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双语资讯速览 | 奥迪考虑在美国生产电动汽车以扩大市场份额
送交者: icemessenger[♂☆★★★SuperMod★★★☆♂] 于 2024-03-20 18:55 已读 3536 次 1 赞  




The capital of one of the Democratic Republic of Congo’s most mineral-rich regions is being “asphyxiated” as armed rebels close in on the city in a conflict that threatens to explode into a wider regional war, aid agencies and analysts have warned. 6park.com

援助机构和分析人士发出了警告,刚果民主共和国矿产资源最丰富的地区之一的首府戈马正在“窒息”,因为武装叛乱分子正在逼近这座城市,一场冲突有可能爆发为更广泛的地区战争。 6park.com

As fighting between M23 rebels and DRC government forces intensified around Goma, capital of the eastern province of North Kivu, the situation had become “really catastrophic”, said Angèle Dikongué-Atangana, DRC country representative for UNHCR, the UN refugee agency. 6park.com

联合国难民署(UNHCR)驻刚果(金)代表安格尔•迪孔古•阿坦加纳(Angèle Dikongué-Atangana)表示,随着M23叛军与刚果(金)政府军在东部北基伍省(North Kivu)首府戈马附近的战斗加剧,局势已变得“真正灾难性的”。 6park.com

M23, which observers say is being backed by neighbouring Rwanda, has fought its way to within 25km of Goma. The rebel group controls almost all supply routes into the city, where the 1.5mn-strong population has been swelled by hundreds of thousands of displaced people, sending the price of basic commodities rocketing, according to aid agencies and analysts. 6park.com

观察人士称,M23得到了邻国卢旺达的支持,目前已打到离戈马不到25公里的地方。据援助机构和分析人士称,该反叛组织控制了进入戈马的几乎所有补给线,该市原本就有150万人口,数十万流离失所者使人口激增,导致基本商品价格飞涨。 6park.com

——本文2024年3月19日发布于FT中文网,英文原题为Threat of regional war intensifies as DR Congo rebels close in on Goma



French luxury group Kering has issued a profit warning, making it an exception among the sector’s biggest groups, with falling sales at its leading brand Gucci expected to drag on group revenues.  6park.com

法国奢侈品集团开云集团(Kering)发布了盈利预警,使其成为该行业最大集团中的一个例外,其主要品牌古驰(Gucci)下滑的销售额预计将拖累集团收入。 6park.com

Paris-based Kering said on Tuesday that sales in the first quarter are expected to fall by 10 per cent year on year on a comparable basis, with those at Gucci — which accounted for two-thirds of group operating income last year — falling by nearly 20 per cent. 6park.com

总部位于巴黎的开云集团周二表示,按可比价格计算,预计今年第一季度销售额将同比下降10%,其中古驰的销售额将下降近20%。古驰去年贡献了集团营业利润的三分之二。 6park.com

“This performance primarily reflects a steeper sales drop at Gucci, notably in Asia Pacific,” Kering said. The group will report first-quarter sales at the end of April. 6park.com

开云集团表示:“这一表现主要反映了古驰销售额的大幅下滑,尤其是在亚太地区。”该集团将于4月底公布第一季度销售额。 6park.com

——本文2024年3月20日发布于FT中文网,英文原题为Gucci owner Kering issues rare luxury sector profit warning after Asia slowdown



Audi is looking into manufacturing electric cars in the US, including using space in a $2bn plant being built by parent company Volkswagen in South Carolina. 6park.com

奥迪(Audi)正考虑在美国生产电动汽车,包括利用其母公司大众(Volkswagen)在南卡罗来纳州投资20亿美元兴建的工厂。 6park.com

Chief executive Gernot Döllner said the company had discussed “different scenarios on how to produce in the US” as it looks to increase its market share. “There’s more potential for growth in the US,” he said.  6park.com

首席执行官Gernot Döllner表示,该公司已讨论了“如何在美国生产的各种方案”,因为它希望增加其市场份额。“美国的增长潜力更大,”他表示。 6park.com

He added that “bigger SUVs” would be part of Audi’s US strategy. While EV sales have taken off in coastal regions, many drivers in inland states still prefer combustion engine models, he added. 6park.com

他补充说,“更大的SUV”将是奥迪美国战略的一部分。他补充说,虽然电动汽车在沿海地区的销售已经起飞,但内陆各州的许多司机仍然更喜欢内燃机车型。 6park.com

——本文2024年3月20日发布于FT中文网,英文原题为Audi looks at EV manufacturing in US to expand market share



The World Meteorological Organization sounded a “red alert” on the climate change behind record surface and ocean temperatures, glacial retreat and rising seas during the warmest 10-year period on record, with twice as many people going hungry in the years since the pandemic. 6park.com

世界气象组织(WMO)发出气候变化“红色警报”:有记录以来最温暖的10年期间出现创纪录的地表和海洋温度、冰川退缩和海平面上升。与此同时,自新冠疫情爆发以来,全球挨饿人数已经翻番。 6park.com

The UN agency’s report, which brings together data from member countries and partner agencies, affirmed that 2023 was the hottest year on record. The average global surface temperature was 1.45C above pre-industrial levels, it concluded, with a margin of uncertainty of 0.12C. 6park.com

该联合国机构的报告汇集了成员国和伙伴机构的数据。报告确认2023年是有记录以来最热的一年,并得出结论:全球平均地表温度已经比工业化前水平高出1.45摄氏度(不确定性边际为0.12摄氏度)。 6park.com

Records were broken “and in some cases smashed” in 2023 for greenhouse gas levels, ocean heat and acidification, sea level rise, Antarctic sea ice cover and glacier retreat, the WMO said. 6park.com

世界气象组织表示,温室气体水平、海洋热量和酸化、海平面上升、南极海冰覆盖和冰川消退等方面的纪录在2023年被打破,“在某些情况下被大幅度打破”。 6park.com

——本文2024年3月20日发布于FT中文网,英文原题为World on ‘red alert’ after heat records smashed in 2023, UN agency says

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