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送交者: PRChina[★★声望品衔9★★] 于 2020-10-07 11:48 已读 871 次 3 赞  


有垃圾文辟谣,说麦克阿瑟从没有说过要使用原子弹。我就转一篇James G. Lucas对麦克阿瑟在1954年的一篇采访。James G. Lucas是普利策新闻奖的获得者,某风不会说他是在造谣吧。 6park.com


He was dismissed by President Truman from his Pacific commands, abruptly ending any hope that his drastic program for the Korean War would be adopted. 6park.com

He found Mr. Eisenhower at first an enthusiastic backer of the MacArthur plan to end the cold war. But the counsel of John Foster Dulles prevailed and the plan never was made known to the public. 6park.com

General MacArthur grieved over both failures in an extraordinary interview he gave this reporter on Jan. 27, 1954, the day after his 74th birthday. His hands shook as he spoke of Korea: 6park.com

“Of all the campaigns of my life, 20 major ones to be exact, the one I felt most sure of was the one I was deprived of waging. I could have won the war in Korea in a maximum of 10 days, with considerably fewer casualties than were suffered during the so‐called truce period, and it would have altered the course of history. 6park.com

“The enemy's air (power) would first have been taken out. I would have dropped between 30 and 50 atomic bombs on his air bases and other depots strung across the neck of Manchuria from just across the Yalu River from Antung (northwestern tip of Korea) to the neighborhood of Hunchun (just north of the northeastern tip of Korea near the border of the U.S.S.R.). 6park.com

Between 30 and 50 atomic bombs would have more than done the job. Dropped under cover of darkness they would have destroyed the enemy's air force on the ground, wiped out his maintenance and his airmen. His only means of rebuilding would have been over the singletrack Trans‐Siberian Railroad. It is an excellently run railroad but it could not have handled the material needed to rebuild the enemy's air force in a sufficient space of time.
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