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送交者: icemessenger[♂☆★★★SuperMod★★★☆♂] 于 2024-03-17 3:44 已读 3526 次  


Mercedes trials humanlike robots for ‘demanding and repetitive’ tasks

German carmaker looks to droids as it struggles to recruit reliable workers. 6park.com


Mercedes-Benz is trialling humanlike robots for “demanding and repetitive” tasks in one of its factories as the carmaker finds it increasingly hard to find reliable workers. 6park.com

梅赛德斯-奔驰(Mercedes-Benz)正在其一家工厂试行人形机器人,用于执行“要求高且重复性”的任务,因为这家汽车制造商发现越来越难以招募到可靠的工人。 6park.com


Standing at 5’8 and weighing 160 pounds, the humanoid “Apollo” robots from Texan group Apptronik will be used to deliver parts to car assembly lines as well as to carry out quality inspections. Each model can lift up to 55 pounds.  6park.com

身高5英尺8英寸、体重160磅的“阿波罗”人形机器人由德州Apptronik集团制造,将用于向汽车装配线递送零件以及执行质量检查。每个机器人型号能够举起最多55磅的重量。 6park.com


While use of large mechanical arms to carry out functions from lifting entire cars to installing some parts is common across the auto industry, this is one of the first uses of robots with a human appearance.  6park.com

尽管在汽车行业中使用大型机械臂来执行从举起整辆汽车到安装部分零件的操作已经相当普遍,但这却是首次应用具有人类外观的机器人。 6park.com


They allow carmakers to increase automation in factories without making expensive changes to their layout, because the robots can walk through spaces designed for people. 6park.com

它们使得汽车制造商能够在不对工厂布局进行昂贵改造的情况下,提升工厂的自动化水平,因为这些机器人能够穿行于为人类设计的空间。 6park.com


The aim is to carry out “physically demanding, repetitive and dull tasks for which it is increasingly hard to find reliable workers”, Mercedes said. 6park.com

梅赛德斯表示,其目标是执行“体力要求高、重复性强、并且乏味的任务,对于这些任务,越来越难以找到可靠的工人。” 6park.com


Rival BMW has begun trialling some automatons at one of its factories, as has Chinese start-up Nio, while Tesla has also said it will build robots for use in factories. Earlier this month Elon Musk posted a video of its “Optimus” models walking gingerly through a plant, and all carrying out some simple functions such as folding at a table.  6park.com

竞争对手宝马(BMW)已经开始在其工厂试用一些自动化机器人,中国初创企业蔚来同样也在进行试验,而特斯拉也宣布将为工厂制造机器人。本月早些时候,马斯克(Elon Musk)发布了一段视频,展示了其“Optimus”型号机器人在工厂内小心翼翼地行走,以及执行一些简单任务,例如在桌子旁进行折叠工作。 6park.com


Mercedes’ trial is in Hungary, a country facing a labour shortage for auto jobs, and where the unions are less vociferous than in Germany. 6park.com

梅赛德斯在匈牙利进行试验,这是一个汽车行业劳动力短缺的国家,在这里,工会的声音没有德国那么强烈。 6park.com


“We will have to convince workers and management,” said Mercedes’ production chief Jörg Burzer, showing a clip of one employee shaking hands with his new droidian colleague.  6park.com

“我们必须说服工人和管理层,”梅赛德斯的生产主管约尔格•布尔泽(Jörg Burzer)在展示一段员工与其新的机器人同事握手的视频时说道。 6park.com


As they take first steps to roll out the models, he is keen to stress that the robots will not take the jobs of all factory workers. 6park.com

在他们开始推出这些模型的初步阶段,他特别强调机器人不会取代所有工厂工人的岗位。 6park.com


“For the cars we produce, you need workers, first class workers to master the complexity, to build these wonderful cars,” he added.  6park.com



“If you look at our assembly line, each and every S-Class built in one week [is unique],” he added. 6park.com

他补充说:“如果你观察我们的装配线,你会发现一周内制造的每一辆S级轿车都是独特的。” 6park.com


Mercedes and Apptronik plan to work on other potential applications for the machines through their partnership as well. 6park.com

梅赛德斯和Apptronik还计划通过他们的伙伴关系,共同研究机器的其他潜在应用。 6park.com


Apptronik is a spin-off from the Human Centered Robotics Lab at the University of Texas in Austin.  6park.com

Apptronik是由位于奥斯汀的得克萨斯大学人本中心机器人实验室孵化的一家公司。 6park.com


Jeff Cardenas, co-founder & chief executive of Apptronik, said: “When we set out to build Apollo, an agreement like the one we’re announcing today with Mercedes-Benz was a dream scenario. Mercedes plans to use robotics and Apollo for automating some low skill, physically challenging, manual labour — a model use case which we’ll see other organisations replicate in the months and years to come.” 6park.com

Apptronik联合创始人兼首席执行官杰夫•卡德纳斯(Jeff Cardenas)表示:“当我们着手开发阿波罗时,能够像今天这样宣布与梅赛德斯-奔驰达成协议,这正是我们梦寐以求的。梅赛德斯-奔驰计划利用机器人和阿波罗来自动化一些技能要求不高、体力劳动强度大的工作——这将成为一个示范用例,预计在未来几个月乃至几年里,更多的组织会跟进实施。” 6park.com


Replacing expensive workers with robotic alternatives can seem an attractive way to cut spending and improve quality in complex modern auto plants that have very little tolerance for error.  6park.com

在对错误容忍度极低的复杂现代汽车工厂中,用机器人替代昂贵的工人似乎是一种既能节省开支又能提高质量的诱人方式。 6park.com


However, it is not guaranteed to succeed. During the sometimes-chaotic production ramp up of the Tesla Model 3 in 2017, the carmaker tried to replace as many workers as possible with robotic arms, only to tear them out and reinstate manual functions for many of the processes.  6park.com

然而,并不能保证一定会成功。在特斯拉Model 3在2017年的生产快速增长过程中,该汽车制造商试图用机械臂取代尽可能多的工人,但最终却将其拆除并恢复了许多工序的手动操作。

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