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送交者: 无名野人[♂★品衔R5★♂] 于 2016-02-16 11:03 已读 1292 次  


2016最好的20部中国手机:最好的中国手机和如何在英国购买它们 - 为什么你应该(或不应该)购买中国手机 - 最好的中国手机评论。中国手机物美价廉,性能配置上和三星苹果有得一拼,而且通常价格不到一半。所以如果你想花更少的钱买到好手机,那么我们可以给你提供2016年最好的中国手机。

20 best Chinese phones 2016: Best Chinese phones and how to buy them in the UK - why you should (and should not) buy a Chinese phone - best Chinese phone reviews

2016最好的20部中国手机:最好的中国手机和如何在英国购买它们 - 为什么你应该(或不应该)购买中国手机 - 最好的中国手机评论

Chinese phones offer excellent value for money, with specs to rival flagship phones such as the Samsung Galaxy S6 and iPhone 6 and often at less than half the price. So if you want a great deal on a smartphone, look no further than our round-up of the best Chinese phones 2016.

中国手机物美价廉,性能配置上和三星苹果有得一拼,而且通常价格不到一半。所以如果你想花更少的钱买到好手机,那么我们可以给你提供2016年最好的中国手机 。

Chinese phones offer excellent value for money, with specs to rival flagship phones such as the Samsung Galaxy S6 and iPhone 6 and often at less than half the price. So if you want a great deal on a smartphone, look no further than our round-up of the best Chinese phones 2016.



• Excellent value for money(超高的性价比)

• Competitive specification(具有竞争力的配置规格)

• Usually dual-SIM(通常是双-SIM卡设置)

• None of your friends will have the same phone(没有朋友和你使用同样的手机)


• Without an official channel through which to purchase you may unintentionally buy a counterfeit product(通过非官方渠道购买,可能无意中购买到山寨机)

• Faulty devices may be difficult to return(机器出问题可能很难退货)

• You may incur import duty(可能被征收进口税)

• The phone may not work with your network(手机可能和现用网络不匹配)

Best Chinese phone specifications: What to expect from a Chinese phone


The majority of Chinese phones we've reviewed have been dual-SIM dual-standby. We've found this to be a standard feature of Chinese phones at any price point. However, as is the case with Huawei/Honor phones, which are among those that are officially sold in the UK, the UK variant is often not dual-SIM. You should also check whether the second SIM slot is in addition to or replacing the phone's microSD slot. Also see: Best dual-SIM phones 2016 and dual-SIM buying advice.


4G is a common feature even at the lower price points. A handful of phones will support 4G on both SIM slots, but in many cases only the first SIM will be used for data. And while we're used to seeing phones that standardise on nano- or Micro-SIM, Chinese phones can often feature full-size SIM slots. Of course, you can pick up an adaptor from somewhere like Amazon for as little as a pound.


The fact that a Chinese phone supports 4G doesn't necessarily mean it will work on your UK network, mind. Always check a phone's frequency bands before purchase. In the UK we use LTE bands 3, 7 and 20, or look for 800-, 1800- and 2600MHz. EE operates on all three, Three on 800- and 1800MHz, O2 on 800MHz, and Vodafone on 800- and 2600MHz. 


MediaTek processors are a common feature within Chinese phones. These are usually marketed as octa-core and 64-bit, but whereas many UK-sold flagships are sold with four cores tuned for performance and four for efficiency, here you'll usually find all eight cores running at the same speed. Two- or even 3GB of RAM is not uncommon, and expect to find 16GB of storage, with microSD support (often only to 32- or 64GB, rather than 128GB).

几乎所有中国产手机都使用联发科处理器,这些处理器通常宣传拥有8核心和64位技术,但是大多数的英国销售的旗舰级手机都是4核心运转,另外4核心用以提高运算效率,通常你会发现8核心同时以相同速度运行。差不多都是2G或者3G的RAM,16G 的容量,支持MicroSD扩展(大多都支持最多32G或者64G内存卡扩展,而不支持128G内存卡扩展)

Rather than NFC, phones with MediaTek processors often come with a feature called HotKnot. This works in a similar way, allowing you to do such things as share files and play multiplayer games with other HotKnot-capable phones. You may also find a fingerprint scanner, but if it's a swipe- rather than touch-style scanner then it won't be a lot of use.


In the photography department a 13Mp Sony sensor with f/2.2 aperture is often found at the rear, while you'll usually get a 5Mp selfie camera at the front. The camera functionality is very similar to that of any other Android phone, but you may find the Face Beauty mode whitens your skin tone - the painting of a face white is a cultural tradition. There will be a slider somewhere that lets you turn off this effect. Also see: Best sounding phone 2016.


Best Chinese phones 2016 


We've been reviewing Chinese phones supplied to us by Geekbuying, Coolicool and GearBest for many months now, but the honest truth is there are still many Chinese phones out there we have yet to review, and many, many Chinese phone manufacturers we've never even heard of. Some of those phones, such as the Xiaomi Mi Note Pro, probably deserve to sit at the top of our best Chinese phones chart, but Xiaomi phones are not officially available in the UK and landing a review sample is nigh on impossible - also see: How to buy Xiaomi phones in the UK.

我们已经评审了由Geekbuying,Coolicool 和GearBest提供给我们的许多中国产手机有几个月了,但是事实上任然有许多的中国产手机还没有被评审到,许多的中国手机生产商我们没有听说过。许多的手机,例如小米NOTE Pro,甚至可能位于我们评审的最佳手机的头名,但是由于其并未在英国正式上市,所以要正式的评审小米手机几乎是不可能的-如有兴趣,请见:在英国怎么购买小米手机。

We won't recommend any Chinese phone we haven't physically held and tested. Over time we will build up our collection of Chinese phone reviews, and hopefully include some Xiaomi products too, but we offer this chart not as a definitive guide to buying Chinese phones, but as a guide to what you can expect for your money when you buy from China. If you've found a Chinese phone not listed in our chart then check its spec and compare it to the phones we've reviewed here.


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