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送交者: icemessenger[♂☆★★★SuperMod★★★☆♂] 于 2024-03-16 1:12 已读 3656 次 1 赞  


TikTok Could Disappear but the Problems It Poses Remain

America is politically polarized. But there is an issue on which both sides agree: We need more privacy and TikTok should not be banned. 6park.com

虽然美国人在政治上两极分化,但不同立场的人都同意:我们需要更多隐私,TikTok不应该被禁。 6park.com


A record 72 percent of Americans want “more government regulation” of what companies can do with their data, according to an October report from Pew Research Center. And only 31 percent of Americans favor a nationwide ban on TikTok, according to a February Associated Press-NORC opinion poll. 6park.com

据皮尤研究中心去年10月的一份报告,高达72%空前比例的美国人希望对企业数据的使用进行“更多政府监管”。而据美联社和全国民意研究中心今年2月的一项民意调查,只有31%的美国人支持在全国范围内禁止TikTok。 6park.com


Despite public sentiment, the U.S. House passed legislation on Wednesday by an overwhelming majority that could force TikTok to divest from control by its Chinese parent company or be banned. It’s fate in the Senate is not clear. 6park.com

尽管公众看法如此,美国众议院仍在周三以压倒性多数通过了一项可能迫使其中国母公司放弃TikTok控制权,否则将禁止该应用的立法。该法案在参议院的命运尚不清楚。 6park.com


TikTok’s parent company, ByteDance, is based in China, and American lawmakers say they are pursuing a ban in the name of protecting U.S. data from the Chinese government. But lawmakers are not pursuing comprehensive federal privacy legislation that would protect Americans’ data across all the apps they use. 6park.com

TikTok的母公司字节跳动总部设在中国,美国的立法者们说,他们寻求禁止该应用,为的是保护美国人的数据,不让中国政府染指。但立法者们并没有寻求全面的联邦隐私立法,来保护美国人使用所有应用程序时提供给企业的个人数据。 6park.com


This is, sadly, just more evidence of how removed federal law-making has become from the will of the people. Issues with wide popular support such as abortion access and gun control remain unaddressed at the federal level. And a majority of Americans say that government policies do not reflect public opinion on key issues. 6park.com

不幸的是,这又一次证明了联邦立法已经脱离人民意愿何其之远。得到广泛支持的问题,如允许堕胎和枪支管制,一直没有在联邦层面得到解决。超过半数的美国人认为,在关键问题上,政府政策没有反映公众的看法。 6park.com


Despite this growing divide, it is truly stunning that lawmakers feel comfortable pushing a TikTok ban during a high-stakes election year. After all, one-third of U.S. adults say they use the site and one-third of U.S. adults under 30 say they regularly get their news on TikTok. Even President Biden, despite saying he would sign the ban into law if it made it to his desk, just started a TikTok channel for his re-election campaign. 6park.com

尽管政策与民意的差距越来越大,但在一个存在重大利害关系的大选年,立法者们对推动禁止TikTok的立法感到如此自信而无惧,这确实令人震惊。别忘了,三分之一的美国成年人说他们使用该社交媒体网站,三分之一的30岁以下的美国成年人说,他们经常用TikTok来获取新闻。就连拜登总统也为他竞选连任开设了一个TikTok频道,尽管他说,如果禁止TikTok的立法能上他的办公桌的话,他会将其签署为法律。 6park.com


Some members of Congress, such as Representative Jeff Jackson, a North Carolina Democrat, regularly use TikTok to communicate with their constituents. Mr. Jackson, who voted for the bill, has 2.5 million followers on the site. “My message to TikTok: break up with the Chinese Communist Party or lose access to your American users,” said bill sponsor Representative Mike Gallagher, a Wisconsin Republican. 6park.com

一些国会议员经常使用TikTok与选民沟通,如来自北卡罗来纳州的民主党众议员杰夫·杰克逊。杰克逊对该法案投了赞成票,他在TikTok社交媒体网站上有250万追随者。“我给TikTok的信息是:与中国共产党分道扬镳,否则将失去你在美国的用户,”该法案的发起人、威斯康星州共和党众议员迈克·加拉格尔说。 6park.com


