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送交者: icemessenger[♂☆★★★SuperMod★★★☆♂] 于 2024-03-19 18:57 已读 3179 次 1 赞  


近日,用AI技术“复活”逝者一事,引发网友关注,并多次登上热搜榜。 6park.com

A surge in the practice of creating AI-cloned videos of dead celebrities has sparked criticism from their families and raised legal concerns over the protection of image and privacy rights.


此前,知名音乐人包小柏成功运用AI技术“复活”了已逝世两年的女儿。“数字世界”里的女儿不仅会唱歌跳舞,还能跟家人对话,场面十分感人。 6park.com


“AI高以翔”称:“你们的每一个留言、每一份关怀,我都感受到了”。“AI乔任梁”也在跟粉丝问好。 6park.com

One AI-generated video opens with the greeting, "Hello everyone, I'm Kimi, Qiao Renliang, and I haven't really left." 6park.com

除了中国明星,还有迈克尔·杰克逊、科比·布莱恩等人。用AI技术“复活”已逝明星的行为愈演愈烈,也备受争议。 6park.com

From Chinese celebrities such as singer Coco Lee and actor Qiao Renliang to Western icons like Michael Jackson and Kobe Bryant, AI-generated videos on Chinese short-video platforms are bringing the dead back to virtual life, sparking renewed debates over the ethical and legal boundaries of using AI. 6park.com

3月15日,据媒体报道,高以翔生前经纪人转达高以翔家人的意见称,不希望高以翔肖像被他人任意使用,严厉地谴责并坚决抵制该行为。若不立即停止侵权行为,家人会采取法律行动。 6park.com

3月16日,乔任梁父亲告诉媒体记者,对于网络上传播的“儿子被复活”影像表示不能接受,感到非常不适,希望对方尽快下架。“他们未征求我们同意,这是在揭伤疤”。 6park.com

On March 16, Qiao's father told domestic media that he was unable to accept the recreation and that he felt uncomfortable watching the AI depiction of his son. 6park.com

"Who gave them the right to do this? It's not just about (legal) infringements; it's a lack of respect. We cannot accept this if it’s for commercial gain," he told Hongxing News. He added, however, that he could understand it if fans used it as a form of memorial.



AI复活逝者服务,少则几十元,多则上万元。 6park.com

此前媒体就曾报道,电商平台已出现不少AI“复活”服务,有商家售出超400单,少则几十元一单,多则数千、上万元。 6park.com

记者以AI视频潜在购买者或合作者身份咨询制作者,了解到目前,制作一条30秒~1分钟时长的视频价格80元~600元。拿到视频后,可自行在视频平台发布。不少发布视频的创作者对外接单,有的在招收学徒和代理。 6park.com

Creating a customized 60-second video of a dead celebrity costs about 600 yuan, according to a Douyin-based digital resurrection service. To commission such a video, customers need to provide a frontal video clip of the celebrity speaking for at least 10 seconds, along with a voice recording lasting 10 seconds or more. 6park.com

电商平台上也出现了低价的明星模型,这些“免训练、可直接合成”的女明星“万能模型”,售价几乎都在8元-25元以下。AI合成明星正形成一个灰色产业。 6park.com

值得一提的是,用AI复活李玟的博主自称是因受到粉丝请求义务做的。而在视频评论区,有人则打着温情的名义,趁机做起AI推广、收费服务。不少网友还咨询该博主制作逝者“复活”视频怎么收费。 6park.com

While some content creators claim to have "resurrected" these figures in response to requests from fans, many are leveraging the videos to drive traffic to businesses specializing in digital resurrection.






用AI“复活”李玟、乔任梁等行为,是否涉嫌侵权? 6park.com

北京盈科(上海)律师事务所陈勇勇律师表示,未经逝者亲属等同意的情况下,用AI复活李玟、乔任粱、高以翔等行为涉嫌侵权。逝者配偶、子女、父母有权依法请求行为人承担民事责任。若逝者没有配偶、子女且父母已经死亡的其他近亲属有权依法请求行为人承担民事责任。 6park.com

Legal experts have weighed in, suggesting that the unauthorized use of an individual's likeness through AI technology may constitute infringement and could lead to civil liabilities, especially if done without the consent of the deceased's family members. 6park.com

影迷和歌迷不以盈利为目的制作AI“复活”视频的行为,仍构成侵权,应当依法承担民事责任。绝不能让“复活”给逝者家属造成二次伤害。 6park.com

作为新技术,我们乐见AI在更多的新场景、新应用上满足越来越多人的情感需求,丰富和服务于生活。 6park.com

一些人用AI技术“复活”逝者表达对亲友的思念之情,这样的做法可以理解,但这一行为的前提是遵守法律法规,不能突破道德伦理的边界。 6park.com

Despite the emotional appeal and potential benefits of using AI to preserve memories and pay tribute to deceased individuals, it is imperative to prioritize respect for the wishes and privacy of their families. The decision to recreate or memorialize a deceased individual should be made with their family members' consent and in accordance with legal and ethical guidelines. 6park.com

特别是要尊重逝者家属的想法,考虑他们的感受。绝不能让“复活”行为给他们造成心理冲击和二次伤害。要把是否“复活”的选择权交给他们,这既是对逝者家人的尊重、保护与关照,也是对逝者最好的追忆。 6park.com


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