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送交者: icemessenger[♂☆★★★SuperMod★★★☆♂] 于 2024-03-22 1:17 已读 3900 次 1 赞  


Closed Book Stores, Canceled Shows: A Sad Silence Descends on Hong Kong


随着中国的威权统治更严密地笼罩住这座曾经喧闹的大都市,社会的每个角落都受到了影响。 6park.com

As China wraps its authoritarian rule more tightly around this once-boisterous metropolis, no corner of society has been left untouched. 6park.com

有书店关门,演出接连取消,一度发挥力量凝聚作用的反政府声音,现在大多是朋友之间关起门来说的悄悄话。 6park.com

Bookstores are closing, shows have been canceled and opposition to the government—once a rallying force—is now mostly whispered between friends behind closed doors.

2019年走上街头要求民主的大批人群早已不复存在,但港府仍在以国家安全为名压制异见。最新的发展是将于本周六生效的一项立法,该法律规定对煽惑等罪行处以更严厉的刑罚,并围绕国家机密和境外干预设立了新的罪名。 6park.com

The massive crowds that took to the streets to demand democracy in 2019 are long gone, but the government’s effort to quell dissent in the name of national security has marched on. The latest installment is a law coming into effect Saturday that mandates tougher sentences for offenses such as sedition and creates new crimes around state secrets and foreign interference. 6park.com


这项立法在获中国政府首肯的香港立法会得以快速通过,却引发了关于人们是否会因为一些小过失而惹上麻烦的争论,比如家中随处摆放的过期亲民主报纸。一些人不禁要问,诸如教堂忏悔室这种曾经被视为神圣和私密的空间是否仍然安全。 6park.com

The law, fast-tracked through the city’s Beijing-approved legislature, has sparked debates over whether people could get into trouble for transgressions as minor as having old copies of pro-democracy newspapers lying around at home. Some wonder whether spaces once considered sacred and private, such as church confessionals, are still safe. 6park.com

社会民主连线(League of Social Democrats, 简称:社民连)副主席周嘉发(Dickson Chau)说,市民只想过简单和安稳的生活,但似乎是政府无法将事情放下。 他还说,当不明文的潜规则越来越多时,市民就会相当无所适从,只能放在眼内,默默承受。社民连是香港为数不多、尚未解散的亲民主团体之一。 6park.com

“People sometimes just want to live a simple and stable life, but it seems like the government is the one who can’t move on,” said Dickson Chau, vice-chair of the League of Social Democrats, one of the city’s few pro-democracy groups that hasn’t disbanded. “When there are more and more unspoken, unwritten rules, people feel lost and can only watch and silently accept.”


香港行政长官李家超(John Lee)表示,这项立法获得通过是一个历史时刻,能让香港有效防范、制止和惩治敌对势力的渗透破坏,让香港继续前进。 6park.com

Hong Kong’s Chief Executive John Lee said the law’s passage was a historic moment that enables Hong Kong to prevent and punish spying and sabotage by hostile forces, and allows the city to move on. 6park.com

香港政府官员表示,该法符合国际公约,批评者的目的是抹黑香港和中国。他们说,这项法律只针对极少数威胁要破坏香港国家安全的人。 6park.com

His government’s officials say the law is in line with international norms and that criticism of it is aimed at tarnishing Hong Kong and China. They say the law targets only a small number of people who threaten to undermine national security in the city. 6park.com

加强立法惩治力度的时候,正值香港寻求遏制本地近年来财富不断下滑之势,此前,严格的新冠防控措施让游客无法入境,大批市民外流,加之中国经济疲软,都对香港造成冲击。 6park.com

The intensified crackdown comes as Hong Kong seeks to arrest its declining fortunes in recent years, battered by strict Covid rules that kept visitors away, an exodus of citizens and China’s weakening economy. 6park.com

一些外国企业高管说,政府有关部门对国家安全的不懈关注,表明他们认为政治重于商业。即使官员们正在世界各地奔走,寻求增强国际社会对香港的信心,这还是破坏了香港重振自身国际金融中心地位的努力。疫情过后,香港经济复苏乏力,股市低迷,企业纷纷将资金撤出中国。 6park.com

