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双语资讯速览 | 国际法院命令以色列确保更多援助畅通无阻地进入加沙
送交者: icemessenger[♂☆★★★SuperMod★★★☆♂] 于 2024-03-29 18:54 已读 3924 次 1 赞  




The UN’s International Court of Justice has ordered Israel to ensure that more food and humanitarian assistance reach Palestinians in Gaza, warning that famine is “setting in” there as the Israel-Hamas war enters its sixth month. 6park.com

联合国的国际法院发布命令,要求以色列确保加沙地带的巴勒斯坦人能够获得更多的食品和人道主义援助,并警告随着以哈战争进入第六个月,那里饥荒正在降临。 6park.com

In response to a petition by South Africa, the ICJ ordered Israel to “ensure, without delay, in full co-operation with the United Nations, the unhindered provision at scale by all concerned of urgently needed basic services and humanitarian assistance . . . to Palestinians throughout Gaza”. 6park.com

作为对南非提出的请求的回应,国际法院命令以色列“毫不拖延地采取一切必要和有效的措施,与联合国充分合作,确保所有有关各方不受阻碍地向加沙全境的巴勒斯坦人提供急需的基本服务和人道主义援助”。 6park.com

It also ordered Israel to increase “the capacity and number of land crossing points” by which aid could be delivered to Gaza, and keep them open “as long as necessary”, while ensuring that its military did not prevent “through any action, the delivery of urgently needed humanitarian assistance”. 6park.com

它还命令以色列“增加陆路口岸的能力和数量,并在必要时保持开放”,并确保其军队不会“通过任何行动阻止提供迫切需要的人道主义援助”。 6park.com

——本文2024年3月29日发布于FT中文网,英文原题为Top UN court orders Israel to ensure more aid reaches Gaza



Trafigura has pleaded guilty to charges by US prosecutors of bribery in Brazil and has agreed to pay $127mn in fines and forfeited profits, in the latest in a series of corruption cases against the world’s largest commodity trading houses. 6park.com

托克集团(Trafigura)就其在巴西行贿的指控对美国检方认罪,并同意支付罚款和没收利润共计1.27亿美元。在针对这家全球最大的大宗商品交易公司的一系列腐败案件中,这是最新的一起。 6park.com

Under the plea agreement, Trafigura will pay $80.5mn in fines and $46.5mn in forfeited profits after paying approximately $19.7mn in “corrupt commissions” to the benefit of Brazilian officials in a bid to “secure improper advantages” on oil contracts between 2003 and 2014. 6park.com

根据认罪协议,托克集团将支付8050万美元的罚款和4650万美元的没收利润,此前它向巴西官员支付约1970万美元的“腐败回扣”,以在2003年至2014年间的石油合同中“谋取不正当优势”。 6park.com

The company pleaded guilty to one count of conspiracy to violate the US Foreign Corrupt Practices Act, according to court documents.  6park.com

根据法庭文件,该集团承认了一项违反《美国海外反腐败法》(US Foreign Corrupt Practices Act)的共谋罪名。 6park.com

——本文2024年3月29日发布于FT中文网,英文原题为Trafigura bribery details laid out in $127mn guilty plea agreement



Israeli air strikes killed 16 people in Lebanon overnight and a barrage of retaliatory rocket fire by Hizbollah militants killed one person in Israel, making Wednesday the deadliest day of fighting across the Lebanese border since the Israel-Hamas war began in October.  6park.com

以色列夜间的空袭在黎巴嫩造成16人死亡,而真主党武装分子的报复性火箭弹袭击在以色列造成一人死亡,这使得周三成为自以色列和哈马斯去年10月开战以来,黎巴嫩边境发生的伤亡最惨重的一天。 6park.com

The incidents came amid an uptick in crossfire in recent days between Israel’s military and Iran-backed Hizbollah, including Israel’s deepest strikes into Lebanese territory during the current conflict. The latest outbreak of violence followed a relative lull in the tit-for-tat cross-border attacks that began at the same time as the war in Gaza. 6park.com

这起事件发生之际,最近几天以色列军方与伊朗支持的真主党之间的交火有所增加,包括以色列在当前冲突期间对黎巴嫩领土进行的最深入的打击。最新的暴力事件发生之际,同期在加沙展开的以牙还牙的跨境袭击相对平静。 6park.com

The clashes between Israel and Hizbollah, and targeted assassinations by Israel of senior figures in Hamas and Hizbollah on Lebanese soil, have fuelled concerns about a broader regional conflagration, and have led to the mass evacuation of civilians on both sides of the frontier.  6park.com

以色列和真主党之间的冲突,以及以色列在黎巴嫩领土上有针对性地暗杀哈马斯和真主党的高级人物,加剧了人们对更广泛的地区冲突的担忧,并导致边境两侧的平民大规模撤离。 6park.com

——本文2024年3月29日发布于FT中文网,英文原题为Seventeen killed on deadliest day of Israel-Hizbollah conflict



The Polish commander of Eurocorps, a multinational Nato-EU battlegroup based in France, has been dismissed and recalled to Warsaw to face a counter-intelligence investigation.  6park.com

总部设在法国的北约-欧盟跨国军事组织欧洲军团(Eurocorps)的波兰指挥官已被解职并被召回华沙接受一项反情报调查。 6park.com

The Polish defence ministry said the probe was to look at “the personal security clearance” of Lieutenant General Jarosław Gromadziński and gather new information about him. Warsaw said it notified its allies “in advance” and the dismissal caused no particular concern. 6park.com

波兰国防部表示,此项调查针对的是雅罗斯瓦夫•格罗马津斯基(Jarosław Gromadziński)中将的“个人安全许可”,并收集有关他的新信息。华沙方面表示,它已“提前”通知盟友,而这一解职并未引发特别担忧。 6park.com

“There is no concern between us and the allies,” Polish defence minister Władyslaw Kosiniak-Kamysz told Polish news channel TVN24 on Thursday. He described the dismissal as a “serious matter”, but insisted that the investigation was so far only “a process of clarification” without detailing what had prompted it. 6park.com

“我方和盟友内部没有任何担忧,”波兰国防部长瓦迪斯瓦夫•科西尼亚克-卡梅什(Władyslaw Kosiniak-Kamysz)周四对波兰新闻频道TVN24表示。他将这一解职描述为“严重事项”,但坚称迄今为止调查只是“一个澄清过程”,而没有详细说明触发调查的起因。 6park.com

——本文2024年3月29日发布于FT中文网,英文原题为Poland sacks Nato-EU battlegroup chief over counter-intelligence issue

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