The legislation seeks to bar the distribution within the United States of “foreign adversary controlled applications such as TikTok” unless it sells itself within six months to a buyer that is approved by the U.S. president. 6park.com

该立法试图禁止在美国境内发行“被外国对手控制的应用程序,例如TikTok”,除非该应用程序在六个月内将自己出售给获得美国总统批准的买家。 6park.com


The rush to pass this bill is particularly odd because the federal government already has a process for dealing with foreign entities buying stakes in domestic companies. The Committee on Foreign Investment in the United States is an interagency body that reviews foreign investments for national security concerns. For instance, it was a review by the committee that caused a Chinese buyer to reverse its acquisition of the dating app Grindr back in 2020. 6park.com

急于通过这项法案尤其令人奇怪,因为联邦政府已有一个应对外国实体购买美国公司股份的程序。对外国投资的国家安全审查由跨部门机构外国在美投资委员会负责。例如,正是该委员会的审查导致一个中国买家在2020年取消了收购约会应用程序Grindr。 6park.com


The committee and TikTok have been negotiating for years over how to mitigate the national security concerns. After Donald Trump while president ordered the committee to investigate, TikTok offered a plan that would have transferred all its data on U.S. citizens to a U.S. subsidiary that would be overseen by Oracle. Oracle would have also overseen TikTok’s algorithms and content takedown decisions on behalf of the U.S. government. But the U.S. government rejected it for reasons that have not been disclosed, and it appears the negotiations have reached an impasse. 6park.com

该委员会与TikTok多年来一直在谈判如何缓解国家安全担忧的问题。特朗普担任总统期间下令该委员会进行调查后,TikTok曾提出一个方案,将其所有的美国公民数据转交给一家由甲骨文监管的美国子公司。甲骨文还将代表美国政府对TikTok的算法和删除内容的决定进行监管。但美国政府以尚未披露的原因拒绝了这个方案,谈判似乎已陷入僵局。 6park.com


But the tricky thing is that forcing TikTok to sell would not solve the problems that lawmakers claim they are trying to address. Selling TikTok to a big tech company such as Google, Meta or Microsoft — after all, who else could afford its estimated price of $84 billion? — would not make U.S. users’ data more secure. In fact, it would simply give the tech giant buying it a new trove of information about all of us that the new owner could use to enhance its already astoundingly detailed portraits. 6park.com

但难办的是,强迫中国公司出售TikTok并不能解决立法者们声称他们正在试图解决的问题。把TikTok卖给一个像谷歌、Meta或微软这样的科技巨头(别忘了,除了它们谁还出得起840亿美元的估价?),不会让美国用户的数据变得更安全。事实上,这只会让购买TikTok的科技巨头获得我们所有人的更多数据,让新的所有者用这些数据来增强已掌握的异常详尽的信息。 6park.com


Right now, for example, Google has most of my email, my documents, my web-browsing behavior and my search queries. The videos I watch on TikTok are, in fact, among the few things it doesn’t have. Adding those videos would add valuable new data to its dossier on me and allow it to monetize it with advertisers, data brokers and anyone else that uses its self-service online advertising platforms and services. 6park.com

例如,谷歌现在有我的大部分电子邮件、我的文档、我的网络浏览行为,以及我的搜索查询。我在TikTok上看的视频是谷歌实际上尚不掌握的少数内容之一。把这些视频交给谷歌,将为它已经给我建立的档案增加有价值的新数据,使其能够通过广告商、数据经纪人,以及使用谷歌自助在线广告平台和服务的任何人来谋利。 6park.com


Sure, maybe in the worst-case scenario, the Chinese government is spying on my viewing of TikTok videos. (TikTok, of course, says that its Chinese parent company is entirely separate from the U.S. entity). But TikTok doesn’t have much more data than any other app — all it knows is that I spend too much time watching cooking videos and makeup tutorials. This information probably helps China in its endless quest to provide all of the material goods that I buy — from kitchen equipment to makeup brushes — but it was already manufacturing those goods anyway, so my feeling is that my viewing data is just additional information about potential future demand for products. 6park.com

