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Why India is Better than China?为什么印度比中国更好?外国人的观点
送交者: 诚聘板主[★★声望品衔9★★] 于 2023-10-30 11:46 已读 1712 次  



部分网友的回复。 I live in Japan and go to school with quite a few Indians and Chinese… its not hard to see both countries National characters just based on the international students. I have never seen a disrespectful Indian person here. Even abroad, Indians behave themselves and act courteous and respectful even in the face of a actual discrimination. I’ve also seen mainland Chinese students act atrociously then claim they are the ones being discriminated against when questioned or reprimanded. One group sees themselves as part of the international community, and the other sees themselves as above it. Its quite sad. Much love to India from Japan. 我住在日本,和不少印度人和中国人一起上学……仅仅根据国际学生就不难看出这两个国家的民族特色。 我在这里从未见过无礼的印度人。 即使在国外,印度人即使面对实际的歧视,也会表现得彬彬有礼、尊重他人。 我还看到中国大陆的学生表现得很残暴,然后在受到质疑或训斥时声称自己是受到歧视的人。 一组人认为自己是国际社会的一部分,另一组人则认为自己高于国际社会。 实在是太悲伤了。 日本对印度充满爱意。 6park.com

As a former China resident and having  recently moved to India, I want to share that I got goosebumps in watching this video….great quality and factual honesty, thank you so much I’ll share it as much as I can… 作为一名前中国居民,最近搬到了印度,我想分享一下,我在观看这段视频时起了鸡皮疙瘩……高质量和事实诚实,非常感谢你,我会尽可能多地分享它…… 6park.com

As an American I would without hesitation choose to live in India over China any day. And yes I have visited India before. I love Liberty not Communist oppression. 作为一个美国人,我任何一天都会毫不犹豫地选择住在印度而不是中国。 是的,我以前访问过印度。 我热爱自由,而不是共产主义压迫。 6park.com

As an Indian who visited Beijing just 6 months before COVID, I was envying the city's infrastructure. Indian big cities are still behind Beijing and Shanghai. But, looking at CCP's oppression of Chinese people since 2020 and before, I feel I am fine with an imperfect Mumbai or New Delhi. At least, we are making a visible attempt improve ourselves without hiding our problems. 作为一名在新冠疫情爆发前 6 个月访问过北京的印度人,我很羡慕这座城市的基础设施。 印度大城市仍落后于北京和上海。 但是,看看2020年以来中共对中国人民的压迫,我觉得我可以接受不完美的孟买或新德里。 至少,我们正在做出明显的尝试来改善自己,而不隐藏我们的问题。 6park.com

I'm an African and I have been watching how India behaves towards other "smaller" nations. India has been rendering CPR (cardio pulmonary resuscitation) to Sri Lanka (during it's economic crisis) - they have extended a line of credit that has lower rates of interest when compared to Chinese loans. India donated a large amount of grain to Afghanistan. India will help (if it can) even if there's no immediate payback from the recipient. China from what I can see is more "business like" ie less compassionate. China did great things in Africa in the past like the TANZAM railway, but this feeling of "brotherhood" seems to have faded from the Chinese government. 我是非洲人,我一直在观察印度对待其他“较小”国家的行为。 印度一直在向斯里兰卡提供心肺复苏术(在经济危机期间)——与中国贷款相比,他们延长了利率较低的信贷额度。 印度向阿富汗捐赠了大量粮食。 即使受援者没有立即回报,印度也会提供帮助(如果可以的话)。 在我看来,中国更加“商业化”,即缺乏同情心。 中国过去在非洲做过伟大的事情,比如坦赞铁路,但这种“兄弟情谊”似乎已经从中国政府身上消失了。 6park.com

I've lived in India and China. India has a tonne of problems, but as you say, they're not hiding those problems from the world. A lot of evil and cruel things happen there, but at the same time so many of the people are open and kind. It's a strange dichotomy. Although China is doing better economically, I would have to say that on balance, India is a greater country.
我住在印度和中国。 印度有很多问题,但正如你所说,他们并没有向世界隐瞒这些问题。 那里发生了很多邪恶和残酷的事情,但同时也有很多人是开放和善良的。 这是一个奇怪的二分法。 虽然中国在经济上做得更好,但我不得不说,总的来说,印度是一个更伟大的国家。 6park.com

We've always looked up to India as our Elder Culture. Apart from some strangely coincidental homonymy of mythical figures, such as Avraham/ Brahma, Sarah/ Sarasvati a.s.o., the original connection is lost in time, but the central core remains: values! The sanctity of Life is the chief value we share with the Hindus, and that includes the respect for Humans and Animals. Also, since we do not have a clear, dogmatic Afterlife belief such as the Moslems and the Christians have, we have mostly embraced the very Indian idea of reincarnation. We do admire China, its art and culture and it undeniable achievements, but we do not identify with it. We Israelis see no Otherness about Indians. Intuitively, we're of one family. 我们一直将印度视为我们的古老文化。 除了一些奇怪的巧合的神话人物同名,例如亚伯拉罕/梵天,莎拉/萨拉斯瓦蒂等,最初的联系随着时间的推移而消失,但核心仍然存在:价值观! 生命的神圣性是我们与印度教徒共同的主要价值观,其中包括对人类和动物的尊重。 此外,由于我们不像穆斯林和基督徒那样有明确的、教条的来世信仰,所以我们大多接受了印度人的轮回观念。 我们确实钦佩中国、它的艺术和文化以及它不可否认的成就,但我们并不认同它。 我们以色列人看不到印度人的与众不同。 直觉上,我们是一家人。 6park.com

