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The book “Escaping the Trap: The US Army X Corps in
送交者: add321[☆★★add321com★★☆] 于 2024-01-30 1:09 已读 171 次  


回答: 对这种事情的分析,应该涵盖多角度多种说法,不能抱着一本资料当圣经。 由 cxy1223 于 2024-01-29 20:57

The book “Escaping the Trap: The US Army X Corps in Northeast Korea, 1950” by Roy E. Appleman is a part of the Texas A&M University Military History Series and was published in 19901. It is a well-researched and comprehensive account of the US Army X Corps’ campaign in Northeast Korea during the Korean War 12. The author has relied on military records, published literature, interviews, and correspondence with survivors to present an hour-by-hour account of the retreat of four US Army divisions and the Marines before a Chinese advance 3. The book has been reviewed by the Journal of American History and has been cited in other publications 13. Based on the information available, it appears that the book is a reliable source of information on the subject matter.
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