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给敞开裤裆任风吹 扫盲 - 什么是Arrival Immigration
送交者: ICH[★品衔R5★] 于 2014-03-15 12:10 已读 1945 次  


敞开裤裆任风吹 机场找移民局做轮子(http://site.6park.com/life2/index.php?app=forum&act=threadview&tid=14001599)


The Immigration Halls are located at the ground floor. To get to the Arrival Immigration and Baggage Claim Halls, please follow the "Arrivals" signs.

There are two queuing areas - one is for Singaporeans and residents, the other would be for all nationalities. All foreign visitors are required to complete the disembarkation/embarkation (D/E) card and have valid travel documents and visa (if applicable) before proceeding for immigration clearance. Please stand behind the red or yellow security line when queuing for immigration clearance and to approach the immigration counter one person at a time.

Do note that you will need to produce a fever vaccination certificate if you are arriving within six days of passing through areas endemic for Yellow Fever. If you are unable to produce the certificate, you will be required to obtain vaccination, at your cost, at the Airport Clinic before being allowed entry into Singapore.

If your airline does not provide baggage transfer service, you are required to clear arrival immigration and claim your baggage before checking in for your next flight in Terminals 1, 2, 3.

For more information on entry and visa requirements and list of countries endemic for Yellow Fever, please contact the Immigration & Checkpoints Authority (ICA) via their 24 hour automated answering service at (65) 6391 6100 or visit their website at http://www.ica.gov.sg



有两个排队区 - 一个是针对新加坡公民、永久居民和APEC卡持有者,另一个是针对其他所有外国公民。抵达柜台后,移民检查站人员将要求查看您的护照和相关证明文件。请注意,如果您途径黄热病疫区后6天内抵达机场,需要获得疫苗接种证书。如无法获得该证明,您将需要在进入新加坡前,在机场医务室接种相关疫苗并支付相关费用。


如需了解入境和签证要求以及黄热病传染国家名单,请拨打电话 (65) 6391 6100 使用24小时自动语音服务或登录http://www.ica.gov.sg网站联系移民和关卡局(ICA)。
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