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学习园地: 解剖章家敦--英语视频精读
送交者: balabingbang[★★声望品衔9★★] 于 2020-04-15 2:08 已读 879 次  



I like this interviewer Parick. He revealed a lot about this Gordon Chang, esp. towards the end of the Interview. In fact, I don't think Gordon is a man of rigorous and careful thinking process and watertight logic. None of his arguments can withstand fierce interrogations and careful fact-checking.
A good example would be (9:00) an obvious mistake from China and WHO about human to human transmission claim on January 14 which he eventually blew up to equal the war crime of a Nurenburg proportion. "1st week of Dec.>>>probably in November>>>2nd week of Dec.>>>maybe the 3rd week...Beijing's leader knew...b/c doctors in Wuhan knew by at least 2nd week of Dec "---When? where? who? come on make up your mind before you lie!
The information I got is Xi and other leaders were in Burma and Yunnan bt Jan 17th and 19th (pls google Xi Burma). If he was fully aware a pandemic was imminent, he would have been a fool to leave his country behind and went to a small village in Yunnan on Jan 19 after the 2-day visit, but we all know he is super smart. It is logical that the next day, Jan20, 6 days after Jan 14th. their tones were completely reversed: the virus was highly contagious and transmissible bt humans. This 6-days learning curve suddenly became 60 days (14:10) of coverup in Patrick's mouth, which translates to as far back as Nov. 21, 2019. Amazing, isn't it? Not at all if you compare to Trump's 3 months (which would have been October 20)! Talking about lies and fabrications.
Be it Xi, Tedros, or Trump, the simple fact is, these are humans, not prophets. If Trump needs a 3-month long (Jan 20~April 12) learning curve, why deprive Xi of a short 6-day learning curve? 6park.com

The following start from 21:50

Q: ‘How do you think about the data from China?’
A: ‘The hospitals in WuHan were out of capacity but the data were also falsified by them’
Q: ‘how do you trust our data in US?’
A: ‘We are doing what we can’
Well talking about hypocrisy and double standards you have a classic example here.

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