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送交者: icemessenger[♂☆★★★SuperMod★★★☆♂] 于 2024-03-17 3:42 已读 3428 次  


Abu Dhabi in talks to invest in OpenAI chip venture

State-backed group MGX in discussions over ambitious plans by Sam Altman to build semiconductor business. 6park.com


A new Abu Dhabi investment company is in talks to back OpenAI’s ambitious chip venture, in the latest effort by the United Arab Emirates to become a global powerbroker in the development of artificial intelligence. 6park.com

阿布扎比一家新成立的投资公司正在就投资OpenAI雄心勃勃的芯片项目进行谈判,这是阿联酋为成为人工智能发展领域的全球力量推动者而做出的最新努力。 6park.com


State-funded MGX is in early stage discussions over a funding deal with OpenAI, according to two people with knowledge of the discussions. The US start-up’s chief executive Sam Altman is seeking to launch a semiconductor business to reduce its dependence on cutting-edge chips made by Nvidia. 6park.com

据两位知情人士透露,由政府出资的MGX正与OpenAI就一项融资协议进行初步谈判。这家美国初创企业的首席执行官萨姆•奥尔特曼正寻求推出一项半导体业务,以减少对英伟达(Nvidia)制造的尖端芯片的依赖。 6park.com


Estimates from Altman and others of the cost of building out AI infrastructure have varied from hundreds of billions of dollars to as high as $7tn over the coming years. 6park.com

奥尔特曼等人估计,未来几年建设人工智能基础设施的成本从数千亿美元到高达7万亿美元不等。 6park.com


Such figures price out traditional technology venture capitalists, leading the group to approach nation-states. The Financial Times this month reported that OpenAI was also holding talks with Singapore-backed Temasek over a funding deal. 6park.com

这样的数字让传统的科技领域风险投资家望而却步,导致该集团开始接触民族国家。英国《金融时报》本月报道称,OpenAI还在与新加坡政府所有的淡马锡(Temasek)就一项融资协议进行谈判。 6park.com


MGX, an AI-focused fund that launched this week, is chaired by the UAE’s powerful national security adviser Sheikh Tahnoon bin Zayed al-Nahyan. The nation is betting its wealth, abundant energy resources and the political backing of the autocratic state’s leadership give it a head start in the race to become a global AI hub. 6park.com

本周成立的专注于人工智能的基金MGX,由阿联酋强大的国家安全顾问谢赫•塔赫努恩•本•扎耶德•阿勒纳哈扬(Sheikh Tahnoon bin Zayed al-Nahyan)担任主席。阿联酋希望凭借其财富、丰富的能源资源和专制国家领导层的政治支持,在成为全球人工智能中心的竞争中占据先机。 6park.com


“They’re looking at creating a structure that will put Abu Dhabi at the centre of this AI strategy with global partners around the world,” said a person briefed on the fund. 6park.com

一位了解该基金情况的人士表示:“他们正在考虑建立一种结构,使阿布扎比与全球合作伙伴一起处于这一人工智能战略的中心。” 6park.com


The UAE’s AI minister Omar Sultan Al Olama told the FT that Tesla chief Elon Musk — who has launched xAI, a company building AI models in an effort to rival OpenAI — was also interested in partnerships with the Gulf state. 6park.com

阿联酋人工智能部长奥马尔•苏丹•阿尔•奥拉马(Omar Sultan Al Olama)告诉英国《金融时报》,特斯拉首席执行官埃隆•马斯克(Elon Musk)也有兴趣与这个海湾国家建立合作伙伴关系。马斯克已经成立了xAI公司,建立人工智能模型,以与OpenAI竞争。 6park.com


“I do see him [Musk] doing something [AI-related] here,” said Olama, adding that he first met the billionaire in 2017 and has done so multiple times since. “I don’t think it’s far out for him to do something here,” said Olama. “The economics are going to dictate what he and others do here.” 6park.com

奥拉马说:“我确实看到他(马斯克)在这里做一些(与人工智能相关的)事情。”他补充说,他第一次见到这位亿万富翁是在2017年,自那以后他已经见过很多次了。奥拉马说:“我认为他在这里做点什么并奇怪。经济将决定他和其他人在这里做什么。” 6park.com


Musk did not respond to a request for comment. 6park.com

马斯克没有回应置评请求。 6park.com


Sheikh Tahnoon, a brother of UAE President Sheikh Mohammed bin Zayed al-Nahyan, oversees a sprawling $1.5tn empire that includes two sovereign wealth funds as well as private businesses. 6park.com

谢赫•塔赫努恩是阿联酋总统谢赫•穆罕默德•本•扎耶德•阿勒纳哈扬(Sheikh Mohammed bin Zayed al-Nahyan)的兄弟,掌管着一个1.5万亿美元的庞大帝国,其中包括两家主权财富基金和私营企业。 6park.com


