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谁应该使用 Vanguard、Fidelity 和 Schwab?
送交者: nowhere1[♂☆★★✦娱乐人生✦★★☆♂] 于 2023-04-03 11:32 已读 1854 次  


谁应该使用 Vanguard、Fidelity 和 Schwab?177
山姆·利普斯科姆太平洋夏令时间 2023 年 4 月 2 日星期日上午 6:00众所周知,Vanguard、Fidelity 和 Charles Schwab 是三个最受欢迎和知名的经纪公司。 这些金融机构也是最大的一些,提供范围广泛的产品和服务,从银行和投资产品到财务顾问和财务规划服务。 但是,从费用到金融服务再到研究资源,存在一些重要差异,每一项都可能影响您的客户体验。 如果您需要投资帮助,请使用 SmartAsset 的免费财务顾问匹配工具。
Vanguard vs. Fidelity vs. Schwab 概述Vanguard、Fidelity 和 Schwab 是经纪领域的三大参与者,提供范围广泛的投资和银行产品。 事实上,您几乎可以在任何这些机构中开设任何类型的账户。 但是在费用和他们的特定服务套件方面,他们的叠加略有不同。
Vanguard 通过创建和提供低费用投资产品(例如共同基金和交易所交易基金 (ETF))而闻名。 它仍然这样做,甚至非 Vanguard 客户也可以通过经纪账户购买 Vanguard 基金。 该公司现已发展为提供非专有投资产品和基金。 但是,在交易个人股票时,它并不是一个很好的产品。
富达可能以其个人投资产品而闻名,即允许用户交易股票的经纪账户。 客户可以使用富达经纪账户投资范围广泛的股票、债券和其他投资产品。 富达还努力为客户提供投资资源,并且在收费方面不收取太多费用,尽管越来越多的经纪商和经纪自营商正在转向免费投资模式。
Charles Schwab,简称 Schwab,可能是三者中最全面的。 虽然 Schwab 的基金不如 Vanguard 出名,但它仍然拥有许多被动和主动管理的基金,您可以将资金投入其中。 您还可以选择交易个别股票。 它还提供免费的机器人顾问服务,那些想与真正的顾问合作的人也可以选择。
Vanguard vs. Fidelity vs. Schwab:费用大多数经纪平台在过去几年都取消了交易费用,Vanguard、Fidelity 和 Schwab 也不例外。 这三个机构的经纪账户持有人无需为交易股票支付任何佣金或交易费。 这三个机构的共同基金交易大多是免费的,尤其是内部共同基金。 某些非专有共同基金可能在每个机构产生高达 49.95 美元的交易费用。
您会产生持续交易成本的一个地方是期权交易。 然而,每个机构的期权交易成本相对较低。 Fidelity 和 Schwab 对每个期权收取 0.65 美元,而 Vanguard 收取 1 美元。 请记住,这些是合同费用,而不是佣金。
虽然一些更具体的交易可能会产生额外费用,但使用这三个机构中的每一个的经验成本都非常低,如果您只投资于个人股票和内部基金以及其他投资,则可以完全免费。 其他投资可能会让您付出代价。 例如,如果通过 Vanguard 投资抵押贷款支持证券,您需要为每笔交易支付 35 美元。
值得注意的是,这些费用表不包括您因拥有某些基金的股份而产生的费用。 Fidelity 拥有多种没有费用比率的基金,Vanguard 和 Schwab 的平均费用比率都远低于行业标准。
Vanguard vs. Fidelity vs. Schwab:服务和功能在投资和经纪账户方面,Vanguard、Fidelity 和 Schwab 各自提供一套相对相似的服务。 如前所述,每个机构都允许客户免费交易个人股票。 每个账户都提供范围广泛的账户,包括 401(k)s、529 计划、托管账户、各种个人退休账户 (IRA)、联名账户等。
对于大多数账户,这三个机构中的每一个都有 0 美元的最低投资额。 但是,Vanguard 对其某些共同基金的投资确实有最低限额,通常在 1,000 美元到 3,000 美元之间。 但是,某些基金的最低限额更高。
如前所述,Vanguard 最近以其基金产品而闻名,允许投资者被动地管理他们的资金,而不是不断地监控单个股票的投资组合。 虽然您可以选择以与使用任何其他经纪账户的方式类似的方式进行交易,但 Vanguard 的服务特别适合那些想要投资共同基金、交易所交易基金和指数基金的人。
富达凭借其两种产品脱颖而出。 第一的,
富达凭借其两种产品脱颖而出。 首先,使用 Fidelity 进行免费和最低限额的交易要容易得多。 您当然可以使用佣金和免费交易,但您也可以使用大量免费资金供您选择。 这使得被动投资变得更加简单。 除此之外,富达还免费提供独一无二的投资教育资源供客户使用。
