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送交者: icemessenger[♂☆★★★SuperMod★★★☆♂] 于 2024-03-21 0:58 已读 3589 次 2 赞  


Shein to Market Its Unique Supply-Chain Technology to Global Brands



在中国创立的希音(Shein)已凭借开创先河的小批量生产模式打造出一个低价时尚王国。如今,该公司计划向全球品牌和设计师开放这一模式。 6park.com

China-founded Shein has built a bargain fashion empire with a pioneering small-batch manufacturing model. Now it is planning to open that up to global brands and designers. 6park.com

此举标志着经营战略的转变,正值希音在其最大市场美国面临一系列挑战。 6park.com

The move represents a shift in business strategy as Shein faces challenges in the U.S., its biggest market. 6park.com

希音执行主席唐伟(Donald Tang)在一封致投资者的信中宣布了这一计划,将新举措称为“供应链即服务”。《华尔街日报》(The Wall Street Journal)看到了这封信。 6park.com

Shein’s executive chairman, Donald Tang, announced the plan in a letter to investors viewed by The Wall Street Journal, calling the new initiative “supply chain as a service.” 6park.com

根据这个新计划,希音将对外部品牌和设计师开放其供应链基础设施和技术,允许他们利用希音的系统来小批量测试新款时尚产品,并跟踪这些产品在消费者中的受欢迎程度。 6park.com

Under the plan, Shein would make its supply-chain infrastructure and technology available to outside brands and designers, allowing them to leverage Shein’s system for testing out new fashion items in small batches and track how popular they are with consumers. 6park.com

借助小批量、按需生产模式,希音已从一家中国折扣服装销售商迅速发展成为一个全球时尚品牌,目前其产品销往150多个国家。但过去一年,希音受到来自西方监管机构和政界人士的阻力,并遭遇激烈竞争,对手包括另一家起源于中国的低价零售商Temu。 6park.com

Shein has rapidly expanded from a discount Chinese apparel seller to a global fashion brand with the help of its small-batch, on-demand manufacturing model, and now sells to more than 150 countries. But in the past year, it has faced pushback from Western regulators and politicians and stiff competition, including from another budget retailer with Chinese roots, Temu. 6park.com

去年11月,总部位于新加坡的希音秘密申请在美国上市,但迄今尚未收到美国证券交易委员会(Securities and Exchange Commission, 简称SEC)的书面答复。据《华尔街日报》报道,知情人士和华盛顿方面的人士称,这可能反映出SEC不愿触碰一个具有潜在政治影响的敏感问题。 6park.com

In November, Singapore-based Shein filed a confidential application for a U.S. stock listing but has yet to receive a written response from the Securities and Exchange Commission. People close to the company and in Washington say it could reflect the agency’s reluctance to take on a hot-button issue with potential political implications, the Journal has reported. 6park.com


这种不同寻常的拖延迫使希音不得不考虑其他方案。一位知情人士说,希音已与伦敦监管机构和政界人士就在伦敦上市的可能性进行了非正式讨论。 6park.com

The unusual delay has forced Shein to consider other options. The company has held informal discussions with regulators and politicians in London regarding a potential listing there, among other places, a person close to the company said. 6park.com

唐伟在致信投资者时表示,希音2023年的收入和利润双双创纪录。 6park.com

Tang said in his letter to investors the company delivered record-hitting annual revenue and profit in 2023. 6park.com

希音彻底改变了时尚产业的生产方式。该公司与中国众多工厂签订合同,每天生产数万种新款式。希音向供应商下单,要求在几天内交货,依靠实时数据快速分析需求,并根据需要补充订单。这种做法降低了仓储成本,限制了库存浪费,这也是该公司能主打超低价格的主要原因。 6park.com

Shein has revolutionized fashion manufacturing. It contracts with thousands of factories in China that churn out tens of thousands of new styles daily. It places orders to suppliers to be delivered in days, relies on real-time data to quickly analyze demand and replenishes orders as needed. That cuts down on the cost for storage and limits inventory waste, a primary reason for its ultralow prices.


去年,希音在美国、墨西哥、欧洲和巴西推出了平台模式,除了时尚和美妆等优势产品外,还提供更广泛门类的产品。希音也由此与Temu展开了直接竞争。虽然希音凭藉平台模式能够向消费者提供更多种类的产品,但也带来了挑战,比如对供应商在其平台上所售产品的可见性降低。 6park.com

Last year, Shein branched out to launch a marketplace model in the U.S., Mexico, Europe and Brazil, offering broad categories of products beyond its stronghold of fashion and beauty. That has put Shein in direct competition with Temu. While the marketplace model allows it to offer a wider variety of products to consumers, it comes with its own challenges, such as decreased visibility into what suppliers are selling on its platform. 6park.com

过去几年,希音与全球品牌建立了多种合作关系。去年,该公司收购了英国时尚品牌Missguided,并购入美国快时尚品牌Forever21运营商Sparc Group三分之一的股份。通过孵化器项目Shein X,一些崭露头角的设计师已经可以使用希音的技术。 6park.com

Over the past few years, Shein has entered into various partnerships with global brands. Last year, it acquired the British fashion brand Missguided and bought a one-third stake in the American fast-fashion brand Forever 21’s operator, Sparc Group. Through its incubator program, Shein X, Shein has already given some emerging designers access to its technology. 6park.com

通过向更多品牌开放其供应链生态系统,希音正重新聚焦于自身在高效生产和分销时尚产品方面的强大能力。在这个领域,希音也不与Temu正面竞争,后者以极低价格销售从办公用品到园艺工具的几乎所有产品。自2022年9月上线以来,按月度用户数衡量,Temu已成为美国第二受欢迎的购物应用,仅次于亚马逊。 6park.com

By making its supply-chain ecosystem more widely available to brands, Shein is refocusing on its powerful capabilities to manufacture and distribute fashion products efficiently. In this space, Shein also isn’t competing head-on with Temu, which sells almost everything from office products to gardening tools at rock-bottom prices. Since its launch in September 2022, Temu has become the second-most popular shopping app in the U.S. by monthly users after Amazon. 6park.com

希音风靡美国引起一些议员和检察长的关注,他们要求希音解决是否从中国新疆地区采购棉花的问题。美国指责中国政府在新疆实施种族灭绝,并在镇压以穆斯林为主的维吾尔族人时使用强迫劳动,北京方面否认了这些指控。一些议员已敦促SEC叫停希音的IPO,直到该公司的供应链足够透明。 6park.com

Shein’s popularity in the U.S. has drawn the attention of lawmakers and attorneys general, who have pressed Shein to address whether it sources cotton from China’s Xinjiang region, where the U.S. has accused Chinese authorities of committing genocide and of using forced labor in its repression of mostly Muslim Uyghurs, allegations Beijing denies. Some lawmakers have urged the SEC to halt Shein’s IPO until the company shows sufficient transparency about its supply chain. 6park.com

希音已表示,该公司对强迫劳动采取“零容忍政策”,并建立了健全的制度来遵守美国法律。希音还聘请了说客和顾问,以化解华盛顿方面对强迫劳动的担忧。 6park.com

Shein has said it has a “zero-tolerance policy” for forced labor and has installed a “robust system” to comply with U.S. law. The company has also hired lobbyists and advisers to address concerns over forced labor in Washington.

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