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送交者: icemessenger[♂☆★★★SuperMod★★★☆♂] 于 2024-03-20 1:11 已读 3581 次 1 赞  


Taiwan Acknowledges Presence of U.S. Troops on Outlying Islands



在两岸关系日趋紧张之际,台湾国防部长暗示美军一直在离岛训练台湾军队,如果台湾与中国大陆爆发冲突,这些岛屿将处于前线。 6park.com

As tensions rise with China, Taiwan’s defense minister has hinted that U.S. troops have been training the Taiwanese military on outlying islands that would be on the front lines of a conflict with its neighbor. 6park.com

台湾国防部长邱国正没有透露美军部署的细节,但表示离岛包括金门,这里位于中国沿海城市厦门以东3英里,距离台湾本岛100多英里。 6park.com

The defense minister, Chiu Kuo-cheng, didn’t offer details of the U.S. deployment, but the outlying islands include Kinmen, which sits 3 miles east of the Chinese coastal city of Xiamen and more than 100 miles from Taiwan’s main island. 6park.com

邱国正周四在回答美军驻扎台湾离岛的问题时说:“交流就是互相观摩,看我们有没有哪些问题,怎么改进,我们可以学习。” 6park.com

“This exchange is for mutual observation, to identify the problems we have, figure out how to improve and to recognize their strengths so we can learn from them,” Chiu said Thursday in response to questions about U.S. troops on Taiwan’s outlying islands. 6park.com

这是台湾罕见地承认美军在其领土上的活动。 6park.com

His comments marked a rare acknowledgment by Taiwan of activity by American troops on its territory.


邱国正是在回答Sofrep一篇报道引发的问题时发表上述言论的。这篇报道称,美国特种部队教官将被派往台湾精锐部队驻扎的金门和其他离岛。Sofrep是一个关注国家安全问题的新闻网站。 6park.com

Chiu was responding to questions about a report in Sofrep, an online publication focusing on national security, that asserted U.S. Special Forces trainers would be sent to Kinmen and other outlying islands where Taiwan’s elite forces are based. 6park.com

美国五角大楼发言人Marty Meiners中校表示,他不会就具体行动或训练发表评论。他说:“我们对台湾的承诺坚如磐石,会协助维护台海和区域内的和平稳定。” 6park.com

Lt. Col. Marty Meiners, a Pentagon spokesman, said he wouldn’t comment on specific operations or training. “Our commitment to Taiwan is rock-solid and contributes to the maintenance of peace and stability across the Taiwan Strait and within the region,” he said. 6park.com

邱国正说,台湾军队“可能有些盲点或缺点”,需要跟友好团队或国家交流观摩。 6park.com

Taiwan needs such exchanges with friendly militaries because its military “may have some blind spots or shortcomings,” Chiu said. 6park.com

国防安全研究院(Institute for National Defense and Security Research)研究员苏紫云表示,美国特种部队的训练重点是加强台湾后方安全,尤其是防止敌人渗透和破坏。国防安全研究院是一个设在台湾并有军方背景的智库机构。他说,华盛顿和台北的合作主要集中在防务。 6park.com

Training by U.S. Special Forces has focused on strengthening Taiwan’s rear security, in particular the prevention of enemy infiltration and sabotage, according to Su Tzu-yun, a research fellow at the Institute for National Defense and Security Research (or INDSR), a military-backed think tank in Taipei. “The collaboration between Washington and Taipei is primarily focused on defense,” he said. 6park.com

国防安全研究院的分析员称,包括金门在内的离岛是台湾大部分两栖士兵即蛙人的驻扎地。 6park.com

The outlying islands, including Kinmen, are where most of Taiwan’s amphibious soldiers, known as the frogmen, are stationed, according to analysts at INDSR. 6park.com

在发生两名中国渔民遭台湾海巡人员追捕并翻船身亡的事件后,过去一个月两岸在金门展开了一系列激烈的海上交锋。 6park.com

Kinmen has been the site of a series of testy maritime exchanges between China and Taiwan over the past month following the death of two Chinese fishermen whose boat capsized while being pursued by the Taiwanese coast guard. 6park.com

一名中国官员将此次渔民遇难称为“恶性事件”,中国政府表示将加强在该海域的巡逻。最近几周,随着双方在其他渔船事故后参与搜救行动,紧张局势有所缓和,但台湾有关部门表示,中国海警船继续进入限制水域。 6park.com

A Chinese official called the deaths a “vicious incident,” and Beijing said it would step up patrols in the area. Tensions have eased somewhat in recent weeks as the two sides have participated in search-and-rescue operations following other fishing boat accidents, but Taiwanese authorities said Chinese coast guard vessels have continued to enter restricted waters.