虽然 Fidelity 和 Vanguard 都有自己的机器人顾问服务版本,但 Schwab 的表现略高于其他公司。 Schwab Intelligent Portfolios 通过让您参加一个小测验来考虑您的偏好,然后根据您的回答将您的资产投资于低成本基金。 此服务是可选的,因此即使您决定不使用它,您仍然可以使用 Schwab 的一系列经纪服务。 与富达一样,嘉信理财拥有一套稳固的金融和投资资源。
富达的机器人顾问服务称为 Fidelity Go。 它提供相对简单的顾问服务,并且没有最低余额要求。 如果您的帐户中有 10,000 美元到 50,000 美元,您将每月支付 3 美元的费用。 超过 50,000 美元的账户按管理资产的 0.35% 收取年费。
Vanguard 还提供名为 Vanguard Personal Advisor Services 的机器人顾问服务。 该服务融合了自动化和个性化的投资服务,并收取 0.3% 的管理费。 它也有至少 50,000 美元,因此您最好与财务顾问合作。
Vanguard vs. Fidelity vs. Schwab:在线和移动体验Vanguard、Fidelity 和 Schwab 均提供移动体验和桌面版本。 您甚至可以直接在线或通过电话联系这些公司。
当您访问桌面网站时,每家公司都有可靠的功能,您甚至可能会说这就是它们的设计用途。 从各个平台的桌面版网站,您可以买卖股票、基金等。 您还可以访问任何机器人顾问服务、转账、利用教育资源等。
每个机构的移动应用程序在受欢迎程度和可用性方面各不相同。 就其移动应用程序的价值而言,嘉信理财介于富达和先锋之间。 虽然 Schwab 应用程序在 Apple 商店中获得 4.8 星评级,在 Google Play 商店中获得 3.5 星评级,但普遍的批评是 Schwab 以信息淹没了客户。 这对经验丰富的交易者来说可能是个好消息,但新投资者可能会感到不知所措。 无论哪种情况,您仍然可以在手机和计算机上使用该平台的所有服务。
Vanguard 应用程序的评价几乎没有那么高。 在 Google Play 商店中,它只有 1.6 星评级。 事实上,该公司的移动产品似乎受到了太多的批评,以至于它发布了一个新版本的应用程序,承诺会有额外的功能。 也就是说,该应用程序的 Apple 版本具有 4.7 星评级。
富达似乎为客户提供了最好的整体在线和移动体验。 虽然它与 Schwab 的声誉相似,即有点难以为新投资者综合,但它似乎仍然更容易驾驭。 此外,借助该公司的全套教育资源,新投资者应该可以毫无问题地弄清楚如何最好地利用该平台进行投资。 在 Apple 商店中,Fidelity 应用程序获得 4.8 星评级,在 Google Play 商店中获得 4.5 星评级。
谁应该使用 Vanguard、Fidelity 和 Schwab?正如我们在本次审查中提到的,Vanguard、Fidelity 和 Schwab 拥有许多相同的重要特征。 每个都允许您投资各种证券,从股票到基金,而无需支付费用和佣金。 每个基金的费用率都很低甚至不存在。 每一个都是您可以利用的功能强大的在线交易和账户管理平台。 但是,可能需要先了解一下这些平台。 也就是说,每个人都出于不同的原因脱颖而出。
Vanguard 因其令人印象深刻的交易所交易、指数和共同基金产品而脱颖而出。 其中一些有很高的最低要求,但它使该平台非常适合任何有钱投资的人。 您还可以与 Vanguard 交易个股和债券,但通常最好利用该公司精心策划的基金产品来为自己赢得名声。
Fidelity 略高于其两个竞争对手,主要是因为该公司几乎无所作为。 该公司拥有强大的交易平台,经验丰富的投资者和初学者都可以利用该平台。 您可以使用 Fidelity 的全套投资工具和教育资源来微调您的投资能力。
嘉信理财在竞争中也表现出色,尤其是在其机器人顾问服务方面。 你可以利用它,也可以投资你
嘉信理财在竞争中也表现出色,尤其是在其机器人顾问服务方面。 您可以利用它,也可以自己投资。 即使是那些选择后者的人也不应该花太多时间利用嘉信理财的各种产品。 然而,该公司的平台往往专注于经验丰富的投资者。
底线Vanguard、Fidelity 和 Schwab 是美国最稳健、最知名和最受欢迎的三家经纪公司。 他们每个人都涵盖了基础知识等等。 这使它们成为所有投资者(从初学者到高级交易者)的宝贵和有用的平台。
虽然每个平台在报价和特色方面可能略有不同,但每个平台都允许客户在网上和移动设备上进行交易而不收取费用和佣金。 Vanguard、Fidelity 和 Schwab 是任何希望以他们认为合适的方式拿钱并为未来投资的人的三个可靠选择。
投资技巧寻找合格的财务顾问并不难。 SmartAsset 的免费工具可为您匹配您所在地区的最多三位财务顾问,您可以免费与您的顾问进行面谈,以确定哪一位最适合您。 如果您准备好寻找可以帮助您实现财务目标的顾问,请立即开始。
如果您决定自己投资,了解自己在做什么是值得的。 SmartAsset 也为您提供了帮助。 例如,查看我们的免费投资计算器 6park.com



Who Should Use Vanguard, Fidelity and Schwab?

