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应和 连横合纵 的 十四行诗
送交者: 桂花酒[♂☆★★★和气生财★★★☆♂] 于 2018-12-23 9:29 已读 1103 次 2 赞  


Three Drops of Tears 6park.com

There is no sleepiness in the depressed eyes, In front of the screen the black hair worry to white. Trading Stock,Foreign exchange and Futures, Make three drops of tears of men,we trade,we trade ! 6park.com

One drop of tears has moistened the beloved stock, I begged her when I was hungry and cold; Hope and expectation are in vain, I was always teased, slandered, deceived by her, we trade, we trade ! 6park.com

A drop of tears flows through the global currency market. She doesn't care about my pain, A drop of tears was scattered to the ruthless futures Here are traps and temptations everywhere, we trade, we trade ! 6park.com

The banknotes are flying, the keyboard is humming, I keep trading, no day and night, Trading makes three drops of tears of men,we trade,we trade ! 6park.com


《三滴泪》 6park.com

忧郁的眼中没有困乏, 屏幕前愁白了乌发: 炒股炒汇炒期货, 炒出了男儿的三滴泪花,我们炒,我们炒 6park.com

一滴眼泪润湿了心爱的股票, 我在饥寒交迫时乞求过她; 希望和期待都是徒然, 总被她戏弄、挪揄、欺骗,我们炒,我们炒! 6park.com

一滴眼泪流在全球的汇市, 她毫不关心我的痛痒, 一滴眼泪撒向无情的期货, 这里到处是陷阱和诱惑,我们炒,我们炒! 6park.com

钞票象在飞,键盘嗒嗒响,我不停地炒,没日没夜, 炒出了男儿的三滴泪花,我们炒,我们炒! 6park.com

写诗灵感,此我非吾,乃自杀的名教授之流是也。桂花酒炒股,主要为研究炒股哲学和人工智能炒股程序编写也,赚不乐,输不悲,平淡如水。 6park.com

https://club.6parker.com/pk/index.php?app=forum&act=threadview&tid=14062326 6park.com

最后,对留园晓天知地,聪慧好学,能歌善舞的 罕见大才女,说一句你懂的德语。 6park.com

Es waer schoen, wenn Sie sich ueber mehr Kunst als Politik interessiren wuerden! 6park.com


贴主:桂花酒于2018_12_23 9:40:10编辑

评分完成:已经给 桂花酒 加上 100 银元!

评分完成:已经给 桂花酒 加上 100 银元!

贴主:桂花酒于2018_12_23 17:58:00编辑
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