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送交者: icemessenger[♂☆★★★SuperMod★★★☆♂] 于 2024-03-18 1:06 已读 3331 次 1 赞  


TikTok’s Business, in Charts


若TikTok在美国被封杀,许多美国人会失去一款最爱的应用,创作者会失去一个热门流量渠道,广告客户会失去一个新兴的平台。虽然TikTok的最终命运如何还充满了悬念,但它一旦退场,竞争对手也将迫不及待地争夺这些关注和广告预算。 6park.com

A U.S. ban of TikTok could cost Americans a favorite app, creators a popular outlet, and advertisers an emerging platform. Though far from certain, its removal would also open the door for competitors eager to compete for attention and ad dollars. 6park.com

根据Apptopia的数据,自2020年以来,这款由中国公司所有的短视频分享平台每个季度在美国的下载量都超过其他主要社交媒体应用。 6park.com

The Chinese-owned service known for its short-form videos has been downloaded more than other major social-media apps in the U.S. each quarter since 2020, according to Apptopia.

TikTok还在广告市场崭露头角,虽然规模仍小,但发展迅速。 6park.com

TikTok has also emerged as a small but fast-growing player in the advertising space. 6park.com

根据Emarketer的估计,TikTok去年在美国的数字广告收入达到66亿美元。虽然市场份额只有2.4%,但比上一年增长了32%。 6park.com

The platform recorded $6.6 billion in U.S. digital ad revenue last year, according to estimates from Emarketer. While only 2.4% of the market, that represents 32% growth from the prior year.

根据Apptopia的数据,TikTok的用户参与度很高,平均每天在该平台上花费超过90分钟,将YouTube、Facebook、Instagram和Snapchat甩在身后。 6park.com

TikTok’s users are highly engaged, spending more than 90 minutes a day on the platform on average, according to Apptopia. That’s more than users of YouTube, Facebook, Instagram or Snapchat. 6park.com

Apptopia研究副总裁Tom Grant说,YouTube和Instagram应用中都有短视频功能,有望在TikTok禁令颁布后成为最大赢家。另外,美国人也可能会选择把原本用在TikTok上的部分时间花在其他类型的娱乐上,如流媒体服务、游戏或约会应用。 6park.com

YouTube and Instagram each offer short-video features in their apps and would likely be the biggest winners of a TikTok ban, said Tom Grant, vice president of research at Apptopia. Americans might also choose to spend some of their freed-up minutes with other types of entertainment such as streaming services, gaming or dating apps. 6park.com

“如果禁用TikTok,这并不是说我腾出一个花在社交上的时间预算了,”Grant说。“反而情况更像是,这个真正既有趣、又酷炫、又吸引人的东西没了。” 6park.com

“If you take TikTok away, it’s not like well, I have a budget of time I spend on social,” Grant said. “It’s more like, this really fun, cool, engaging thing is gone.” 6park.com

研究机构Sensor Tower的一份分析显示,在印度2020年禁用TikTok之后的一年里,YouTube、Instagram等社交平台以及本地化短视频应用Moj和Josh在印度的用户数量均有增长。 6park.com

Other social platforms including YouTube and Instagram and localized short-video apps Moj and Josh saw user growth in India in the year following that country’s banning of TikTok in 2020, according to an analysis by research firm Sensor Tower.

尽管TikTok是美国使用最多的社交媒体应用之一,但它已不再是昔日的增长引擎。数据显示,过去一年中该应用的平均月活跃用户数有所下降。 6park.com

Despite its place as one of the most-used social-media apps in the U.S., TikTok isn’t the growth engine it once was. Average monthly active users are down over the past year, data show. 6park.com

根据Sensor Tower截至2月份的数据,TikTok的美国月度用户总数落后于YouTube、Facebook和Instagram。 6park.com

TikTok trails YouTube, Facebook and Instagram in terms of total U.S. monthly users, according to Sensor Tower data as of February. 6park.com

皮尤研究中心(Pew Research Center)去年进行的一项调查显示,三分之一的美国成年人和62%的18至29岁年轻人都表示在使用TikTok。该调查发现,超过一半的美国人使用YouTube和Facebook。 6park.com

A third of U.S. adults and 62% of 18- to 29-year-olds say they use TikTok, according to a Pew Research Center survey conducted last year. More than half of Americans use YouTube and Facebook, the survey found.

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