177 6park.com





Sam Lipscomb 6park.com

Sun, April 2, 2023 at 6:00 AM PDT 6park.com

It's no secret that Vanguard, Fidelity and Charles Schwab are three of the most popular and well-known brokerage firms. These financial institutions are also some of the largest, offering a wide range of products and services, from banking and investment products to financial advisors and financial planning services. However, there are some important differences, from fees to financial services to research resources, each of which could impact your customer experience. If you want help investing, use SmartAsset's free financial advisor matching tool.

Overview of Vanguard vs. Fidelity vs. Schwab

Vanguard, Fidelity and Schwab are three of the biggest players in the brokerage space, offering a wide range of investment and banking products. In fact, you can open just about any type of account any of these institutions. But they stack up slightly differently when it comes to fees and their specific suite of services.

Vanguard made a name for itself by creating and offering low-fee investment products such as mutual funds and exchange-traded funds (ETFs). It still does this, and even non-Vanguard clients can buy Vanguard funds via a brokerage account. The firm has grown to now offer non-proprietary investment products and funds. However, it's not as great of a product when it comes to trading individual equities. 6park.com

Fidelity is perhaps best known for its personal investment products, namely brokerage accounts that allow users to trade stocks. Clients can invest in a wide range of stocks, bonds and other investment products using a Fidelity brokerage account. Fidelity also makes an effort to provide investment resources to its clients and doesn't charge much in the way of fees, though more and more brokerages and broker-dealers are moving towards fee-free investment models.

Charles Schwab, known as Schwab for short, is probably the most holistic of the three. While not as well known for its funds than Vanguard, Schwab still has a number of passively and actively managed funds that you can invest your money into. You also have the option to trade individual equities. It also offers free robo-advisor services, and those who want to work with a real advisor will have that option as well.

Vanguard vs. Fidelity vs. Schwab: Fees

Most brokerage platforms have gotten rid of transaction fees over the past couple years, and Vanguard, Fidelity and Schwab are no exception. Brokerage account holders at each of the three institutions won't have to pay any commissions or trading fees for trading stocks. Trading mutual funds is mostly free at all three institutions, particularly for in-house mutual funds. Certain non-proprietary mutual funds may incur transaction costs of up to $49.95 at each institution.

The one place where you'll incur consistent transaction costs is when it comes to options trading. However, transaction costs for options at each institution are comparably quite low. Both Fidelity and Schwab charge $0.65 per option, while Vanguard charges $1. Keep in mind that these are contract fees, not commissions.

While some, more specific transactions may incur additional fees, the experience using each of these three institutions is quite low cost and can be entirely free if you only invest in individual equities and in-house funds, among other investments. Other investments may cost you. For example, you'll need to pay $35 per transaction if investing in mortgage-backed securities with Vanguard.

It's worth noting that these fee schedules don't include the charges you'll incur for owning shares of certain funds. Fidelity has a wide variety of funds that have no expense ratio, and both Vanguard and Schwab have average expense ratios that are a lot lower than the industry standard.

Vanguard vs. Fidelity vs. Schwab: Services and Features

When it comes to investments and brokerage accounts, Vanguard, Fidelity and Schwab each offer a relatively similar suite of services. As mentioned before, each institution allows clients to trade individual equities fee-free. Each offers a wide range of accounts as well, including 401(k)s, 529 plans, custodial accounts, a variety of individual retirement accounts (IRAs), joint accounts and more.

Each of the three institutions have $0 investment minimums for most accounts. However, Vanguard does have minimums for investing in some of its mutual funds, typically ranging from $1,000 to $3,000. However, certain funds have even higher minimums.

As noted before, Vanguard is lately known for its fund offerings, allowing investors to passively manage their money instead of constantly monitoring a portfolio of individual stocks. While you have the option to trade similarly to how you would with any other brokerage account, Vanguard's service are particularly geared towards those who want to invest in mutual, exchange-traded and index funds.

Fidelity stands out with two of it's offerings. First, it's much easier to trade with no fee and minimums with Fidelity. You'll of course have access to commission and fee-free trading, but you'll also have access to loads of fee-free funds from which to choose. This makes passive investing even simpler. On top of that, Fidelity offers one-of-a-kind investment education resources for clients to use, free of charge.