当然,也许在最坏的情况下,中国政府正在监视我看的 TikTok视频。(当然,TikTok说,其中国母公司与运营它的美国实体是彻底分开的)。但TikTok并不比其他任何应用拥有更多的数据,它只是知道我花了太多时间看烹饪视频和化妆教程。这个信息大概有助于中国无休止地生产从厨房设备到化妆刷——这些我所购买的物质产品的努力,但反正它已经在生产这些产品了,所以我的感觉是,我看视频的数据只是为这些产品的潜在未来需求提供了额外信息而已。 6park.com


OK, fine you say, but what about the Chinese propaganda that is being spread through TikTok? I’ve read the same scare stories — and all I can say is that they aren’t that convincing. Referring to the People’s Republic of China, the Office of the Director of National Intelligence stated in its February threat assessment that “TikTok accounts run by a P.R.C. propaganda arm reportedly targeted candidates from both political parties during the U.S. midterm election cycle in 2022.” 6park.com

不错,你说你能接受这点,但中国正在通过TikTok传播其宣传怎么办?我也读过那种吓唬人的故事,我只能说它们不太令人信服。国家情报总监办公室在今年2月的威胁评估中提到中华人民共和国时写道,“PRC宣传部门运营的TikTok账号据说曾在2022年的美国中期选举期间将来自两党的候选人都作为目标。” 6park.com


That sounds terrifying until you consider that anyone can set up a TikTok account to target anyone during an election. We know, for instance, that Russians set up accounts on Facebook to try to influence U.S. elections in 2016. And they didn’t have to buy Facebook to do that. It’s also worth noting that the threat assessment does not allege that TikTok’s algorithm promoted the People’s Republic of China accounts — and I’m guessing that if the director of national intelligence’s office had evidence of that, it would have stated it. 6park.com

这听起来有点可怕,但只需要想想就知道,任何人在选举期间都能开设针对任何人的TikTok帐号。例如,我们知道俄罗斯人在Facebook上建账号试图影响2016年的美国大选。他们不需要把Facebook买下来就能那样做。另外值得注意的是,那份威胁评估并没有指责TikTok的算法提高了中国账号的知名度,我的猜测是,如果国家情报办公室主任有证据证明这点,他一定会在报告中指出来。 6park.com


And it’s not clear that the intelligence community has better evidence that it is providing behind closed doors. After a national security briefing on TikTok for members of Congress, Representative Sara Jacobs, Democrat of California, told The Associated Press: “Not a single thing that we heard in today’s classified briefing was unique to TikTok. It was things that happen on every single social media platform.” 6park.com

不清楚情报部门是否正在非公开场合提供了更明确的证据。听了为国会议员提供的有关TikTok的国家安全简报后,加利福尼亚州民主党众议员萨拉·雅各布斯对美联社说:“我们在今天的保密简报中听到的任何事情都不是TikTok独有的。这是每个社交媒体平台上都发生的事情。” 6park.com


Meanwhile, China appears to be having plenty of success pushing its political agenda through influencers on YouTube, Facebook and Instagram, according to a 2022 Associated Press investigation. 6park.com

据美联社2022年的一篇调查报道,与此同时,中国似乎正在用YouTube、Facebook和 Instagram上的影响者推动其政治议程上取得巨大成功。 6park.com


And that’s my point. All of the social media platforms are information minefields, rife with deceptive content from state actors, corporations, paid influencers and others. Their algorithms fuel our worst impulses by highlighting content that promotes anger and outrage. They strip mine our data to make money. 6park.com

这正是我要说的。所有的社交媒体平台都是信息雷区,充斥着来自国家行为者、企业、付费意见领袖,以及其他人的欺骗性内容。这些平台的算法通过突出煽动愤怒和骇人听闻的内容助长了我们最糟糕的冲动。这些平台为了赚钱疯狂地开采我们的数据。 6park.com


Forcing TikTok to merge with another data-hungry social media platform won’t solve any of that. What will make a difference is establishing base-line privacy rules that prohibit companies from exploiting our data and that give us control over the algorithms used to manipulate us. 6park.com


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