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送交者: lookingout[♂☆★★孤独的守望者★★☆♂] 于 2023-01-27 9:40 已读 5864 次 8 赞  


有些人护主心切,听不懂就得了,自己还创作替蓬佩奥缓颊。抓住现行了,来个死活不认,让人贻笑大方。 6park.com

首先,蓬佩奥说这番话得背景是2019年,4月15日在Texas A&M University最后回答部分学生有关如何才能找到美国国务院的工作时,在最后一个问题时,回答一个叫Ben的学生的提问时,说出来的。时间是28分23秒。 6park.com


我不会做字对字翻译,但英文附后。 6park.com

学生问:国务卿先生,我叫Ben, 是土木工程的学生。我的问题是你如何对有争议的国家比如沙特,在外交中做出谴责和让步平衡的? Hi, Mr. Secretary. My name is Ben Allen , and I’m a civil engineering student. My question for you is: How do you balance condemnations with concessions in diplomacy with a controversial government such as Saudi Arabia? Thank you. 6park.com

蓬佩奥: 我从这里开始:国务院如果不深刻认识到这个世界很tough(中文中没有很确切的词对应。大意是很困难的挑战),那么国务卿就不可能在这个位置上度过第一天。我们通常不会体会到由于我们有总是有基础和足够的优势,我们生活在美国有多么荣耀(ow glorious it is to be here )。或许你们在Texas A&M能体会到,但是太多的美国人不能理解我们有多么幸运。这个世界上有很多很tough的地方。 6park.com

So I always begin with a deep understanding that no secretary of state gets through their first day without recognizing it’s a tough world out there. We don’t appreciate how glorious it is to be here in the United States of America on a consistent enough basis and with enough favor. Maybe you do here at Texas A&M, but I think too many Americans don’t understand how blessed we are. These are -- are many, many tough places out there. 6park.com

如刚才所说(世界上有很多很多tough的地方,然而)每个tough的地方是不一样的。所以,他们对我们来说,是不同的挑战。我--这让我想起,你或许知道--有点跑题了。但就你提出的问题来说,我--当我是西点的学员时,我们第一个座右铭就是什么?我们不要扯谎,我们不要欺骗,我们不要偷盗,我们也不容许别人这么做。 (但是)我做过CIA主任。我们又扯谎,我们又欺骗,我们又偷盗。嗯,(吞吞吐吐。。。)我们有一个这方面的整个训练课程。这可以让你们想起美国实践的荣耀6park.com

Having said that, not all tough places are the same. They each present a different set of challenges. I -- it reminds me, you would know this as -- it’s a bit of an aside. But in terms of how you think about problem sets, I -- when I was a cadet, what’s the first -- what’s the cadet motto at West Point? You will not lie, cheat, or steal, or tolerate those who do. I was the CIA director. We lied, we cheated, we stole. It’s -- it was like -- we had entire training courses. It reminds you of the glory of the American experiment. 6park.com

贴主:lookingout于2023_01_27 9:43:54编辑
贴主:lookingout于2023_01_27 9:45:36编辑

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