《华尔街日报》(The Wall Street Journa)在2021年最先报道称,美军一支小分队已在台湾驻扎至少一年,秘密训练台湾武装以抵御中国军队,后者一直在稳步增强武装夺台的能力。 6park.com

The Wall Street Journal first reported in 2021 that a small contingent of U.S. troops had been in Taiwan for at least a year, secretly training the Taiwanese armed forces to defend against a Chinese military that has been building its capability to capture Taiwan in an armed conflict. 6park.com

中共从未统治过台湾,但宣称台湾是其领土的一部分。中国领导人习近平去年11月与美国总统拜登(Joe Biden)会面时表示,中国终将统一台湾,并呼吁美国支持“和平统一”。 6park.com

China’s Communist Party has never controlled Taiwan but considers the self-ruled island to be part of its territory. Chinese leader Xi Jinping told President Biden during their meeting in November that China and Taiwan would be unified and called on the U.S. to support “peaceful reunification.” 6park.com

在本月早些时候发表的年度讲话中,中国国务院总理李强重申了针对美国支持台湾的警告,称中国将“坚决反对'台独'分裂和外来干涉”。 6park.com

During an annual address delivered earlier this month, Chinese Premier Li Qiang repeated warnings directed against U.S. support for Taiwan, saying China will “resolutely oppose separatist activities aimed at ‘Taiwan independence’ and external interference.” 6park.com

中国已派遣越来越多的军舰和飞机在台湾附近定期演习,分析人士指出,这是为可能爆发的冲突所做的训练,也是为试探台湾岛的防御能力。2022年,在时任美国众议院议长的佩洛西(Nancy Pelosi)访问台北后,北京方面展开了意在模拟潜在封锁的环岛大演习,并发射导弹飞越台湾上空。 6park.com

China has sent an increasing number of military ships and aircraft on regular drills near Taiwan, which analysts have described as efforts to train for a potential conflict and test the island’s defenses. Beijing launched large-scale drills around Taiwan meant to simulate a potential blockade and fired missiles over the island in 2022 after then-U. S. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi visited Taipei. 6park.com

美国官员表示,美国去年计划将派驻台湾的军队人数从2022年的约30名增加到100-200名。美台对这一部署基本缄口不言,试图避免激怒北京,同时努力加强台湾防御,抵御中国可能实施的入侵。 6park.com

The U.S. planned to expand its presence of troops in Taiwan to between 100 and 200 last year, up from roughly 30 in 2022, U.S. officials have said. The U.S. and Taiwan have been largely silent on the deployment as they attempt to avoid agitating Beijing. 6park.com

国防安全研究院的代副执行长沈明室表示,过去台湾曾派特种部队军官到美国受训,现在是美国教官来台湾训练整个连队。沈明室说,这让训练更完整,这非常有意义。 6park.com

In the past, Taiwan had sent its special forces officers to train in the U.S., but now the American instructors are coming to Taiwan to train entire companies, according to Shen Ming-shih, acting deputy CEO at INDSR, the think tank. “It makes the training more complete, which I think is very meaningful,” Shen said. 6park.com

分析人士表示,考虑到台湾的一些特种部队就驻扎在金门,那里很适合训练。 6park.com

Analysts say Kinmen is a logical place for training exercises given some of Taiwan’s special forces are based there. 6park.com


新加坡李光耀公共政策学院(Lee Kuan Yew School of Public Policy)高级研究员、五角大楼负责中国事务的前官员唐安竹(Drew Thompson)说:“既然要训练,就应该选在军队驻扎的地方,而不是出于政治上的权宜之计把整个指挥部转移到别的地方。” 6park.com

“If you’re bringing in a training element, you want to train where the troops are rather than have to take the entire command and move it somewhere else for political expediency,” said Drew Thompson, a senior research fellow at the Lee Kuan Yew School of Public Policy in Singapore and formerly a Pentagon official responsible for China.


美国与台湾没有正式外交关系,但在台湾保持强大的非官方存在。《与台湾关系法》(Taiwan Relations Act)要求美国向台湾提供自卫所需要的武器和服务,但在发生战争时是否会直接援助台湾,美国历来含糊其辞。美国总统拜登多次表示美国将保卫台湾,但美国官员表示官方政策没有改变。 6park.com

The U.S. doesn’t have official diplomatic ties with Taiwan but maintains a robust unofficial presence. The Taiwan Relations Act requires the U.S. to supply the island with weapons and services it needs to defend itself, though the U.S. has traditionally remained vague over whether it would directly aid Taiwan in the event of a war. Biden has repeatedly said the U.S. would defend Taiwan, but U.S. officials have said there is no change to official policy. 6park.com

美国军方定期派代表团观察台湾的年度军事演习即“汉光军演”。去年,事实上的美国驻台湾大使馆的成员与台湾高级政府官员和高级军事官员一道观看了一系列模拟空袭和灾难响应的演习。 6park.com

The U.S. military regularly sends delegations to observe Taiwan’s annual military drills, known as the Han Kuang exercises. Last year, members of the de facto U.S. Embassy in Taiwan appeared alongside senior government and top military officials to watch a series of air raid and disaster-response drills. 6park.com

台湾国防部长邱国正说,台湾防务官员计划邀请美国防务官员出席今年的军演;汉光军演通常在7月举行。 6park.com

Chiu, the defense minister, said Taiwanese defense officials planned to invite their American counterparts to attend this year’s drills, which are typically held in July. 6park.com

台湾与美国的非正式军事交流很常见。美国海军战争学院(U.S. Naval War College)的一个代表团上周访问了台北,并与国防安全研究院举行了联合研讨会,讨论解放军及其海军问题。国家安全官员和外交部代表出席了此次研讨会。 6park.com

Informal military exchanges with the U.S. are common for Taiwan. A delegation from the U.S. Naval War College visited Taipei last week, holding a joint seminar with INDSR to discuss China’s People’s Liberation Army and its Navy. National security officials and representatives of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs attended the seminar.

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