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送交者: 笨啊笨[♂★★★DoctorateCandidate★★★♂] 于 2017-11-30 19:22 已读 350 次  


回答: 我靠,你顺便再查查庆丰包子铺,看看有没有习家人的股份 由 刀锋 于 2017-11-30 18:58

│Liang Meng, MBA           │Mr. Liang Meng is Chief Executive Officer at D. E. Shaw & Co., (Asia Pacific) Lt│
│                          │d.nnMr. Meng was previously employed as a Principal by Credit Suisse First Bos│
│                          │ton USA, Inc.nnIn 2007, he joined the D. E. Shaw group after serving as managi│
│                          │ng director and co-head of China Investment Banking at J. P. Morgan Securities (│
│                          │Asia Pacific) Limited, where he was responsible for China investment banking and│
│                          │ Greater China M&A activities. Prior to his tenure at J.P. Morgan, he worked at │
│                          │Credit Suisse First Boston in New York, where he focused on M&A in the media and│
│                          │ telecommunications sectors.nnMr. Liang Meng earned his M.B.A. from the Yale S│
│                          │chool of Management and his B.S. in business administration from Chapman Univers│
│                          │ity.                                                                            │
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