You can even notice this difference in Indians and Chinese abroad. Going to university in the UK I have never been approached by a Chinese student, any time I spoke to one it was either an assignment or I decided to first. Meanwhile Indian students would often start the conversation, whether it was small talk waiting for the bus or waiting for a lecture to start. Despite similar numbers(it was a compsci course so popular with both groups), the Chinese students would often form their own bubbles where they didn't speak to British students at all while Indians mixed in with everyone else. And this wasn't entirely a language issue since the Chinese students did speak decent English when they had to. Overall I have never met an Indian person I didn't get along with. Great country, wish them the best. 你甚至可以在国外的印度人和中国人身上注意到这种差异。 在英国上大学时,我从未遇到过中国学生,每次我与中国学生交谈时,要么是一项作业,要么是我决定先这样做。 与此同时,印度学生经常会开始交谈,无论是等公交车时的闲聊还是等待讲座开始时的闲聊。 尽管人数相似(这是一门在两个群体中都很受欢迎的计算机课程),但中国学生经常会形成自己的气泡,他们根本不与英国学生交谈,而印度学生则与其他人混在一起。 这并不完全是语言问题,因为中国学生在必要时确实能说流利的英语。 总的来说,我从来没有遇到过一个和我相处不好的印度人。 伟大的国家,祝他们一切顺利。

I've been to both, very different politically, culturally and socially Have to say, had no desire to go back to China but definitely will visit India again 我去过这两个国家,政治、文化和社会方面都截然不同 不得不说,不想回中国,但肯定会再次访问印度 6park.com

India has so many wonderful Buddhist holy places. India received the Dalai Lama and tens of thousands of Tibetans as refugees in 1959 although they were a poor country. China has been in grotesque denial about the destruction and usurpation of Tibet during the cultural revolution. I am a Buddhist and have spent a great deal of time in Dharamsala where the Dalai Lama still lives in exile. China may have wonderful people but Tibetan Buddhist teachings and culture survived in large part because of India
印度有很多美妙的佛教圣地。 1959年,印度虽然是一个贫穷的国家,却接收了达赖喇嘛和数万名藏人作为难民。 中国一直荒唐地否认文化大革命期间对西藏的破坏和侵占。 我是一名佛教徒,在达兰萨拉度过了很多时间,达赖喇嘛仍然流亡在那里。 中国可能有优秀的人民,但藏传佛教教义和文化在很大程度上要归功于印度 6park.com

When both my parents (who i was visiting in Chennai, South India) got Covid, the govt officials came knocking on our doors to say we can't keep them at home as they were both above 80 and needed to be hospitalized. I said i was a physician and would take care of them at home and hospitalize them if needed. No questions, no argument. They went away. My parents are fine now and tided over the covid infection successfully. Looking back, if this was China, they would be rounded up by the officials in an isolation center by force and i too would be put somewhere, the house sealed etc etc. I thank Almighty God i live in India, not China! 当我的父母(我在印度南部钦奈探望他们)都感染了新冠病毒时,政府官员来敲我们的门,说我们不能让他们留在家里,因为他们都已经 80 岁以上了,需要住院治疗。 我说我是一名医生,会在家照顾他们,如果需要的话会住院。 没有问题,没有争论。 他们走了。 我的父母现在很好,并成功地度过了新冠病毒感染的难关。 回想起来,如果这是中国,他们会被官员强行围捕到隔离中心,我也会被关在某个地方,房子被封锁等等。 感谢全能的上帝,我住在印度,而不是中国! 6park.com

India is a democracy, an entire subcontinent of several nations, religions and cultures. Every Indian person I've ever met has enough open mindedness to self criticize and criticize fairly and question religious or political figures. They are pluralistic in nature. Indians can also spot religious and political ideologies from a mile away and are less likely to fall pray to them.... My ex mainland China girlfriend stopped talking to me for 2 weeks because I had mentioned that Mao had caused famine, she defended the fact that China didn't have a free internet because it was protecting itself from jealous and destructive western forces. She was totally brainwashed and one-dimensional. She was a great person but had been ideologically intoxicated to the core. Chinese make for very good and caring friends but they are ultra nationalistic and ready to spew back whatever propaganda was fed to them from an early age. Never have I seen this with Indians. This is what worries me the most about China being a "world leader" 印度是一个民主国家,是一个由多个国家、宗教和文化组成的整个次大陆。 我见过的每个印度人都有足够开放的心态进行自我批评和公平批评,并对宗教或政治人物提出质疑。 它们本质上是多元化的。 印度人还可以从一英里之外发现宗教和政治意识形态,并且不太可能向他们祈祷……我的前中国大陆女友有两个星期不再和我说话,因为我提到毛泽东造成了饥荒,她为印度人辩护 事实上,中国没有免费的互联网,因为它正在保护自己免受西方势力的嫉妒和破坏。 她完全被洗脑了,而且是一维的。 她是一个伟大的人,但在意识形态上却陷入了彻底的陶醉。 中国人是非常好的、有爱心的朋友,但他们极端民族主义,随时准备反击从小就灌输给他们的任何宣传。 我从来没有在印度人身上看到过这种情况。 这是我对中国成为“世界领袖”最担心的地方

贴主:诚聘板主于2023_10_30 12:07:03编辑
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