washing vegetables, it's important to pay attention to these details: wash your hands before handling food, clean vegetables thoroughly, use running water for washing, separate washing, follow the proper washing order, control washing time, and use appropriate cleaning tools.

▪ 先洗手再洗菜:在处理食物前后,包括洗菜前,必须要先洗手,确保双手的清洁,避免将手上的细菌带到食材上。洗手时,应使用流动的水,配合使用洗手液或肥皂,并认真搓洗至少20秒,确保双手的彻底清洁。 6park.com

▪ 清洗要彻底:洗菜时,要确保将蔬菜表面的泥土、污垢和农药残留等清洗干净。对于叶菜类,可以先将外层的叶子摘掉,然后逐片清洗。对于根茎类,可以先用刷子刷洗表面,再削皮处理。 6park.com

▪ 使用流动水清洗:洗菜时,最好使用流动的水进行清洗,而不是使用静止的水。这样可以确保蔬菜表面的污垢和农药残留被冲走,而不是重新附着在蔬菜上。

▪ 分类清洗:不同种类的蔬菜应分类清洗,避免交叉污染。例如,将生菜、菠菜等叶菜类与根茎类、瓜果类蔬菜分开清洗。同时,已切开的蔬菜和未切开的蔬菜也应分开清洗。 6park.com

▪ 注意清洗顺序:在处理多种蔬菜时,建议先清洗较为干净的蔬菜,再清洗泥土较多的蔬菜,避免将泥土带到已清洗干净的蔬菜上。 6park.com

▪ 控制清洗时间:虽然清洗时间要足够以确保蔬菜的清洁,但过长时间的浸泡也可能导致蔬菜中的营养成分流失。因此,在清洗时,应控制清洗时间,既确保蔬菜的清洁,又尽量保留其营养成分。 6park.com

▪ 使用合适的清洗工具:对于不同的蔬菜,可以使用不同的清洗工具来提高清洗效率。例如,使用刷子清洗根茎类蔬菜的表面,使用干净的布或纸巾擦拭瓜果类蔬菜的表面等。

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