Some foreign executives say authorities’ relentless focus on national security shows politics is trumping business, undermining the city’s efforts to revive its status as a global hub even as officials travel the world seeking to boost international confidence. Hong Kong’s postpandemic economic recovery has been tepid, its stock market is in a funk and companies have pulled money out of China. 6park.com


自2020年中国在香港实施国家安全法以来,已有近20万香港市民申请移民英国,其中许多人已搬离香港。企业主们抱怨专业人才流失,无论是教师还是IT等行业都是如此。 6park.com

Almost 200,000 Hong Kong citizens have applied to migrate to the U.K. since China imposed a national-security law on the city in 2020, with many already moving. Business owners have lamented a brain drain in professions from teaching to IT.



招聘顾问机构Robert Walters Hong Kong去年9月公布的一项调查显示,受访的香港专业人士当中有一半以上正考虑离开香港或计划在未来五年内离开。 6park.com

A survey published in September by recruitment agency Robert Walters Hong Kong said that more than half of Hong Kong professionals it polled were considering or planning to leave the city in the next five years. 6park.com

该机构董事总经理John Mullally当时表示:“渴望赴海外工作并获得国际经验并非新现象,尤其是在年轻人当中,但看到如此大比例的香港专业人士考虑离开这座城市,还是让人感到担忧。” 6park.com

“The desire to work overseas and gain international experience isn’t new, especially among young people, but it’s concerning to see such a large percentage of Hong Kong professionals considering leaving the city,” John Mullally, the agency’s managing director, said at the time. 6park.com

对于那些留下来的人来说,这座城市的特征正一点点地改变。 6park.com

For those that remain, the city’s character is changing bit by bit. 6park.com

自从中国政府于2020年年中在香港实施港区国安法以压制大规模亲民主示威运动以来,在公开领域和社交媒体上的异议几乎已消失殆尽。已有至少290人因违反这部国安法遭逮捕,包括数十名反对派议员、记者和活动人士,其中不少人在未定罪的情况下被拘留数年。 6park.com

Since Beijing imposed a national-security law on Hong Kong in mid-2020 to quell the mass pro-democracy movement, dissent in public and on social media has all but vanished. At least 290 people have been arrested under the law, including dozens of opposition lawmakers, journalists and activists, many of whom have been detained for years without a conviction. 6park.com

警方已呼吁出租车司机举报任何他们怀疑牵扯到暴力、恐怖主义或其他罪行的人士。警方还开通了一条国家安全相关举报热线,接收公众的举报讯息,目前已接获数十万条讯息。 6park.com

Police have called upon taxi drivers to report anyone they suspect to be involved in violence, terrorism or other crimes. There is a national-security hotline for tipoffs from the public that has received hundreds of thousands of reports. 6park.com

多家以支持言论自由闻名的独立书店表示,其业务已受到政府频繁检查,涉及土地占用规章、营业执照是否得到清晰展示等各种事项。 6park.com

Several independent bookstores known to support freedom of expression have said their businesses have been targeted by frequent government checks on anything from land regulations to whether their business license was clearly displayed. 6park.com


见山书店(Mount Zero)将于本月底关闭。这家书店不大,开在一棵大榕树下,地址位于香港中央商务区附近一个安静而时尚的街区。店主在社交媒体上说,他们几乎每周都会收到政府的信件,指责他们有轻微的违规行为,而且还收到了匿名投诉。 6park.com

Mount Zero bookstore, a small establishment nested under a sprawling banyan tree in a quiet but hip neighborhood near the central business district, is closing by the end of this month. Its owners said on social media they have been fielding government letters accusing them of minor infractions almost every week and had also received anonymous complaints. 6park.com

见山书店的入口上方醒目地写着“Ideas are bulletproof”(思想无惧子弹)的字样,顾客说,该书店曾举办过户外诗歌朗诵会、读书会和周末集市,有时还会引来带着摄像机的警察。 6park.com

The bookstore—which has the words, “Ideas are bulletproof,” emblazoned above its entrance—held outdoor poetry readings, book talks and weekend markets that sometimes drew police officers with cameras, visitors said.