While Fidelity and Vanguard both have their own versions of a robo-advisor service, Schwab's stands out a bit above the rest. Schwab Intelligent Portfolios takes into account your preferences by having you take a short quiz, and then invests your assets in low-cost funds based on your answers. This service is optional, so even if you don't decide to use it, you'll still have access to Schwab's range of brokerage services. Like Fidelity, Schwab has a solid suite of financial and investment resources.

Fidelity's robo-advisor service is called Fidelity Go. It provides a relatively light advisor service and carries no minimum balance requirement. If you have between $10,000 and $50,000 in your account, you'll pay a $3 monthly fee. Accounts with more than $50,000 are charged an annual fee of 0.35% of assets under management.

Vanguard also has a robo-advisor service called Vanguard Personal Advisor Services. This service blends both automated and personalized investment services and charges a 0.3% management fee. It also has a minimum of $50,000, so you may be better off working with a financial advisor.

Vanguard vs. Fidelity vs. Schwab: Online and Mobile Experience

Vanguard, Fidelity and Schwab each offer both mobile experiences and desktop versions. You can even contact the companies directly online or over the phone.

Each company has solid functionality when you visit the desktop website, and you might even say that this is how they're designed to be used. From the desktop website of each platform, you can buy and sell equities, funds and more. You can also access any robo-advisor services, transfer money, utilize educational resources and more.

The mobile apps of each of these institutions vary in popularity and usability. Schwab sits somewhere between Fidelity and Vanguard when it comes to how valuable its mobile apps are. While the Schwab app has a 4.8 star rating on the Apple store and a 3.5 star rating on the Google Play store, a common criticism is that Schwab overwhelms customers with information. This could be a positive for more seasoned traders, but new investors may feel overwhelmed. In either case, you'll still be able to use all the platform's services both on your phone and at your computer.

The Vanguard app isn't nearly as highly rated. On the Google Play store it has just a 1.6 star rating. In fact, the company seems to have gotten so much flack about its mobile offering that it's releasing a new version of the app that promises to have additional features. That said, the Apple version of the app has a 4.7 star rating.

Fidelity seems to have the best overall online and mobile experience for customers. While it has a similar reputation as Schwab of being a little hard to synthesize for newer investors, it still seems to be easier to navigate. Plus, with the company's suite of education resources, new investors should have no problem figuring out how to best use the platform to invest their money. On the Apple store, the Fidelity app has a 4.8 star rating, and on the Google Play store it has a 4.5 star rating.

Who Should Use Vanguard, Fidelity and Schwab?

As we've mentioned throughout this review, Vanguard, Fidelity and Schwab boast many of the same important features. Each allows you to invest in a variety of securities, from equities to funds, without paying fees and commissions. Each has low to non-existent expense ratios for funds. And each is a capable online trading and account management platform that you can take advantage of. However, there's potentially a bit of learning about the platforms first. That said, each stands out for a different reason.

Vanguard stands out because of its impressive suite of exchange-traded, index and mutual fund offerings. Some of these have high minimums, but it makes the platform excellent for anyone with some money to invest. You can also trade individual stocks and bonds with Vanguard, but you'll usually be better off taking advantage of the fund offerings that the company has curated to make a name for itself.

Fidelity stands out slightly above its two competitors, largely because there isn't much that the company doesn't do. The company boasts a robust trading platform that can be taken advantage of by experienced investors and beginners alike. You can use Fidelity's comprehensive suite of investment tools and educational resources to fine tune your investment abilities.

Schwab holds up quite well against the competition too, especially when it comes to its robo-advisor service. You can take advantage of it or you can invest on your own. Even those that choose the latter shouldn't have too hard a time taking advantage of Schwab's wide variety of offerings. However, the firm's platform tends to focus on investors with more experience.

Bottom Line

Vanguard, Fidelity and Schwab are three of the most robust, well-known and popular brokerage firms in the country. They each cover the basics and much more. This makes them valuable and useful platforms for all investors, from beginners to advanced traders.

While each platform may differ at the margins when it comes to their offers and specialties, each allows clients to trade without fees and commissions and to do so both online and on their mobile devices. Vanguard, Fidelity and Schwab are three solid options for anyone looking to take their money and invest in for the future in the way they see fit.

Investing Tips

Finding a qualified financial advisor doesn’t have to be hard. SmartAsset’s free tool matches you with up to three financial advisors in your area, and you can interview your advisor matches at no cost to decide which one is right for you. If you’re ready to find an advisor who can help you achieve your financial goals, get started now.

If you decide to invest on your own, it pays to know what you're doing. SmartAsset has you covered there as well. For example, check out our free investment calculator.

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