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送交者: add321[☆★★add321com★★☆] 于 2021-04-07 22:06 已读 1713 次 7 赞  


美国是否有"页"韩战扔原子弹--看看英文 6park.com


(再不认英文的,也应该知道贴图标题的含义吧。) 6park.com

1 6park.com

“President Truman raised the ante. At a November press conference, he told reporters he would take whatever steps were necessary to win in Korea, including the use of nuclear weapons. Those weapons, he added, would be controlled by military commanders in the field.”
--杜鲁门总统公开(1950年11月)声称包括使用核武,而且强调核武控制(使用)权就在战场司令官手中。 6park.com


“In April of the next year, Truman put the finishing touches on Korea's nuclear war. He allowed nine nuclear bombs with fissile cores to be transferred into Air Force custody and transported to Okinawa. Truman also authorized another deployment of atomic-capable B-29s to Okinawa. Strategic Air Command set up a command-and-control team in Tokyo.”
--第二年四月,杜鲁门为朝鲜的核战争进行收尾准备,杜鲁门总统容许9颗核蛋(带有裂变触发装置)至日本冲绳,并将美国战略轰炸机B-29s 布置日本冲绳(可携带原子弹的)。 6park.com


“This spate of atomic diplomacy coincided with the end of the role played by Douglas MacArthur. After MacArthur had publicly and repeatedly differed with the president over military strategy in Korea, Truman replaced him with General Matthew Ridgway, who was given ‘qualified authority’ to use the bombs if he felt he had to.”
--麦走人后,接替者李微奇(对核武)给予同样的使用权。 6park.com


“In June 1951, the atomic-capable B-29s flew home, carrying their special weapons with them.”
--1951年6月,美国 B-29s才携带核武飞回美国本土。(注:1951年开始有停战谈判) 6park.com


2 6park.com

Operation Hudson Harbor Operation was a United States Air Force Nuclear Strike training operation against North Korea, China, and the Soviet Union during the Korean War that was never escalated further. 6park.com

The plan was to destroy large military targets, power plants, and also create a ring of blast zones through Manchuria to dissuade any further intervention from the Communists. Although the use of nuclear weapons was approved, they were never needed because the Chinese and North Koreans eventually signed the Korean Armistice Agreement.  6park.com

上面简而言之就是美国为韩战使用核武及其效果都作了准备和考量,虽然核武被授权使用(注意英文是说已经授权可以用的意思了),但因为停战谈判(协议)而没有用。 6park.com


实际上,美国空军的各种常规轰炸已经很有核武化的破坏效果,除了核放射等效果外,美军已经了解他们手中的“the Right Stuff” (美空军对常规大量轰炸能带来的效果的一种用语),美军对轰炸有了心得:用超常规的常规轰炸代替用核武而已;用核武的效果也就是超常规轰炸而已;再多用核武其实是多选择一次超常规的轰炸而已。 6park.com


3 6park.com

With more reinforcements coming from the People's Republic of China, American high command began to fear its ability to win. They began to consider more options involving nuclear weapons.[1][2][3] 6park.com

美国考虑用核武的原因是中国军队的补充使美军高层担心赢不了战争。[1][2][3]是参考文献。 6park.com

[1] B-29s Over Korea: Korean War and Classified Reconnaissance Recollections  6park.com

and Related Stories. 6park.com

[2] Kim, John. "Timeline of Nuclear Threats on the Korean Peninsula" 6park.com

[3] Cumings, Bruce. "Why Did Truman Really Fire MacArthur? ... The Obscure  6park.com

History of Nuclear Weapons and the Korean War Provides the Answer". History  6park.com

News Network. 6park.com


看看上述英文资料,智者就都可以有自己的结论了。 6park.com



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