另一家独立书店一拳书馆(Book Punch)称,去年12月份,劳工、消防和税务部门等多个政府机构的官员在大约15天时间里先后造访了这家书店。 6park.com

Book Punch, another independent bookstore, said officers from various government agencies including the labor, fire and tax departments visited within a span of about 15 days in December.

在香港艺术界,一系列舞蹈和戏剧演出被主办机构或演出场所取消,有时甚至没有给出原因,而参与这些演出的成员是众所周知的香港亲民主运动人士。其中一场被取消的演出是由一群失聪舞蹈演员表演的,他们的领队曾用手语翻译过一首抗议颂歌。 6park.com

The city’s arts community has seen a spate of dance and theater shows, whose members were known to be sympathetic to the city’s pro-democracy movement, canceled by their hosting organizations or venues, sometimes without a reason being given. One canceled show was to feature a group of deaf dancers whose leader had once interpreted a protest anthem in sign language. 6park.com

一家艺术机构今年1月称,其扣减了对香港历史最悠久的戏剧奖的公共资助,原因是前一年该颁奖礼上发生的事件。这些事件包括与会者提及香港审查制度日趋严格,以及主办方了邀请一名政治漫画家和一位知名媒体撰稿人担任颁奖嘉宾。 6park.com

The city’s longest-running drama awards had its public funding cut from an arts body that cited incidents at the show the previous year, the funding body said in January. Those included participants making references to creeping censorship in the city, and having a political cartoonist and a high-profile journalist as its guests of honor at the event. 6park.com


有些人认为,这部最新的法律给哪些仍是合法行为增添了不确定性。 6park.com

For some, the latest law has added to uncertainties over what is still permissible. 6park.com

在该立法审议期间,立法会议员管浩鸣牧师(Rev. Peter Koon)询问,如果牧师听到可能危及国家安全的人的忏悔,是否必须举报。香港律政司司长林定国(Paul Lam)回应说,难对宗教人士或社工等作例外安排,但该法只针对告解时表示准备以武装手段推翻特区或打压国家等极端情况。 6park.com

During deliberations over the bill, lawmaker Rev. Peter Koon asked whether a priest must make a report if he listened to the confession of someone who might endanger national security. The city’s justice secretary, Paul Lam, responded saying it would be hard for the government to offer exemptions to religious or social workers, but only extreme scenarios like confessing to trying to overthrow the government are targeted.


天主教香港教区(Catholic Diocese of Hong Kong)就这番讨论发表了一份公开声明,澄清新的法律不会改变教堂告解的保密性质,但同时也表示,教区承认公民有义务确保国家安全。 6park.com

That discussion led the Catholic Diocese of Hong Kong to come out with a public statement to clarify that the new law won’t change the confidential nature of confessions at the church, while adding that it recognizes that citizens have an obligation to ensure national security. 6park.com

管浩鸣牧师引发的另一场争论是,人们是否应该销毁含有煽动性内容的旧出版物,如媒体大亨黎智英(Jimmy Lai)出版的《苹果日报》旧报纸。黎智英现在正因国家安全方面的指控接受审判。 6park.com

Another debate sparked by Rev. Koon was asking whether people should destroy old publications containing seditious content, such as copies of old Apple Daily newspapers published by media tycoon Jimmy Lai, who is currently standing trial on national-security charges. 6park.com

香港保安局局长在回应中说,保留煽动性材料将属违法,不过持有者忘记自己持有这些材料,也是一种可能的合理辩解。 6park.com

The city’s security chief said in response that it would be illegal to keep seditious material, although one possible defense would be if the holder had forgotten it was in their possession. 6park.com

香港政府随后表示,只有在没有合理辩解的情况下保存出版物才会构成犯罪。政府借此抨击了一家英国报纸报道的标题,该标题暗示人们可能会因为保存旧报纸而入狱。 6park.com

The government later said it would only be a crime if someone keeps a publication “without reasonable excuse,” slamming a headline in a British newspaper suggesting people could be jailed for keeping old newspapers.

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