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送交者: icemessenger[♂☆★★★SuperMod★★★☆♂] 于 2024-03-19 1:07 已读 3580 次 2 赞  


Vladimir Putin Says He Is Ready for Peace in Ukraine, but Only on His Terms


刚刚以一骑绝尘之势赢得俄罗斯总统大选的普京(Vladimir Putin)向西方喊话:乌克兰的和平只能照他的条件来实现。他还警告说,如果北约胆敢派兵,就意味着爆发核战。 6park.com

Fresh from an election in which he was the only viable contender, Russia’s Vladimir Putin came out swinging against the West, vowing that peace in Ukraine would come only on his terms, and warning that if NATO put boots on the ground, it could mean nuclear war. 6park.com

正如外界普遍预料,普京在周日细心安排的大选中取得压倒性胜利。能够威胁到他的竞争者要么在监狱里,要么被禁止参举,要么已经死亡。据选举官员透露,普京的得票率达到了前所未有的87%。大选过后,普京的论调更加锋利,暗示俄罗斯人民只能接受在乌克兰战场上大获全胜这一种结果,如果做不到这一点,也必须让莫斯科开条件,达成一边倒的和平协议。 6park.com

Putin’s landslide victory in the weekend’s carefully-choreographed vote was widely anticipated. Credible rivals have either been jailed or barred from the ballot, or are dead. But the aftermath has seen him kick up his rhetoric a little higher, and he is using it to suggest that only an outright victory in Ukraine would be acceptable to the Russian people—or, failing that, a lopsided peace with Moscow dictating the terms. 6park.com

“我们愿意和谈……但不是因为敌人弹尽粮绝,”普京在周一早间的新闻发布会上说。“我们可以和谈,前提是对方真有诚意,希望两国关系长久和平友好,而不是想借此喘息一年半到两年,重整旗鼓。” 6park.com

“We are for peace negotiations…but it is not because the enemy is running out of ammunition,” Putin told a news conference in the early hours of Monday, after election officials said he won an unprecedented 87% of the vote. “We are for it, if they are truly serious [and] in the long term they want to build peaceful, good neighborly relations between the two states, and not take a pause for 1½ to two years to rearm.” 6park.com

政治分析人士表示,由于西方在持续援助乌克兰问题上犹豫不决,且援乌问题已卷入美国党争,普京将停火作为诱饵,盘算着让自己在谈判中占据先手。 6park.com

Political analysts said that with Western nations dithering on supplying continuing aid to Ukraine and support for Kyiv becoming a partisan issue in the U.S., Putin has dangled the prospect of a cease-fire, calculating that he would be bargaining from a position of power.


据西方情报机构估计,乌克兰的兵力和武器都处于劣势,乌军武器弹药极度匮乏,已经到了俄军每发射10枚炮弹而乌克兰只能发射大约两枚的程度。目前普京对和平协议的底线是,10年前夺取的克里米亚半岛以及2022年占领的乌克兰东部和南部的四个地区继续由俄方控制。 6park.com

Ukraine is outmanned and outgunned, its forces so depleted that they now only fire around two shells for every 10 Russia fires at them, according to Western intelligence estimates. Putin’s bare minimum in any peace deal now would be to ensure that the Crimean Peninsula, which Moscow seized 10 years ago, would stay under its control, along with four areas Ukraine’s east and south that it claimed in 2022. 6park.com

乌克兰总统泽连斯基(Volodymyr Zelensky)拒绝在俄罗斯撤兵以前启动合谈,并警告称任何停火行动都只会让俄罗斯重整军备,然后变本加厉地打击乌克兰。 6park.com

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky has rejected the start of any peace talks until Russia removes troops from his country and has warned that any cessation of hostilities would simply allow Russia to rearm and better attack Ukraine further down the line. 6park.com

西方国家谴责莫斯科把总统大选扩大到乌克兰境内的俄占区。欧盟周一表示 “不承认也永远不会承认在乌克兰领土上举行的这些所谓的选举或其结果。这些都是无效的,不会产生任何法律效力”。 6park.com

Western governments condemned Moscow’s move to expand the presidential election to Russian-occupied territory in Ukraine. The European Union said Monday that it “does not and will never recognize either the holding of these so-called elections in the territories of Ukraine or their results. They are null and void and cannot produce any legal effect whatsoever.”

上周五,在俄罗斯控制的乌克兰顿涅茨克地区的一个投票站,一名女子在俄罗斯总统普京的肖像画前与写有 “我选择了一位总统”的相框合影。

美国周日也表示,整个选举过程“显然是不自由和不公正的”。 6park.com

The U.S. on Sunday described the overall election process as “obviously not free nor fair.” 6park.com

周一,克里姆林宫在发给《华尔街日报》(The Wall Street Journal)的一份声明中否认了普京用恐吓压制的手段左右选举的说法,称这种指控“毫无根据”,并表示选举结果反映了“总统独一无二的民望”。 6park.com

In a statement provided to The Wall Street Journal, the Kremlin Monday denied suggestions that Putin had used intimidation and repression to swing the election in his favor, calling such accusations “baseless” and saying the outcome reflected what it called “the unique level of public support for the president.” 6park.com

普京周一在大选结束后的演讲中警告西方不要继续通过支持乌克兰干涉这场战争,他在没有提供任何证据的情况下表示,俄罗斯已经知道以美国为首的北约成员国的军事人员已经出现在乌克兰,并声称这些军事人员正大量死亡。他警告说,“不排除未来”在俄罗斯与北约之间发生全面冲突的可能,如果爆发这样的冲突,“世界距离第三次世界大战将只有一步之遥”,想必没有人愿意看到这样的结果。 6park.com