He chairs G42, a UAE-based group of AI-focused companies, which is backed by Abu Dhabi sovereign investment fund Mubadala and boasts partnerships with OpenAI, Microsoft and Cerebras. 6park.com

他是G42的主席,这是一个总部位于阿联酋的专注于人工智能的公司集团,由阿布扎比主权投资基金穆巴达拉(Mubadala)支持,并与OpenAI、微软(Microsoft)和Cerebras建立了合作关系。 6park.com


By setting up MGX, in partnership with G42 and Mubadala, Sheikh Tahnoon said in a statement that Abu Dhabi was establishing a “national champion” for AI that would “further advance the UAE’s role as a home and ecosystem for top technology talent, investors and entrepreneurs”. 6park.com

通过与G42和穆巴达拉合作成立MGX, 谢赫•塔赫努恩在一份声明中表示,阿布扎比正在建立一个人工智能的“国家冠军”,这将“进一步提升阿联酋作为顶级技术人才、投资者和企业家的家园和生态系统的作用”。 6park.com


AI’s top players such as Altman and Nvidia chief Jensen Huang have been attracted by the UAE’s ambition and financial firepower. The Gulf nation was an early mover in the nascent industry, appointing the world’s first AI minister in 2017 and opening the world’s first AI-focused graduate university two years later. The state has “been talking about AI since before it was cool”, said Altman at an event in Abu Dhabi last year. 6park.com

奥尔特曼和英伟达首席执行官黄仁勋(Jensen Huang)等人工智能领域的顶尖人物都被阿联酋的雄心和财力所吸引。这个海湾国家是这一新兴产业的先行者,在2017年任命了世界上第一位人工智能部长,并在两年后开办了世界上第一所以人工智能为重点的研究生大学。奥尔特曼去年在阿布扎比举行的一次活动上说,阿联酋“在人工智能还不酷的时候就开始谈论它了”。 6park.com


Olama said the country also has a “backlog” of expensive Nvidia graphics processing units (GPUs), the semiconductors used to power large language models. 6park.com

奥拉马说,该国还“储备”了昂贵的英伟达图形处理单元(GPU),这种半导体用于为大型语言模型提供动力。 6park.com


“We need to constantly increase the stockpile to match with the ambitions that we have and the direction that we’re going in,” said the AI minister. “[T]here’s going to be a constant flow of investment from the UAE in this domain” 6park.com

这位人工智能部长表示:“我们需要不断增加储备,以配合我们的雄心和我们的前进方向。阿联酋在这一领域的投资将持续流入。” 6park.com


Yet the UAE’s plans have also required navigating the trade tensions between the US and China. In particular, Washington has raised concerns about G42 and its ties to Chinese companies including Huawei, which have been blacklisted by the US. 6park.com

然而,阿联酋的计划还需要应对美中之间的贸易紧张局势。华盛顿尤其对G42及其与华为(Huawei)等中国企业的关系表示担忧。华为已被美国列入黑名单。 6park.com


Sheikh Tahnoon visited Washington in June, where he discussed issues including “the importance of building trusted technology ecosystems”, according to the White House. Following his trip, the UAE took a strategic decision to prioritise access to US tech partners, people familiar with the leadership’s thinking said. 6park.com

据白宫称,谢赫•塔赫努恩于6月访问了华盛顿,在那里他讨论了包括“建立可信赖的技术生态系统的重要性”在内的问题。了解阿联酋领导层想法的人士表示,在他访问之后,阿联酋做出了一项战略决定,优先考虑与美国科技合作伙伴的接触。 6park.com


G42 has since cut off its China partners and sold off its investments in the country — the latter move welcomed by Mike Gallagher, chair of the House select committee on the Chinese Communist party, who has been a vocal critic of the Abu Dhabi-based company. 6park.com

此后,G42切断了与中国合作伙伴的联系,并出售了在华投资。美国众议院中共问题特别委员会主席迈克•加拉格尔(Mike Gallagher)对这些出售举措表示欢迎,他一直对这家总部位于阿布扎比的公司提出强烈批评。 6park.com


Olama said the UAE was not making a political decision to favour the US over China in any AI-related venture. “The UAE does not have an agenda that we’re only going to work with one partner . . . It’s always economics.” 6park.com

奥拉马说,阿联酋并没有做出政治决定,在任何与人工智能相关的企业中偏袒美国而非中国。“阿联酋没有只与一个伙伴合作的议程……这始终是经济问题”。 6park.com


He added: “We want to ensure that AI is being applied in ways that are non-controversial, that can help us in the long term, that are responsible and are led by Emiratis if we can. And if not, that we work with the best partner globally.” 6park.com


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