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送交者: 江靈颺[☆★声望品衔8★☆] 于 2022-01-31 23:25 已读 13739 次 2 赞  


双语诗文:神农氏本是女神 6park.com


据考古学家报道,约于九千年前,在今日山西碧村及陕西西安附近有多个新石器时代的农村。村民尊崇妇女,原因在于妇女是农耕先锋。男猎女釆,妇女成为野生食用植物的专家,继而试栽试种,造就人类的农业革命。神农氏当是蛾眉而非须眉。以农立国之功首推女性。男权社会实有僭夺女神农氏后冠之嫌。 6park.com

七律(平水韵上平一东) 6park.com


神农莫道是仙翁,百草娇尝第一功。 6park.com

狩猎英雄奔化外,耕耘健妇定关中。 6park.com

碧村长爱炊烟白,黄土乍惊桃陌红。 6park.com

春抱梦来秧万畝,千秋金稻国香风。 6park.com


*** 6park.com

Women led the Agricultural Revolution 6park.com

The first Chinese farmers turned out to be women. Shennong ought to be a goddess. Indeed, archeological findings indicate that women in the Neolithic (New Stone) Age did enjoy a high status in northern China. They were honored and even deified in the millet-farming villages around today's Xian about 9,000 years ago.  6park.com

While their men were occupied with hunting, Neolithic women were free to forage for edible plants. Individually or collectively, they got inspired and made a quantum leap to the groundbreaking idea of farming. Domesticating wild plants, they effectively moved their food sources incredibly close to their dwellings. Village life would soon settle in as a norm, followed by nation-building. We must thank Neolithic women for the Agricultural Revolution, which ushered in civilizations known and unknown. 6park.com

Shennong is a goddess. 6park.com

Author: renqiulan 6park.com

贴主:江靈颺于2022_01_31 23:30:48编辑 6park.com

贴主:江靈颺于2022_01_31 23:31:10编辑 6park.com

贴主:江靈颺于2022_01_31 23:33:37编辑

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