In his postelection remarks Monday, Putin cautioned the West against continuing to interfere in the war by backing Ukraine, saying, without providing evidence, that Russia was already aware that military personnel from U.S.-led North Atlantic Treaty Organization countries were present in Ukraine, and he claimed they were dying there in large numbers. He warned that a full-scale conflict between Russia and NATO “cannot be ruled out in the future” and if such were to occur, “the world will be one step away from a Third World war,” which hardly anyone wants, he said. 6park.com

普京坚决反对美国和欧洲插手俄乌冲突,并利用与西方爆发核冲突的威胁强调这一主张,这已经是普京在不到一个月的时间里第三次发出这样的警告。有分析人士指出,普京正试图激起西方国家的反应,好让俄罗斯民众相信他们需要一个强有力的领导人来保护他们。 6park.com

It was the third time in less than a month that Putin used the possible threat of nuclear confrontation with the West to emphasize his insistence that the U.S. and Europe should keep out of the conflict in Ukraine. Analysts have suggested he is trying to provoke a reaction from the West so as to convince the Russian population they need a strong leader to protect them. 6park.com

到目前为止,军事上的突破对俄乌双方来说都遥不可及,也几乎没有什么力量能让普京就此收手。西方制裁并没有搞垮俄罗斯经济,中国给俄罗斯提供了一条重要的经济生命线,伊朗则向莫斯科提供了用于乌克兰的无人机。俄罗斯还从盟友朝鲜和白俄罗斯获取供应,同时加强了国内的武器生产。 6park.com

A military breakthrough looks out of reach for both countries for now, and Putin has little incentive to stop. Western sanctions have failed to bring Russia’s economy to its knees, with China extending an important economic lifeline and Iran providing Moscow with drones to be used in Ukraine. Russia has also tapped allies North Korea and Belarus for supplies and has ramped up its own production of weapons.


还有分析人士指出,逐步扩大的战果也让普京相信,打下去能换来对俄罗斯更有利的结果,这些战果包括今年2月份在经历几个月激战和大量人员伤亡后夺取的乌克兰东部城镇阿夫迪伊夫卡。 6park.com

Meanwhile, incremental battlefield successes, such as the capture of the eastern Ukrainian town of Avdiivka in February, following months of grinding combat and huge manpower losses, have helped convince Putin to keep the fight going to try to force an outcome in Russia’s favor, analysts say. 6park.com

普京在前夜夸耀了俄罗斯士兵目前享有的军事优势,称俄军“每天都在前进,逐步地,小心翼翼地前进,但每天都向前推进”,在某些地区,“简直是在把敌人砍成碎片”。 6park.com

Overnight Putin boasted of the military advantage now enjoyed by his soldiers, who he said were advancing “every day, gradually, carefully, but every day” and in some areas, were “simply cutting the enemy to pieces right now.” 6park.com

战果虽然不大,却足以让普京在周一晚些时候再度耀武扬威,这一次是在莫斯科红场为纪念吞并克里米亚而举行的音乐会和集会上。 6park.com

The gains, though modest, also allowed him to put on another show of bravado later Monday, this time with a concert and rally on Moscow’s Red Square to mark the annexation of Crimea. 6park.com

“克里米亚不仅是一块具有重要战略意义的领土,也不仅仅是我们的历史,我们的传统和俄罗斯的骄傲。最重要的是,克里米亚是人民,”普京对成千上万的集会人群说。在现场,人们挥舞国旗,聆听艺人演唱爱国歌曲,跳舞并朗诵诗歌。“塞瓦斯托波尔的居民,克里米亚人,他们是我们的骄傲。他们从未让自己脱离俄罗斯,这也是克里米亚得以回归我们大家庭的原因,”他说。 6park.com

“Crimea is not only a strategically important territory, it is not only our history, our traditions and the pride of Russia. Crimea is, first and foremost, people,” Putin told thousands who had gathered to listen to artists sing patriotic songs, dance and recite poetry, waving flags. “Residents of Sevastopol, Crimeans—they are our pride. They never separated themselves from Russia, and this is what allowed Crimea to return to our common family,” he said.


有一小群人陪着普京站在舞台上,其中包括年轻人和三名在选举中向他发起挑战的候选人。普京表示将继续开发克里米亚半岛。他说,周一他得到消息,从靠近乌克兰边境的俄罗斯顿河畔罗斯托夫市出发,途经俄罗斯占领的顿涅茨克和扎波罗热地区的铁路已经翻修完毕,不久将与克里米亚最大的城市、俄罗斯黑海舰队的基地塞瓦斯托波尔相连。 6park.com

Flanked on stage by a small group, including young people and the three candidates who challenged him in the election, the Russian president vowed to continue to develop the peninsula. He said he had gotten word Monday that the railway that runs from the Russian city of Rostov-on-Don, near the Ukrainian border and through the Russian-occupied Donetsk and Zaporizhzhia regions, had been renovated and would soon be connected with Sevastopol, the largest city in Crimea and the headquarters of Russia’s Black Sea Fleet. 6park.com

他说,这将是克里米亚大桥之外的另一条路线。入侵开始以来,克里米亚大桥屡次成为破坏袭击的目标,俄罗斯将这些破坏行动归责于乌克兰。 6park.com

This, he said, would provide another alternative route to the Crimean bridge—the target of repeated sabotage attacks since the start of the invasion, which Moscow has blamed on Kyiv. 6park.com

“我们将携手并进。这正是我们变得更加强大的原因,不是用语言,而是用行动,”普京说。此时全场高呼:“俄罗斯,俄罗斯!”。 6park.com

“Together, hand in hand, we will move forward. And this is precisely what, not in words, but in deeds, makes us eminently stronger,” Putin said, as the crowd erupted with chants of “Russia, Russia!”

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