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送交者: icemessenger[♂☆★★★SuperMod★★★☆♂] 于 2024-03-23 18:54 已读 3694 次  


据俄罗斯媒体最新报道称,莫斯科近郊音乐厅枪击事件已致62人死亡。 6park.com

The death toll in an attack on concertgoers near Moscow on Friday has risen to 62 people, according to preliminary information, Russian media reported.

3月22日,俄罗斯莫斯科近郊克拉斯诺戈尔斯克市一音乐厅发生枪击事件后引发火灾。新华社记者 曹阳 摄

俄罗斯首都莫斯科近郊克拉斯诺戈尔斯克市一音乐厅22日发生枪击事件。据俄罗斯联邦安全局初步统计,这起枪击事件已造成40人死亡、100多人受伤。 6park.com

Russian Federal Security Service earlier said at least 40 people were killed and more than 100 injured with dozens in critical condition.

俄联邦安全局22日晚说,枪击事件发生在莫斯科西北“克罗库斯城”音乐厅,当时一个乐队正在举行音乐会。 6park.com

据俄罗斯媒体报道,枪手为3名身着迷彩服的不明身份人员,他们还投掷了手榴弹或燃烧弹,引发火灾。 6park.com

新华社记者第一时间赶到现场看到,有大量警察维持秩序,大火仍在继续,浓烟滚滚,房顶几近坍塌。消防人员正在灭火,直升机不时从空中飞过。 6park.com

俄罗斯紧急情况部表示,火灾的过火面积达到了约14000平方米。现场的火情已得到控制。 6park.com

Videos posted online by Russian news agencies showed thick smoke and flames rising from the venue building. 6park.com

An extensive array of police vehicles, fire engines, and ambulances were outside the building of the incident, and flames from the top of the building could be seen. Three helicopters were seen circling over the building. 6park.com

More than 320 people and over 130 units of equipment were working at the scene, the Russian Ministry of Emergency Situations said, adding that the fire extended almost 14,000 square meters. 6park.com



俄罗斯外交部22日说,当天在“克罗库斯城”音乐厅发生的枪击事件是恐怖袭击。据俄新社报道,莫斯科三大机场谢列梅捷沃、伏努科沃、多莫杰多沃等当天加强了安保措施,机场快线安检升级但正常运行。 6park.com

Russia's Foreign Ministry called the shooting a "terrorist attack" and urged the entire world community to condemn the attack. 6park.com

A criminal case for the terrorist attack has been opened, according to the Investigative Committee of Russia. 6park.com

莫斯科市长索比亚宁当天在社交媒体上向遇难者家属表示慰问,并表示已下令向伤员提供一切必要援助。索比亚宁随后宣布,莫斯科市本周末将取消所有大型群众性活动。 6park.com

Governor of the Moscow Region Andrey Vorobyov said on Telegram that an operational headquarters has been created. 6park.com

Moscow Mayor Sergey Sobyanin described the shooting as a "terrible tragedy" in his Telegram post, adding that all necessary assistance will be provided to everyone who suffered during the incident. 6park.com

Moscow has canceled all sports, cultural, and other public events this weekend, Sobyanin said. 6park.com

据美国有线电视新闻网报道,“伊斯兰国”宣称对22日在莫斯科近郊发生的音乐厅袭击事件负责。 6park.com

ISIS has claimed responsibility for the attack.

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